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I sat there alone just thinking one day
**** I lost my will, I lost my ways
I ran from all I ever knew.
What happened to the dreams I wanted to pursue?
I drank from wells set on fire and filled myself with unholy desires.
I dressed the part to play the role
and slowly began to lose my soul.
But when you're down and shadows grow and you have nowhere left to go, the only way to rise again is to help yourself , maybe tell a friend.
They leave when you're at your worst, they're out there making hearts hurt.
They claim so many titles and have too many idols. Why can't we just be ourselves?

Their promises bleed through the incisions
They never ******* understand the mission.
But I keep marching like any soldier would
even though at times I feel misunderstood.
I keep fighting and giving it the best when it's not enough
I promise to never give up when it gets too rough
 Oct 2016 Dr Strange
Just Melz
Love* can conquer all
But so can *war

So be careful
What you wish for
She will kiss me
And I will taste uncertainty…

As I kissed her back
She will want to
Rip my clothes off
Yet kiss me worse
Than she kissed her ex-boyfriend
She thinks it was when
She pulled his lip
He realised,
She is needy

Wanting to fulfil
Her needs…

I will kiss her
And she will taste fear…

As she kisses me back
I will want to bite
Her bottom lip
But will decide not to
As she tamed me,
I can’t reveal the wild
Left in me
Cause in this bedroom
All that will be
Left is me
On the left-hand side
Having done nothing right

She wants to love me
But thinks she needs not

I want to love her
But I think I have no entitlement
Whatsoever over her

On my bed,
She sleeps on the right-hand side,
Closest to the door
For she knows
She will leave eventually…

On her bed,
I sleep on the left-hand side,
Furthest from the door,
Closer to her heart

We don’t make love.
I don’t think we ever will.
Prophesy? Mhh...
Way up in the valley,
there were Diamond Hearts everywhere in its own place without
With Diamond Hearts in the valley,
It looks like your heart is a Diamond heart without no regrets,lies and secrets.

What if diamond hearts could be here in the valley hidden below the horizon,
When will diamond hearts be inside your soul forever.

Let the Diamond hearts in the universe shine in the valley,
With no more evil or wickedness
The Diamond Hearts will be  wonderful gifts for humanity.
 Jul 2016 Dr Strange
Samm Marie
I was so ******* done
So **** exhausted
So I locked up my memories
In the sweet little chest
With golden filigree
And a burgundy base
A bit of raised embossing
And an engraving that read,
"Do not open,
For these are incapable of cherishment"
I set  it on the highest shelf
Of the unused linen closet
And I lit a candle
Placed it on the shelf beneath
And locked the door
I walked away for an hour or so
But the candle had died
So in my fit of anger
I ran to the furnace
I opened the door
And turned
Every thermostat in the house
Up to the highest point
And just for good measure
I lit a match
And placed it under the door
I went to sleep surrounded by flames
To my demise the firemen came
And when all that remained
Was that **** laughing box
They thought I might want to see
Because they opened the box
Unknowing of the horrors inside
And once again
Like an LSD addict
Knowing the trip might be bad
I threw another ******* match
 Jul 2016 Dr Strange
We all look up to the same sun.
To the same moon we confide.
We all look at them the same...
Hoping for the light of day...
Wishing for peace at night.

It seems that they are not just.
For their light is selective.
It is not available to those
heavily shrouded in the dark,
drenched in tears.
It seemingly favour those
who'd shamelessly croon for their boon.
Miscreants who shirk
their responsibilities and fears.

I beg you...
Guardian of day and sentinel in twilight.
May your arms be kind and fastidious.
May your reach be deliberate,
purposeful and extensive.
Find those who cry but without voice.
Cradle those who've made decisions
without the luxury of choice.
Shed some love so they could see
past their laboured breaths in mud.
Raise them to their feet
so that they might
have a fighting chance to live.
playing with fire
was like
sharpening the knife
only just
to cut your own

nothing remains
only just the ashes of
your regrets
i already buried my voice a long time ago
when i chose to be a poet
i buried it with words in papers
in ink of pen with blues*

it seems like
im so exhausted
of all the talking
of all the reasoning
of defending myself
so i remained silent
i am a mere word of this page
and you are the phrases i admire most that i can't have.
at least give me a proof of sentence,
that i am still part of your paragraph.
i've never thought that this boundless sea of whiteness
can be so lonesome.
the large gap between us and other words,
feels like the vastness of the ocean,
drowning me in and out of the pages.*

the untold story of the lonely word
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