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stargirl Oct 2015
what does it mean
when home
no longer feels like
stargirl Sep 2015
i'm lost in stolen dances,
half smiles,
and thoughts so deep
i'm too afraid to swim in them.

my hair is tangled
along with my words.
forming coherent sentences
seems like a lost art.

i filled his mind with promises
i'll never keep,
and secrets i made up,
so that he wouldn't label me
as basic.
because i'm complex, i swear!
it's just been hard to prove ever since it was erased off of my personality
a few years ago.

the ground he and i walk
turns to quicksand
as he asks how i'm doing;
what my favourite song is.

showers suffocate me,
coffee tastes like him,
and love no longer inspires.

my whole life
is a cry for help.
  Jul 2015 stargirl
too many poems
too many poets
describing the
same **** feelings
and yet
throughout the centuries
none of us
have ever found
the right words
// spent my whole life tryna put it into words //

thank you so much for the daily ♡
stargirl Jul 2015
when the words they swore they would never speak
came spiraling out of their mouth,
dizzying your already unsteady mind?

when your veins twisted into the threads and seams of the sweater they gave you?

when you couldn't even gather the courage to tell yourself
that it would be okay?

when the tears cascading down your cheeks,
were beginning to float a boat with a white flag hoisted?

when your senses became null,
and you swore that you were just
a lonely apparition floating through the

*when you lost it all?
random again
  Jul 2015 stargirl
You are never given a warning
Often times, not will try and stop you
Your heart will flutter like hand painted butterfly wings
You will know you are in love when your hand is aching to write poems on their shoulders
Love grows like vines up from your stomach climbing to your heart and mind
Braiding into itself like a strand of DNA
Singing prayers and sacred alphabets of lust
No one is sure how to describe love because we negate definition when we know it is deliberately dangerous
We make it seem like this heartache is so wonderful
Because it is better to feel something for someone that to not feel anything at all
A joyous disaster is still a disaster
We are putting up wallpaper to cover up old memories, love songs, favorite colors going grey
We are never sure of what to do when our pulse turns to choir of sledgehammers when they tell you that they just don’t love you anymore
Something will trigger inside of you and you will feel like a city of stained glass with an approaching terrorist attack
But we continue to fall in love
Wondering how many times we can survive roulette
stargirl Jul 2015
attempt doesn't breed success,
so for me to have thought that just because i gave myself multiple chances does not mean i would succeed even once,
and that's the truth no one wants to hear.
stargirl Jun 2015
I can no longer tell the difference between my dreams and my actual memories.

There's a black hole in my mind,
and I wouldn't be surprised
if there were one in
my heart


All I can hear is your heartbeat's melody softly playing in the back of my head like elevator music.

So softly.


My thoughts are so scattered
that putting them together would be like putting together a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle
color blind,
and I know that's terrible,
but it feels amazing knowing you're the only one who can put them back together,
because you saw the world in every color possible.

And I loved that.

And I loved you.
make of it what you will
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