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Nov 2022 · 2.1k
Dear Women
Stan Gichuki Nov 2022
Dear Women,
If you’re wondering why he’s no longer texting you it’s probably because when he was, He felt like he was the one putting in all the effort he’s the one that sent the good morning and good night text first. He is the one that would ask you how your day was he would specifically check on that one thing you told him you were doing today. It is not because he has all the time in the world and he has nothing better to do he’s busy with his own things he made the conscious decision to make time for you only when he saw over and over again that his efforts were not being reciprocated that he decided to leave.

"I don't like texting" yet that is all they do when I am with them 😂

How hard is it to fully form a sentence.. 😂
Mar 2019 · 321
Stan Gichuki Mar 2019
I didn't come into this world willingly,
Feb 2019 · 405
Stan Gichuki Feb 2019
If you ever feel left
Just remember that's where God placed the Heart.
Feb 2019 · 260
Stan Gichuki Feb 2019
We can Repair watches but cant create time.
Dec 2018 · 326
Stan Gichuki Dec 2018
We teach our boys to hunt... and our girls to pray. Neither fully aware of their role in this destructive game.
Dec 2018 · 305
Critical Thinking
Stan Gichuki Dec 2018
The ability to nurture your Mind Body and Soul guarantees a successful life.
Dec 2018 · 245
Stan Gichuki Dec 2018
Too much jealousy
Too much fear of the next persons success.
Too many unnecessary gate keepers.
We must be the change we want to see!
Dec 2018 · 294
Stan Gichuki Dec 2018
-Sufficient God's Grace
-Good health
-Happy family
-Happiness More life
-Financial breakthrough
Nov 2018 · 244
Stan Gichuki Nov 2018
Sometimes, you tell someone never to call you again and then the phone rings and you hope it’s them. Its the most twisted logic of all time.
Nov 2018 · 354
Stan Gichuki Nov 2018
Life equation can never be balance
Nov 2018 · 2.0k
Stan Gichuki Nov 2018
I fall in love with souls not faces
Nov 2018 · 226
Stan Gichuki Nov 2018
Every creative is unique
Nov 2018 · 190
Stan Gichuki Nov 2018
I'm not the Thank God is Friday type,
I'm the Thank God am a live today type.
Aug 2018 · 628
Beard Gang
Stan Gichuki Aug 2018
Beard don’t make you a reasonable man.. even goats have beards and all they do is meh.. meh.. all day
Aug 2018 · 533
Stan Gichuki Aug 2018
"You're On Your Own"
Aug 2018 · 535
Stan Gichuki Aug 2018
It just hit me that I’ll be playing timeless hits from the 2000's and it will **** my kids off just like how I hated my folk’s oldies. can't wait.
Aug 2018 · 189
Stan Gichuki Aug 2018
I’m so happy I grew up in a time where we played hide and seek and played on the street with friends rather than playing on an iPad all day
Aug 2018 · 162
Stan Gichuki Aug 2018
The problem with them quiet storm slow jam groves is everybody gets in a baby-making mood.
Aug 2018 · 457
I choose Laughter
Stan Gichuki Aug 2018
I have come to notice that people have forgotten to live and enjoy their lives. People let their moods rely on what they feel when they wake up, focus on what happened on the road to work, focus on what their bosses did, on how bad the food was and how it started raining before five. We have all forgotten to appreciate that we are alive, that we have the capability to love and to feel love, the ability to enjoy the taste of food, to breathe in fresh air, to walk. All this gets me sad but

I choose life, I choose laughter, I choose love

I been let down way too many times that I don't even look forward to ****, I just be like "Yeah, we'll see “it’s a terrible thing (I think) in life to wait until you're ready. I have the feeling now that no one is ever ready to do anything. there's almost no such thing as 'ready.' all we have is now. and you may as well do it now. now is as good a time as any

I choose life, I choose laughter, I choose love, I choose Peace
Jul 2018 · 174
Stan Gichuki Jul 2018
Your boyfriend is out here  promising you the world yet he still owes it to his ex.
May 2018 · 314
Get things off your chest
Stan Gichuki May 2018
People Write Because No One Listens


May 2018 · 217
Stan Gichuki May 2018
Do not prematurely announce your blessings
Even when your business is growing, please don’t get comfortable.
Aug 2017 · 275
13 year
Stan Gichuki Aug 2017
Nowadays you see a 13 year old girl
posting "I want to forget everything
and move on" Forget what little sister?
the multiplication table??
Aug 2017 · 318
Stan Gichuki Aug 2017
Some people aren't really all that they 'post' to be.
Aug 2017 · 707
Stan Gichuki Aug 2017
YOU saw him in a Facebook group:
•U check his Profile picture.
•He Drives A Range Rover Sport 2016.
.He is handsome.
•He inboxes you.
•You reply, all excited.
•You'll want 2 hook up.
•You set a date.
•You dress up that Legging With No underwear.
•Smelling good.
•You put on a makeup - fresh breath and new weave.
•He takes you 4 lunch @ Serena Hotel.
•He Takes you for - Drinks At Java.
•You two have a good time.
•He rubs your hand,
•Makes you laugh,
•Gives you looks and smiles.
•You stupidly fall in love.
•It's like you've known him Forever.
•He takes you to his apartment.
•He makes you feel comfortable and lays u on his bed.
•Kiss you passionately.
•You love his aggression, strength, power and you give in.
•It feels good.
•You know it's wrong, but it feels good.
•You ask for protection, he says it's too late.
•You obey and don't disturb.
•He says he loves you and you don't hesitate to say you love him too. He hits it nice and slow
•After, he goes to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
•He helps you drink it, ooohh man.
•You feel special.
•"He must be the one" you think to yourself.
•You get dressed.
•He takes you to the taxi park.
•He kisses you on the cheeks and says
•"I had a great time,"
•Gives You cash.
•U smile and say.
•"See you tomorrow babe."
• He stays silent.
•Your taxi drives away,
•In the taxi u can't stop smiling.
•You get home and inbox him that you got home safe.
•He is online, but doesn't reply.
•It's unlike him, so you inbox him again.
•He doesn't respond.
•Minutes later you can't find him on ur friend list.
•Days, weeks, months passes by.
•You start feeling sick, weak, loose weight, act strange with sores in your mouth.
•You go to the clinic.
•Get tested.
•Minutes later,
•Nurse walks in."I'm sorry. You're *** Positive and Pregnant!"
•".HOW ?"
•You don't understand.
•Reality hits you.
•You walk home.
•You go to the bus stop.
•You lay, hopeless, emotionless.
•You see death coming nearer.
•You look into the sky & mumble a prayer.
That's the end of you.
Don't be that girl !Live well. Stop Chasing Material Things.
Be A Girl You Want Your Daughter To Be!
Jun 2017 · 354
True Savage
Stan Gichuki Jun 2017
These days’ people see the end of the relationship before it begins.
We break up for the fear of breaking up
Jun 2017 · 253
Stan Gichuki Jun 2017
When you EXCEL, they start to
Jun 2017 · 852
Stan Gichuki Jun 2017
I don't know if my daughter will be dark or light skinned,
I won't choose her mother by her skin Colour,
I'm into deep stuff.
The sound of our heartbeats together will be louder than the sound of our skin tone.
But in case my daughter complains about her being dark,
I will tell her not to worry, I'm paying school fees for her to be bright!
"And when she is 16 and in school I'll teach my hand to enjoy saying goodbye when i have to. So i hope she will learn, i hope she will learn that in this world education is key but with dignity, humility and respect you have a bunch of keys"
Jun 2017 · 243
Stan Gichuki Jun 2017
See, once in a while, when I find a pattern in someone's heart that matches my beat,
I become a hunter.
But my hands are too empty for me to say I gather.
And cupid has this thing of pointing me to girls who are already taken, girls I call by name while another man calls them mine.
I'm still searching for a girl who carries the whole solar energy in her eyes.
Then in my life, I will fear God, and the fact that one day she will stare at me too much, I will burn.
Jun 2017 · 577
Stan Gichuki Jun 2017
Wait. who is a hero?
Coward? Nah... I know.
Hero is that’s who takes care and looks after Your child like her own kid
Hero is Nanny.
Woman of courage
Jun 2017 · 285
Stan Gichuki Jun 2017
What if the "Y" in "Your man" is silent??
I'm kidding
Jun 2017 · 366
Stan Gichuki Jun 2017
We spend our lives disliking people
who like us and loving people who will never love us
Jun 2017 · 1.1k
Stan Gichuki Jun 2017
Your MCM is only flirting with you because he's bored and his WCW isn't replying .Sorry
Stop Reaching For My Hand, Your Boyfriends is Getting Cold.
May 2017 · 213
Stan Gichuki May 2017

If you hear what people say before and after they pick your calls, you wouldn't be friends with half of them.
May 2017 · 228
Stan Gichuki May 2017
I would like you and still not contact you.I don't like bothering people
May 2017 · 271
Stan Gichuki May 2017
We going places with our knees bent and our eyes closed
Apr 2017 · 223
Stan Gichuki Apr 2017
even if you hear a bad story about
me understand there was a time
i was good to those people too but
they won't tell you that
Jan 2017 · 271
Stan Gichuki Jan 2017
What lies before us doesn't matter,
What matters is,
What lies between us,
What lies within us,
There is no life without us.
Life is a Marathon
We shouldn't give up on human Race,
We are wildebeests in crocodile jaws,
Don't tell us that we are not going back to Egypt,
That's where River Nile flows.
If this planet was a police and it says FREEEEEEEZE!!!!!!!
The whole world would be at MELTING POINT.
Dec 2016 · 265
Stan Gichuki Dec 2016
If my father is not happy with me living in
his house, he should move out. I'm in my
fathers house, he should move to his own
father's house
Dec 2016 · 367
Stan Gichuki Dec 2016
I was born into a Kenyan home and I'm
constantly reminded that some kitchen
utensils are older than me
Dec 2016 · 280
Speak Out
Stan Gichuki Dec 2016
Around what time do dudes stop lying?
Around what time do women stop complaining?
                           2.Around what time will women stop believing the lies?
        "we continue our conversation after supper"
Dec 2016 · 407
Some girls
Stan Gichuki Dec 2016
Some girls will be like: "I cannot cook, my mom didn't teach me"
Well, my sister tell me who taught you *******???
Nov 2016 · 353
Stan Gichuki Nov 2016
I'm drinking for evolution, so that my children will have a stronger liver
Nov 2016 · 456
Stan Gichuki Nov 2016
I am not my mother’s tribe I am her pride.
Nov 2016 · 288
follow me
Stan Gichuki Nov 2016
Don follow me home naah!
follow me on Hello Poetry
#IG #HP #twitter
Oct 2016 · 384
Pure Madness
Stan Gichuki Oct 2016
Being rude to men
will only earn you
more days in your
father's compound!!
Mar 2016 · 376
Stan Gichuki Mar 2016
The skies look like they are going to cry tonight.
Mar 2016 · 330
Stan Gichuki Mar 2016
Blessed are you among women…
Stan Gichuki Feb 2016
The first time I saw you, was the birth of the goosebumps my skin raises today
I have never known a moment like when it hit me, I would take lessons to speak your heart language.
This world is not meant for the weak, but I’m meant for the times my knees lose strength around you.
When I call you at night, you tell me about work, about your workmates.
I have never been to your workplace but I picture how you sit, where you sit,
and sometimes, the shoe you’re wearing.
I have been struggling to know exactly how you feel about me.
I want to know you inside out,
know where you hang your clothes so I can see the labels you hide on you.
I know you go to church on Saturdays
but are you a front row or back row kinda girl?
When no one is watching,
do you secretly dance in the kitchen?
And have you ever been with a boy so shy
the only way he could corner a queen is if he had a chess board in front of him
See, for many years this ship has sailed
This is the first time in a long time I’m stuck at the dock-
This captain, this ship,
this sea beneath me betrayed by your waves
I’m not moving and it only makes sense;
I have fallen for someone who lifts me.
We cropped a photo to be together and it still feels right
You asked me the difference between dating and being in a relationship
so before you ask me about love
I will tell you what my grandmother would say;
to love, is to have the courage to be kind,
there is no fairytale in a real world,
no prince charming in ponds, just frogs whose skin will make you sick to the stomach.
But if you ask me to describe you,
then I will tell you…
I think you are intimidatingly strange
and crazily stunning
any girl who asks for my heart will not appreciate that you signed your name on it
or that you found the edge of my soul, folded it into pages and filled it with your handwriting.
I have known fire to burn and I’ve known you to be a flame because it is hot in here
and if my heart is not a clown for you then how do you explain the circus in here?
But tell me about broken parts.
Tell me who to blame if you don’t feel exactly how I feel about you.
Tell me how many mechanics have worked on hearts that stopped when you said no to
and do they work anymore?
Tell me why it’s taking you too long to learn how to lay your head on my chest
or don’t you like how my heart misses beats for you
Tell me how to know I’m the one when you look at me because I feel light in my head I can let you carry me with your stare.
Tell me to wait,
and I will wait for you
I’m not saying there’s no one like you
I’m telling you today,
I will fall for you just as hard,
10 years from now.
Jan 2016 · 397
Sweet Nothing
Stan Gichuki Jan 2016
I let the pain ooze through my veins,
To scribble words of shame,
Unto the forgotten scriptures of love,
Corroding my tissues,
Letting the rain wash away hope,
Of my dreams.

Let the bad guys forever taste the tasty fruits of the garden Eden,
Let the good guys taste the fruits of their tools of labour,
Let the reckless women get devoured past the gates of Hades,
Let the lucky women joke on the privileged embrace of appreciation.
Let hearts ache let wounds heal,
Let the moon hum the soothing tunes of despair,
Looping the rhythm of empty souls,
Let the stars swing their hips lustfully,
Let the earth weep and swallow its trickling tears,
Let the calendars roll back to thoughtful years,
Before I confess my feelings again…
To you, and you, and you!!!

I am hurt, I am lost, I am banished,
My story told is etched in stones of lithography,
There is no memories of yesterday, no longings of tomorrow,
******* son of the plains,
Poetry… My Heritage,
Your lips,
Architect of my pedigree,
Your tongue… Forbidden,
Your scent… alluring,
Your breath…. Distracting,
Your heart, echoing with every beat,
Your sweat, moist, I imagine it, salty.
You say, ‘Don’t kiss me’, I do,
You kiss back, you stop, I kiss again… You cringe!!!
I am hurt, I am lost, I am banished.

You always tell me that actions speak louder than words,
So I tried to mime dance my feelings,
I tried to explain that this is real but you put up Van Gogh’s ear and stared at the ceiling,
It’s killing, me inside, it is sealing me to my pride, its drilling me despite…,
My strength, my character!

I am a DJ and the moon is my deck,
Spinning the world.
I am a pale face, the stars, my ornaments,
I am a gladiator sent to the afterlife,
This crust my home,
I am the waters: Your photographer, endlessly capturing your reflection,
You easily now see why I mean it when I say,
‘You mean the World to me’
I am hurt, I am lost, I am banished.

Let the rivers glide across the mountains of ***** men,
Past the forests of ****** misgivings,
Past the fateful decisions, humans call choice,
Between the thighs of Athena,
Into the vaginal walls of pleasurable gains.
And I will be here waiting…
I am hurt, I am lost, I am banished.

I seek solace, on the tip of cupid’s arrow,
He is aiming for your chest,
I seek to land on your heart,
Swim in your arteries,
Seek refuge in your brain,
Jogging, panting.
Now feel how I feel when you are always running in my mind.
You ask me to take a walk in your shoes,
I can’t even tie my laces,
You are a rare blossoming flower,
I can’t even hold you like vases,
I wear my heart on my sleeves,
For protection.

I feel like the foetus aware it will be aborted,
Because I am dying inside,
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