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Àŧùl Apr 2017
My list of antonyms of death,
Include not just life or birth,
Still not limited to just alive,
Some others I include in the list.

Youth is one of those,
Old humans never get,
Unyouthful they become.

Marriage is a name for youthfulness,
Youth never fades in faithfulness.

Loneliness never haunts few lucky,
Over the years of separation,
Veering away from love never,
E**spousing the spouse forever.
My HP Poem #1513
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2017
A** beautiful person is sought,
To fill in colours of happiness,
Upon a big blank page of mine,
Love pearls could be rethreaded.

Now success is on the horizon,
Even though I have tried all along,
Every time I have failed to achieve,
Drawing even closer to success is life,
So have been the recent days of mine.

Loneliness haunts me like ghosts,
Of the future-past will have come,
Vanished from my life are all joys,
Edging closer to the end of my days.
A nerdmaid is a beautiful and intelligent woman.

My HP Poem #1540
©Atul Kaushal
Emma Apr 2013
"How are you?"
Such an empty question, with an even emptier answer:

I'd like to tell (you) how
Everything I (see) looks disgusting to me.
Watermelon seeds are like bugs
eating away at the raw, juicy flesh.
The ground is infected with muddy snow.
The melting of it unearths carcasses of lost junk.
Leaves are discs of decay.
The wind breathes smoky, tarry clouds by
– fogging up my mind.
Tongues are like slugs; kissing is repulsive.
Bodies are malformed clumps of clay, painted with egos.
Slimy egos.
The emptiness corrodes me.
It's about to get paradoxical,
how full of caves (my) heart is,
each echoing:
"You. You. You."

I'd like to tell you
how when I think of you, my mind immediately jumps to:
Our budding tu(lips) touching.
Embracing you,
the comforting muscles of your arms like sculptured masterpieces,
sheltering me in a warm bubble.
Your breath whispering on my neck, my skin replying with static fuzz.
When I think of you even the puddles of mud look like silk.
The clouds (move) by like pillows of the sky.
Leaves, sheets of oneliness, become one
in an orchestra conducted by the wind.

I want to tell you everything
*(but you can't hear me.)
Àŧùl Dec 2017
I* just know that you will never let me feel alone.

Loneliness does not scare me any longer,
Or even the thought that I might lose you ever,
Virgin I will love to perish in my life here,
Except you, I will bed anyone never.

Your body is so very amazingly gorgeous,
Of a beautiful heart it's a temple so gorgeous,
U**nder the wicked sky of loneliness it gives me relief.
Another demonstrative flash poem about secondary acrostic poems that I told my best friend Pooja Shah when she needed to be reminded about the name of the *acrostic poems*.

My HP Poem #1683
©Atul Kaushal
Jacobo Raymundo May 2013
Never ceasing to shed light upon my dreary days, you're the sun to my sky, the flower to my garden
Endlessly loving and caring, feeling and seeing, you have the heart of an angel and the face of a goddess; divine duality
Vast degrees of beauty emanate from you, meet my eyes, and melt my heart
Early hours of my mornings are filled solely with thoughts of you such as this moment while I compose
Rarity, uniquity, you're one of a kind my rose. You hold a place in my heart that no other can hold simply because nobody else is vaguely comparable to you

A** lthough the earth is treacherous and destructive to your pristine beauty, I have great faith that you will remain purely innocent
Loneliness should never be felt by you for if you look to your side I will be there whether in spirit or in body
Olfactory senses tingle with delight as you draw near; your scent is one I have yet to forget
Never fear the night for I will stand guard with a lantern in hand: no demon shall trespass your glorious soul; even if the cost may be my life, I shall fight for you to my last breath and beyond
Every day I'm here with you, oh it is so so true look around, you're *never alone
Miranda Renea Apr 2012
Capable only of
One too many
Nights. Forevermore,
Ever the
Àŧùl May 2017
My parents love me verily, true,
Yet I still feel the need for love, truer.

In the deepest hour of night,
Dawns a realization that they are mortal,
Everyday I feel so scared,
Alone if I am to stay,
Loneliness will **** me.

Loved by parents I am, but
Often I am so alone,
Very sad is this heart,
Engraved deep inside it,
R**osy name of my ideal lover.
My parents are of an average of 58.5 years now.

I hope that they live a long and healthy life until I die.

It is my requirement because apart from them I have no one else to call my own and I can't ever get married either.

My HP Poem #1551
©Atul Kaushal
GreyJunebug May 2014
Hell has rose
Everlasting agony
Loneliness lingers  my heart
Pain is all I know, pain is my friend
Maybe one day the pain will go and
Every day can be worth living

Does it get better? Because it has been a year of agony.
Henri Words Nov 2020
I guess I hear me failing
Much more in-no-saintly than
Those yesterry moments of
Deep-fried pain on this sorryland

My bewildered accent in
Tangled town spending
Words landable none
On any paper less prints

A beam of Diwalight reflashes
My dwelling in ducked after-mess
Recounting vowels and towels
cows and boys in coward towers
Henry Akeru Aug 2017
She has smiley fiercesome eyes
She could melt any walls with it.
Her smile has eyes of its own
It flashes like neon and cinders.

From a dense crowed
The aura of her presence could be read.
A silence of her Loud!
In the pureness of Oneliness her soul is lead.

There was a change;
of weather it seemed and a dull reigned
Her face was drained;
Of life and the blossoming therein slewed

Oh if only one could mop
This dew of sadness now rested on Her.
Using an elixir of hope
Maybe her smile will be reborn...Alas!
Boris-Bryce  Jul 2020
Silent cry
Boris-Bryce Jul 2020
H appiness is a state of mind and
E mptiness a state of the soul,
L ove brings us closer but
P ushes us further,

M y mind is trapped in a never
E nding cycle

P ain
L oneliness
E exhaustion
A nd
S adly it's
E ndless

It isn't easy to understand something you haven't experienced before, but many suffer from mental problems, quietly crying for help

— The End —