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Dig out a deep pit of goodness in your house
Your children will always be thirsty
 Dec 2016 Stan Gichuki
Already knowing what someone is going to say,
is worse than hearing it for the first time.

I face dissatisfaction,
I face disappointment,
I face shame.

My intentions are contrary to what some may predict.

I am strong,
I am able,
I am independent.

To be given trust is all I ask,
and I shall never ask anything in return.
I went to their bed
To lay my weary head down
Only to hold doubt
Haiku, written on a brisk November morning
 Nov 2016 Stan Gichuki
Star Gazer
I wanted to walk with you as though our shoes were tied in a knot
and out of all the walking I've done, I could not do so feeling alone.
I had to have you by my side, it was the mentality behind the heart
that stands guard, too afraid to say 'I love you' and too afraid
to just let our laces untangle as we brace for a different life.

My mother always tells me, "the right girl will find her way to you"
as to do that I had to pretend that I was brave enough to stop hiding
because I've spent time confiding in the illusions of my mind
where you and I are holding hands, making plans and chasing dreams
but it seems that every time we sew the threads the seams seem
to become undone.

Take it from a guy who's excelled in hide and seek
the bleakest place to hide is always the one kept hidden away,
the forbidden place where snakes unravel from trees
and an apple a day makes things complete, but it isn't warm.
To conform to every single sweat and tear of living alone
has its price. Take it from a guy who's connected right to left hands
made plans between three people all synonymous with 'me, myself and i',
I can tell you that being alone isn't a good feeling.

The heart isn't hidden away, it's not meant to be kept safe,
sometimes you just have to let it break to know what living really is
because the realest of all emotions is letting yourself be vulnerable,
letting yourself feel loved and to feel love.

The heart sits behind a ribcage, but it's not meant to be hidden away,
it is there to remind you to breathe because in one swift moment
when your ribcage exposes your heart, someone will steal your breath
and death is not the result but the start of feeling alive.

Why else do we say, 'some people leaves us breathless'?
 Nov 2016 Stan Gichuki
Gloom Says
Problem with today's love is,
there are two souls involved
[When there is only space for one]
 Nov 2016 Stan Gichuki
I hate hating you
I love loving you

But sometimes,

I love hating you
I hate loving you

But most of the times

**No matter how much I hate loving you
I still love loving you
Sometimes in life we struggle,
Other times we don't, it shows us that we're human.

Coming to the realization that this
Life is our only
One and we should make the best of it.
Struggling is a sign of having a good life.
Everyday is a new day to start anew;

Together we can bring peace to
Others, share the love and bring down the

Hate! We're all in this together
And together is how we can bring
Peace to this world.
People running fast, not enjoying what life
Is about; What's all around us. So stop and
Notice what's around you
Each day, smell the flowers, see the beautiful
Sunrises and sunsets and just know
Someone else may be having a bad day too-You're not alone.

It will get better after the darkness fades!
Title from Hoodie Allen.
Written as it came to me.
We're all going through this life together, no one is perfect.'
Peace and Love
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
 Nov 2016 Stan Gichuki
Thanks for misundersnding me
Gives me a lot of clarity

Sky can't be without some rain
Experiences perspectives change
From sunshine to anger issues

Psychotic look whose wearing the
Could run crop circles around you
Foreign realities unspoken
Wonder or never land
Figures we were just playing pretend
 Nov 2016 Stan Gichuki
The Bible says
It is not good for the man to be alone
I will make a helper who is right for him

Now see why
in relationship
Don't push it
if it doesn't feel right

The Bible says
She dresses herself with strength
and makes her arms strong

Woman is strong enough
to make
Her man get back up
Drag her man down
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