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Like a stream that meanders
Cantering music sweet
Caprice treads whimsical
Lightly on her feet.

Like the wind that doesn't know
Where to gently breeze
Caprice breathes here, then there
... the air touched 'n teased.

Like the midnight stars that twinkle 
Through the darkness peer
Caprice in a wink
Appears to disappear.

Like the morning sunlight
That hides, then lights up hills
Caprice scampers up and down
Never a moment still.

Like waves and ocean tides
That ebb, rise and flow
Caprice heaves night and day..
Between her joys and woes.

Like raindrops and the rainbow
That hold the other's hand
Caprice sighs and smiles
In but a single glance.        

I wonder... if you sense her
Her murmurs, feel her warm breath
Caprice... right behind you..
Though you haven't seen her yet.
I know not what it is of which you speak
When you do speak of the impossible,
For with every passing day I seek
To push myself whenever possible.
Things I thought were impossible before
I subsequently went on to achieve,
And know I am capable of much more
If only in myself I can believe.
How can anybody possibly know
What in the future might be possible?
For with each day we develop and grow
Do we not redefine our potential?
Each new day brings new opportunities,
Offering endless possibilities.
I am the sunlight
That causes your pupils to contract
I am the parade in your iris
Postponed by chance of cataract

I am within one of your senses
For the first time in leisurely years
I take form and travel down your cheek
Wiped away swiftly, lest I interfere

Drowning in double vision
Only one of me is real
I am the glimpse of reality in this fantasy
I am the love you close eyes to conceal
For all the girls who are out there
And think they are fat and ugly
Your not
Your beautiful
Your body is ****
Don't let anyone bring you down
We all can't be the same sizes
Imagine might as well make us all look alike
Thats why god made us different
And we all go through different stuff
Please love yourself as who you are
Trust me there is someone out there
Who loves you the way you are
Blessed is the man
who does not take offense
I'm speaking in the present tense
There is no sitting on the fence
This poem will now take me hence...

An offense will make us stumble
Forget the bluster and the bumble
Our defense will surely crumble
In all things we must be humble

When we see another's error
Are we really all the fairer?
Look Within it will be clearer
Are we looking in a mirror?

When we see reflection's bust
Do we see lines? Perhaps some crust?
Being honest is a must!
What have we done
that WE can't trust?

True of the bird as well the bee
We are all one cloth you see!
Self-assessment makes you free!

This is true humility.

(C) 7/23/2016
Yes. I could learn the lesson in this, too.
We're always learning always growing.
Let's stop fighting and look at ourselves.

1 Corinthians 13

I won't be reposting for a while. I want this poem to stay at the top of my site.
Thanks for understanding.


Can you not see me? Am I not there?
I used to be everything to you, now you just don't care

If we pass in the street, you look the other way
I hope to catch your eye but you shy away

You're with someone else now, laughing at his jokes
Fluttering your eyes and lighting up his smokes

I don't even know him but I hope he hurts
When it's his turn to watch your sly little flirts

Feel the pain that I felt as you slipped away from me
Saying "it's me not you" as you explain you must be free

A cloud hangs over me, my stomach has cramps, a knot
What's the point of carrying on?
None, that is what
my life is like a stopwatch
just tallying up the time
i choose the downward spiral
over that vertical climb

i tried to go the mile
to keep up with my kind
i lasted just a while
then i fell behind

when my descent is final
who knows what i might find
maybe the top is topnotch
but the bottom is all mine
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