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Heme aquí ya, profesor
de lenguas vivas (ayer
maestro de gay-saber,
aprendiz de ruiseñor),
en un pueblo húmedo y frío,
destartalado y sombrío,
entre andaluz y manchego.Invierno. Cerca del fuego.
Fuera llueve un agua fina,
que ora se trueca en neblina,
ora se torna aguanieve.Fantástico labrador,
pienso en los campos.¡Señor
qué bien haces!  Llueve, llueve
tu agua constante y menuda
sobre alcaceles y habares,
tu agua muda,
en viñedos y olivares.Te bendecirán conmigo
los sembradores del trigo;
los que viven de coger
la aceituna;
los que esperan la fortuna
de comer;
los que hogaño,
como antaño,
tienen toda su moneda
en la rueda,
traidora rueda del año.¡Llueve, llueve; tu neblina
que se torne en aguanieve,
y otra vez en agua fina!¡Llueve, Señor, llueve, llueve!   En mi estancia, iluminada
por esta luz invernal
-la tarde gris tamizada
por la lluvia y el cristal-,
sueño y medito.                 Clarea
el reloj arrinconado,
y su tic-tic, olvidado
por repetido, golpea.Tic-tic, tic-tic... Ya te he oído.
Tic-tic, tic-tic... Siempre igual,
monótono y aburrido.Tic-tic, tic-tic, el latido
de un corazón de metal.En estos pueblos, ¿se escucha
el latir del tiempo?  No.En estos pueblos se lucha
sin tregua con el reló,
con esa monotonía
que mide un tiempo vacío.Pero ¿tu hora es la mía?
¿Tu tiempo, reloj, el mío?(Tic-tic, tic-tic...) Era un día
(Tic-tic, tic-tic) que pasó,
y lo que yo más quería
la muerte se lo llevó.   Lejos suena un clamoreo
de campanas...Arrecia el repiqueteo
de la lluvia en las ventanas.Fantástico labrador,
vuelvo a mis campos. ¡Señor,
cuánto te bendecirán
los sembradores del pan!Señor, ¿no es tu lluvia ley,
en los campos que ara el buey,
y en los palacios del rey?¡Oh, agua buena, deja vida
en tu huida!¡Oh, tú, que vas gota a gota,
fuente a fuente y río a río,
como este tiempo de hastío
corriendo a la mar remota,
en cuanto quiere nacer,
cuanto espera
al sol de la primavera,
sé piadosa,
que mañana
serás espiga temprana,
prado verde, carne rosa,
y más: razón y locura
y amargura
de querer y no poder
creer, creer y creer!   Anochece;
el hilo de la bombilla
se enrojece,
luego brilla,
poco más que una cerilla.Dios sabe dónde andarán
mis gafas... entre librotes
revistas y papelotes,
¿quién las encuentra?... Aquí están.Libros nuevos. Abro uno
de Unamuno.¡Oh, el dilecto,
de esta España que se agita,
porque nace o resucita!Siempre te ha sido, ¡oh Rector
de Salamanca!, leal
este humilde profesor
de un instituto rural.Esa tu filosofía
que llamas diletantesca,
voltaria y funambulesca,
gran don Miguel, es la mía.Agua del buen manantial,
siempre viva,
poesía, cosa cordial.¿Constructora?-No hay cimiento
ni en el alma ni en el viento-.Bogadora,
hacia la mar sin ribera.Enrique Bergson: Los datos
de la conciencia. ¿Esto es
otro embeleco francés?Este Bergson es un tuno;
¿verdad, maestro Unamuno?Bergson no da como aquel
el volatín inmortal;
este endiablado judío
ha hallado el libre albedrío
dentro de su mechinal.No está mal;
cada sabio, su problema,
y cada loco, su tema.Algo importa 
que en la vida mala y corta
que llevamos
libres o siervos seamos:
mas, si vamos
a la mar,
lo mismo nos ha de dar.¡Oh, estos pueblos!  Reflexiones,
lecturas y acotaciones
pronto dan en lo que son:
bostezos de Salomón.¿Todo es
soledad de soledades.
vanidad de vanidades,
que dijo el Eciesiastés?Mi paraguas, mi sombrero,
mi gabán...El aguacero
amaina...Vámonos, pues.   Es de noche. Se platica
al fondo de una botica.-Yo no sé,
don José,
cómo son los liberales
tan perros, tan inmorales.-¡Oh, tranquilícese usté!
Pasados los carnavales,
vendrán los conservadores,
buenos administradores
de su casa.Todo llega y todo pasa.
Nada eterno:
ni gobierno
que perdure,
ni mal que cien años dure.-Tras estos tiempos vendrán
otros tiempos y otros y otros,
y lo mismo que nosotros
otros se jorobarán.Así es la vida, don Juan.-Es verdad, así es la vida.
-La cebada está crecida.
-Con estas lluvias...
                    Y van
las habas que es un primor.
-Cierto; para marzo, en flor.
Pero la escarcha, los hielos...
-Y, además, los olivares
están pidiendo a los cielos
aguas a torrentes.
                  -A mares.¡Las fatigas, los sudores
que pasan los labradores!En otro tiempo...
también cuando Dios quería.-Hasta mañana, señores.
  Tic-tic, tic-tic... Ya pasó
un día como otro día,
dice la monotonía
del reloj.   Sobre mi mesa Los datos
de la conciencia, inmediatos.No está mal
este yo fundamental,
contingente y libre, a ratos,
creativo, original;
este yo que vive y siente
dentro la carne mortal
¡ay! por saltar impaciente
las bardas de su corral.
Tic Toc Tic Tic Toc
The clock goes on
Like a siren’s song
Calling me into a long sleep
The clock goes on
Until you hear twelve gongs
In this game of time it plays for keeps

Tic Toc Tic Tic Toc
Around and Around this clock with its sound
Like the crier of the town
Trying to tell the news
But nothing’s done, is what we’ve found
Whether it’s humans or hounds
Now it’s time for a snooze

Tic Toc Tic Tic Toc
Am I like the clock, in the endless loop?
Working til my eyes droop
til I can finally count sheep?
Am I a baller, never getting the hoop?
following orders like a troop?
Or am I a leader, one a little neater, like little bo beep?

Tic Toc Tic Tic Toc
Time goes on
It’s time to move on
But nothing ever got done
The sun moves on
Nearing the dawn
Now it’s time for fun

Tic Toc Tic Tic Toc
Now that it’s night
It’s time to take flight
Leaving my other life behind
Of that plight
I’m starting to lose sight
And happiness is what I find

Tic Tic Toc Toc Tic Tic Toc Toc
Issy  Oct 2015
Issy Oct 2015
Tic... Tic... Tic...
I lay in my bed.
It's ten o'clock.
My bed is warm.
I'm tired as Hell.
Tic... Tic... Tic...
I'm still in bed.
It's midnight.
My mind has been racing.
I just want to sleep.
Tic...Tic... Tic...
I just woke up.
It's two am.
Twenty minutes of sleep.
All at once.
New record.
Tic... Tic... Tic...
I've moved my bed to the floor.
Made a little nest there with my blankets.
It's three in the morning.
I'm still so tired.
Tic... Tic... Tic...
My alarm goes off.
It's five am.
Time to get ready for school.
46 minutes of sleep.
I need coffee.
Sunnwhale  Jan 2018
Tic tac
Sunnwhale Jan 2018
Tic tac, tic tac, tic tac,
It’s the sound I hear at night
Of a clock that’s up to brag
Of it’s skill to move the time.

Tic tac, tic tac, tic tac,
Every second in the dark
Leaves inevitable mark
On a heart that stopped to hark.

Tic tac, tic tac, tic tac,
Even candles know the tact,
For I see it’s burning tongues,
Kissing air in the glass.

Tic tac, tic tac, tic tac,
Coexisting dark and light,
Moving arrow never stops,
Serving purpose of a guide.

Tic tac, tic tac, tic tac,
I hear you whisking into night,
Sleepless, one and only clock,
Softly bragging in the dark.
Shandel Pruitt Sep 2009
Tic… toc …Tic… toc… Tic… toc…
The rhythm of my heart’s been established…
As my mind synchronizes to the tempo of my emotions
My Symphony Of Emotion Begins…

Tic… toc …Tic… toc… Tic… toc…
Conducting this masterpiece is cautiously managed
Every belief has a unique impression
My Quartet of Passion Begins To Play

Tic… toc …Tic… toc… Tic… toc…
…The Tempo’s Slowing
Let’s Add a nice kick
Through Devotions Blowing

Tic… toc …Tic… toc… Tic… toc…
To Keep Our Place
The Vocals Of Love
Come Into Play

Tic… toc …Tic… toc… Tic… toc…
Keep the metronome’s Tempo
Move This Melody Forward
Before The tempo of the metronome slows down…
Jaicob  Nov 2020
Tick, Tic, Tick
Jaicob Nov 2020
"Tick, tick, tick,"
The little watch shouts.
He sits inside my pocket
And awaits me drawing him out.

Tic, tic, tic
It's time for me to rest.
Society and anxiety
Give me too much stress.

"Tick, tick, tick,"
His voice puts me to sleep.
I love his perfect rhythms-
The perfect time he keeps.

Tic, tic, tic
The second I put him away,
The vicious tics come back
I wish they wouldn't stay.

"Tick, tick, tick,"
Directly into my ear.
The only way to stay 'normal'
Is through the rhythm I hear.

Tic, tic, tic
Whenever I am stressed,
The painful tics come back
And cannot be suppressed.

"Tick, tick, tick,"
The second-hand marches on.
Enduring all his hardships,
He's rewound every dawn.

Tic, tic, tic
My fists are bruised and aching.
"What a crazy spaz"
Society's gaze is saying.

"Tick, tick, tick,"
My lovely watch proclaims.
I whisper the rhythm back;
The perfection keeps me sane.

- - -

I need my pocket watch beside me.
Though it may not seem I do.
You simply do not understand
The troubles I'm pushing through.

The terrible sounds and motions
Are so very, very draining.
The worry to always suppress,
Wears out by the day's ending.

My watch sits beside me,
Ticking as I write this
(Ticking so I don't have to),
And reading as a witness.
This poem is about how stress and anxiety often make my tics worse. I always keep a pocket watch with me, however, so I can pull it out and place it near my ear to listen to the perfect ticking noise it makes. This very unceasing rhythm is what keeps me from having a breakdown most of the time.
Pojamusic  Oct 21
Tic tac
Pojamusic Oct 21
Tic tac, tic tac,
the clock is always running,
Tic tac, tic tac,
losing the moments bad or stunning...

Yes, there was a time,
when we were there together,
yes, our time is gone,
nothing never last forever.

You´re always here,
you´re in my heart,
but you´re leaving there,
now my life is hard.

Tic tac, tic tac,
the clock is always running,
Tic tac, tic tac,
losing the moments bad or stunning...

When we were together,
our days were light,
we had feelings, never
dissapear tonight.

When you see me walking,
you see I´m alone,
you don´t hear me talking
of our past along.

Tic tac, tic tac,
the clock is always running,
Tic tac, tic tac,
losing the moments bad or stunning...

- Tarmo Selter -
raw with love May 2014
goes the clock
you set your eyes on her
and now you're lost

goes the clock
you talk to her
and drown in the pools
of molten gold
that are her eyes

goes the clock
you talk to her
until the sun is up
and her phone battery's flat

goes the clock
you hold her hand
and know you've got her

goes the clock
you hug her tight
and know she's lost

goes the clock
you kiss her with
your deceitful lips

goes the clock
she's all yours and
you possess her

goes the clock
you make her happy
and maybe for a while
you even care

goes the clock
she's truly lost,
she loves you

goes the clock
but you grew bored
and faked it

goes the clock
you left her
and you broke her

goes the clock*
and now even
nursery rhymes
are about you
you *******
zumee Oct 2018
A timeless river kept a clock.
tic. toc. tic. toc.
It had the nerve to wonder how
tic. toc. tic. toc.
its flow was ever interrupted
tic. toc. tic. toc.
by every pebble.
tic. toc.
by every rock.
tic. toc.
Lauren Ehrler  Jun 2016
Lauren Ehrler Jun 2016
Tic toc
Tic toc
Tic toc
That irritable clock
Continues to
Tic toc
Tic toc
Tic toc
Counting down time
Til I'll be nothing but slime
The begrudging noise
Tic toc
Tic toc
Tic toc
Unless it slips away
And the memories of yesterday
And there is nothing I would trade
For the love of a moment
Where nothing is spoken
And the glimpse of peace
Is not just a tease
But then that moment is stolen
And that bit that was woven
Is unraveled and stretched til you hear
Nothing but
Tic toc
Tic toc
Tic toc
Tic toc....
Ssussh sssussh sssussh
Fingers glide gently over
Flesh revealed
Sssussh sssussh thump
Muscles draw taut
Then relax
Sssussh thump thump
Thumb presses against a full lip
Squeezing, release
Thump thump thump
The lip is twisted tight
As other fingers graze naked flesh
Ththump ththump ththump
Warmth gathers in her belly
Chills rise like dew on a rose petal
Thrrummp thrrump thrruump
Hand slides across the swell of the breast
Hard ended tip feel trapped in a burst
Of scalding heat
Tonn ton ton ton ton
Loud moan escapes parted lips
Suddenly the other tip is awash in wet heat
Followed by red hot lava
Tic tic tic tic tic
Curve of the hip caressed by the palm
Moans, mews, and pants are heard
Tic tic tic tic tic tic thump thump
Digits slip across bare wet lips
Teeth nip, bite,  mouth suckles, tongue bathes
Ta ta ta tictic ta ta tictic
Long legs part, opening to the probe
Calloused tips probe tight dripping tunnel
Ththump ththump ththump
Pelvis rotates and rises meeting roughness
Wanting more, needing more
Ththump ththump ththump
Teeth release the rosebud finding soft sweet lip
Pressing deeply into the tunnel, tongue slides across
Pouty flesh
Dundum dundum dundum
Beads of perspiration flow down cheeks, neck
Tongues collide like swords in battle
Dadum dadum dadum
Calls, cries, screams, pants swallowed by swords
Fingers digging deeper pushing up in the tunnel
Du du du du
Harder, faster, pushing, biting, extending, reaching
Mouth releases suddenly biting hard upon the ******

Spasms rock entire body, waves flood the tunnel
Tongue licks over the bite as ears savor the sweet screams
Hips continue to rock riding unbelievable forces

Heartbeat begins to thump again as it seemed to stop
Breathless as lips touch hers once again
Bodies entwined in bliss
Sssussh sssussh sssussh

All rights reserve:  Jennifer Humphrey
In reading this the odd words between action is the heartbeat just in case you didn't get it lol.

— The End —