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  Jun 2015 Ji Han
Day Wing
She built her walls high and mighty
For many have entered who only brought upon agony
Most were the lovers who promised her happiness
But eventually left her heart to pieces

Now, I knock upon her door
To her I promise no tears falling on the floor
But days with smiles and deafening laughter
And that I would be her happily ever after

Through her walls, she peeks carefully
Considering me, my words and sincerity
She said, I could come in
But trusting me, she still didn’t mean

She looked at me with scornful eyes
Still doubting, believing I was telling lies
If only I could take away all those hurtful times
If only I could return the girl with unbroken smiles

It would take time before I she would believe, years maybe
But I wouldn’t mind, I’d still love her eternally
I’ll make her happy once more, this I know above all
Until the lovely day her mighty walls would finally crumble
I hope they have a happily ever after...
  Jun 2015 Ji Han
DaSH the Hopeful
You played doctor when I needed you
         Then passed as I held on
  You left abruptly at the crack of a smile
         And always hung above, loose yet binding, in a moment of grief
            You take life away with each successive sunset
      And you've always been before we ever gave you a name.

*My greatest enemy, my only friend.
  Jun 2015 Ji Han
Do you ever feel like you're not good enough and never will be?*

Yes, The people around me
They never fail to make me feel so worthless
It's like "I'm trying to be good, I've done all the things you want me to do. What else?"
At times, all I want is to disappear
Maybe. Just maybe,
In their eyes, they'll start to appreciate me.
Why is the primal

This was written one
week primary
to the real

Language difference
enables my poignant
ponderings to
hide among
pink puffy tonality
of your beloved
mother's tongue. To
dwelve smooth and
conducted within
your howlin'
vowels. I so
become wonder
writer smitten
by pleasant words
of other writers.
Not suffering.
As I do
in my
of no
Clouds and thunder
collapse into my
deepest core. Tearing
me there at non
acceptance. I tear my
poems. And throw them
into the abyss. Of no re
My position as a writer regarding the language difference in which my poems are created.

My poems are alive creatures, my 'virtual' little me~s, peculiar  flowerin' beings. I'm proud of them! Most of the time. Within the act of writing we (writers). . . discover magical worlds fulfiled with wonderment.

Insight, inspiration and creativity flow ceaselessly at that moments.

This poem ~"Thank you stranger" ~ is about being more accepted and appreciated by 'strangers' than in my
homeland by poets there.. It makes me sad that I  ~ "can write better" in foreign language than in my beloved mother's tongue... It's just their opinion! I know! I know!!! Yet

I deleted so many of my poems, being dissapointed by their ignorance, sometimes considering myself not to be enough..
Impulsive decisions are regretable! I have missed dearly some of my old poems. . . tearing them, deleting them for ever.

Thank you poets for all the support!
Love and blessings from me! IS:)<3
Ji Han May 2015
It's not just healing
heart burns, and mending fractures
from numerous falls.
But, disappearing,
ending all to start anew.
Amid bluer skies.
Ji Han May 2015
The first time he fell,
like a tree, he was felled, with
a strong tug, and, a light push.

The next time he fell,
from great heights, he was felled, by
hands, that lifted him.

The third time he fell,
into flames, he was felled, though
hopeless, but hopeful.

For he shall be a Phoenix,
dying in the flames,
and rising from the ashes
Refreshed, Renewed, Revived.

For Love, is but falling, rising
and falling again.
And again and

— The End —