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Feb 2019 · 549
The Time
Shrey Feb 2019
When I was a kid
Trees were what I used to climb
Soon I stopped cause I grew up
I feel like i'm enslaved by the time

Used to steal my dad's pen
And get scolded for that mighty crime
Soon the scolding stopped cause I grew up
I feel like I'm enslaved by the time

I did not value the moments
I spent when I was a kid
I would go back to past
If in time I could skid
It's been over a year since I wrote the last poem. I'm not as good anymore, I'm rusted, but I could not let one thing fade away from my life that made me want to feel proud of myself. Poetry. It's not just chain of words, it's chain of powerful emotions and it is a therapy.
Mar 2018 · 399
Shrey Mar 2018
I was riding down the city
Thinking about the cars
Then i realized I've lost the moon
While looking for the stars
- Me on bicycle
Mar 2018 · 423
Don't you quit
Shrey Mar 2018
To the hills touching sky
That look very high
To the dried up trees
Which are soon gonna die
To one who wanna give up
To one that shy
To all the hopes
That you've set very high
To one who are looking
The easy way out
Dont you ever
Want your success to shout?
Dont quit the race
Until you die
Be the winner
Not a ducky tie

To one who left
To one who failed
Dont you want
Your determination to be hailed?
You work hard
All your life
But when the time comes
You switch to knife.
What example
Do you set to your kids
You wanted something
But you quit  amidst!

To all the good days
To people who'll gaze
When you fail at times
They wont appraise
To the dream you chase
To the eyebrows you raise
To the hard work you do
That make that one person amaze
To the time you figure out ways
To one that has undying craze
The devotion is what you must have
Which turns you into flickering blaze

To the controversies that you carry
To the failures that look scary
Struggle is a pathway
To the success you wanna marry
To the goal you wanna achieve
To hurdles you have to deceive
When the path looks tough
In yourself you have to believe
Dont quit the game
Until you win
Triumph the impossible
Then flash a grin
No body said it would be easy. And if it were, don't you think everyone would do it?
Mar 2018 · 370
Shrey Mar 2018
We go to sleep
Wishing people sweet dream
From out there on the border
We don't hear your scream

We live near loved ones
But we do not really see
The sacrifices you make
To keep us all free

We never really cherish
The reason we can freely roam
Is because of never ending wait
Of your family to see you home

You don't take leave
Be it winter, spring or fall
In the shivering cold nights
You stand strong and tall.

While we enjoy the evening
Riding city on the bike
For nation, you play
The real life counter strike

You are the real superman
Even though you have son and bride
Fighting for the nation,
You die with pride.

For what you have done
Along with your crew
The nation shall never forget
We all salute you!
If i am sitting in my room writing poems in peace and if you sleep at night without worrying about tomorrow, it's cause of hundreds of thousands of true heroes, that spend days and nights to ensure we can.
Mar 2018 · 285
Long will i rise
Shrey Mar 2018
Its been quite long
Since last i wrote
My passion's dying
And it hurts my throat!

"Time never stops"
I hate this this fact
It feels like, with struggle
I signed a pact!

Life has circled around
The assignments and class
When i look into mirror
I feel like a shattered glass.

I get defeated
I get down on my thighs
But no matter how hard it gets
Long will i rise!

I am working to be remembered
In history i want my name
Want kids to read the chapter
Of my journey to my fame!

Its not easy,
I never expected it either.
I can be a winner or a loser,
But i can't be neither

To decide to be a winner,
Is what must be done first.
Be determined enough to not quit
Even if it gets worst.

Every time i fail,
A part of me dies.
But with my determination
Long will i rise.
Don't watch the clock. Do what it does. Keep going. :)
Mar 2018 · 285
Whisper to the sky
Shrey Mar 2018
Down on his knees again
He was looking at the sky
With painful journey he was on
It was hard for him not to cry
For he was a brave boy
But even he had a threshold for pain
With everyone around unsupportive
His bravery started to drain
But he didn't quit even though
He wanted so bad in his heart
Cause he knew for things to work out
Sometimes they need to fall apart.
He knew to get where he wanted
He had to put up a fight
For the real beauty of the sea is when its in dark
Not while it's under light
He stood up tall
Gazing back the sky
He whispered to himself
"It may hard, but i will rise high."
Mar 2018 · 722
Humans are sensitive
Shrey Mar 2018
Us humans are sensitive,
Over little things we cry.
Men walk up to a girl,
And unnecessarily shy.

At top of a skyscraper,
We feel the breeze.
But when little but vital moment comes,
We never sieze.

We come home from work
And are usually tired.
We work our *** off,
So we dont get fired.

Nothing's perfect,
Life's always flappy.
We think it's cruel
And start feeling ******.

We fear death,
But eventually we're all gonna die
Us humans are sensitive,
Over little things we cry.

We all have a dream,
But we stiffle our curiosity
We never take a stand
Or run against viscosity

We either live this world
Or we survive
We can have our dream life,
But we need to strive

A little true effort,
Can change who we are.
And one day we'll be stunned,
We've come this far

We can make our life worth,
Before we die.
Us humans maybe emotional,
But now we wont cry
I'm fairly new to the world of poetry, so not too good in rhyming and making perfect sense in what i write. But i try. Please do leave a feedback, even if it's not good. Would really appreciate it. :)

— The End —