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  Dec 2014 Spencer Dennison
You were born on a day
Where the oxygen in the room
Was thick and far from humble.
You were too perfect,
And I was shining with way too much pride
For the suggested serving size.

And you were gasping right before
You took your real first breath.
And I saw myself in you.
Gasping, trying to cry,
Trying to release and experience.
But lungs are made of wood sometimes.

Then you finally breathed in
And started crying hysterically,
Like babies do.
And that was the first thing we had in common.
Wooden lungs.
Our blue eyes were the second.

Sorry about your father,
He was less of a father figure
And more like a father figurine.
Too breakable, and far too easy
To put in the back of closet.

He never had to struggle for the air like we do.
He doesn't know how good that unhumble air tastes.
He didn't have wooden lungs.
And his eyes were brown.
Spencer Dennison Dec 2014
I told my friend last night,
that I have given up writing love poetry
for any woman alive.
I said it was because I lost my nerve,
but honestly...
I still write love poems
and I send them to you,
the girl in my dreams.

The one who will never hurt me...
On purpose, at least.
Spencer Dennison Dec 2014
There are jungles
that need watering.

There are moments
that need capturing.

There are poems
that need writing
and while that is so,
there can be no rest for
he who dreams.

He who dares make meaning
in a world with none.
Who, when all has been said and done,
has the audacity
to say and do more.

He who whittles away
a single aspen-wood branch
into a paddle
that he can use to row himself through **** creek
each and every time he ends up there.
Austerity is standard fare
in an economy built on foundations
that accepts truth
like a ration of which there will always
be a short supply.

He who dreams will be beaten
to the point of defeat,
but he will make the decision
to cross it or not.
To emboss his failure
on his forehead forever more
or to fight the good fight
whatever anyone has in store.

He who dreams does not sleep,
he creates Zs only with his pen
which will punctuate the leaps
between now and then,
when then becomes now
and now becomes 'time to go'
once again.

But he leaves only in spirit,
with his body left behind
not granted wings to follow...
instead left earthbound to swallow
the cold medicine
of reality.
Spencer Dennison Dec 2014
When I embrace you,
it feels like we're tied together by razor wire,
because the thought of letting go
Spencer Dennison Dec 2014
I wanted to say something about love
that has never been said...

So I said this... ahem

"My love is like a tiger with no fangs hooked up to a nuclear power plant headed over by a Rottweiler who can't stop the imminent nuclear meltdown because he doesn't have fingers."

The next poem will be a little less different.
Spencer Dennison Dec 2014
A question mark
is only an exclamation mark
that strayed from the straight path
in search of answers.
A period is only the end,
setting tracks for a new beginning.
are only thoughts
that never got...
Spencer Dennison Dec 2014
I do not know what the future holds
any more than any other man,
but if I can somehow picture
that you will be with me,
your hand in mine...
Then who the **** cares about crystal *****
and tarot cards?

You are my stability.
My steady footing.
while you are here,
all else fades into the background.
Your voice,
makes all else white noise,
and your touch
melts all false pretenses.

When you leave, I will be destroyed,
but I will never forget
or forgive
myself for letting you go.
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