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Love  Jul 2014
Gay Christian
Love Jul 2014
I'm done repressing my gayness
Because it's the "Christian" thing to do.
I will wear ******* rainbow ****** pasties
And march in a pride parade
If I please
And then go to church and praise Jesus
And God and the Holy Spirit
For making the way I am
And how I am
Because he made me perfect.
I am gay
I am Christian
I am proud to be both.
Emily Tyler Apr 2013
"That's so gay!"
A use of
Slang and slander

If they use
Gay as in
It would be a good expression.

But if they use it
As a reference to

You can't be more gay
Than someone else.
There's no scale
To measure

And it's a bad expression
So gay is


Gay is not bad.

People who say "That's so gay."

They are bad
Oh, venting.
Serenus Raymone Jan 2013
Intolerant to Tolerance

(Poem by Serenus)

They tolerate your gayness

You should be so glad

That they’re not indifferent to your difference

They’re not the one’s calling you Fg

They tolerate your blackness


They’re much bigger

In their minds

They’re colorblind

They’ve never uttered

The word N

They tolerate your religion



And Christians

Believe what you want to believe

They tolerate your decision

They tolerate your opinion

They tolerate your facts

They tolerate your voice

They even let you talk back

They can stomach you as a person

Isn’t that honorable?

Doesn’t it feel great…

To be so tolerable?

We all need to pull together

And strive to be prosperous

It’s time to move forward

And be intolerant to tolerance.
Andrew Parker Dec 2013
I Met the **** Hater

Have you ever seen someone so beautiful
that you felt like crying?
Have you ever felt so utterly Disgusted by someone
that you wished they were dying?

Do you think I feel gay guts and gayness in my genes?
Or did society manufacture me - one of their gay liberal machines.
I'm not sure which is better,
Either  way you'll make me a martyr.
But I'll be your Hester Prynne baby
with my Big Gay Letter.

I cannot erase
that look on his face.
when he told me **** ****, Go Away.
I'll punch you in the face just for being Gay.

A separation of message and mind.
Hateful judgment is not hard to find.
When I stand in the shower,
or sit down on a park bench,
I'm a **** to him clear as gay.
It's like he thinks I ate some magic flower.
My girlfriends don't fare much better - to him called a bar *****.
This guy is the part of society that makes being gay scary to say.

He thinks Gays making out in public can't be allowed.
He thinks Legalized gay marriages should be disavowed.
He thinks Animal ***, *******, and ****** are because of gays.
He thinks Gay **** between two women might be more okay.
He thinks *** should **** more gay people.
He thinks Criminalizing ****** would make things more equal.
He thinks Adam's choice of Eve or Steve is all that matters.
He doesn't care about myself, or your heart's fragile rathers.

This man is the **** Hater.
Not a rare breed at all.
He could be your waiter,
or your teacher,
maybe even your sales assistant at the mall.

I Met the **** Hater,
while I made out with a guy at the bar.
The **** Hater was kinda old, yet strong and tall.
But I didn't fall
or become dehumanized.
When I caught a glimpse of his face
and saw that utter look of Disgust
that I just cannot erase.
I saw it in his face - the **** Hater's
'**** Hate.'
ConnectHook Sep 2015
Sustainably globally gay – we need more of it / socially-conscious progressive group-think / openness through tolerance of diversity in perversity / justice for more more more of gay gay gay / it’s progress it’s now its queer-friendly because it's sustainably globally gay / when gay gets gayer the queering gets clearer / so let's start the conversation about ****-**** gayness / inclusion through cluelessness in transparent openness / by the way - get GAY / before the homosexual conversation queers the queerness of the ongoing conversation / let's celebrate gayness, **OK ?
Did I mention the need for openness and tolerance of absolutely everything Gay? After all - they represent almost 7 percent of the population...
Erin Aug 2013
I was doing it

Because I thought about it,
I thought of
David Levithan
and his books
and I thought of
Alex Sanchez and
HIS books,
I thought about
Julia Anne Peters and
HER books.

And after I was done
thinking I realised
I was doing what
I hated.

Boy meets Boy isn't
a gay story.
It's a story about love.

Keeping You A Secret
is not a
lesbian love story,
it's just a love story.

Rainbow Boys Trilogy is not
a gay trilogy it's
a story about growing up and
getting along and
being in love and
being scared and
being stupid
and being brave
and being

I'm just thinking about them as
being about gayness because
they are gay,
even if you take away everything they
are love

Love Is The Higher law--
about 9/11.

I Am J--
Being yourself--
a common theme.

Wide Awake--
finding courage and
finding yourself.

All these books,
and I've been looking at them
W R O N G.

I mean,
ten years ago
Boy Meets Boy
Keeping You A Secret
Rainbow Boys
was a
H U G E D E A L,

but now...
so much.

Maybe it's from living in a
household where gay
didn't exist,
Don't get me wrong,
I still want a book about
a character living in a
fantasy world or
utopia as a..
clone, maybe.

Or a dragon slayer.
August 28, 2013 /itsjusterin
devare Jul 2014
Being gay isn't bad
But just the opposite
It's beautiful, it an expression
It's someones life, someones posture
Being gay isn't bad but just the opposite
I'am gay u might be gay but that's just us
Deep inside of all of us theirs gayness but only some chose to let it out
Being gay isn't bad but just the opposite a mixture of beauty and expression
Love and life passion and truth of what reality really is....
Being gay isn't bad just the opposite
Do you think the same thing?
I grew up on the boarder of city and country
On neo-folk and punk served with romantic classical
The kind of music that paints pictures
Rainy days were my favourite
My Mom didn't pay much attention to me so I learnt to play
With my wild imagination
Until Dad came home
He'd leave whenever he got mad "I'm going for a drive"
I loved dogs and horses and all natures creatures
Except cockroaches
Dear god did I ******* hate those things
My Mom was a pagan my Dad the member of a Catholic church
Mom told me if I am good in this life I'd be a unicorn in the next
My Dad just taught me the lord's prayer
My first friend told me I was going to hell
I knew she'd be a slug in her next life
School bells
I enjoyed school
I was a prodigy child in everything except math
Dad pushed me into Karate, Judo, Rock Climbing, Soccer, Boxing
I liked playing my piano and drawing my dog
Sports made me uncomfortable
My first kiss was with slug girl
She was pudgy and had a cute smile which I was jealous of
But she screamed and ran away
That was the first time I heard the term "gay"
I started to like boys because I thought it was "right"
My Mom said "we all love our friends" but my Dad frowned
I loved my Dad
I wanted him to love me too so I kissed the boy I grew up with
It was gross
I kissed many boys after that and tried my hardest to forget slug girl
We moved into the heart of town and I wore more black
I stopped playing with my Matchbox cars
I stopped galloping about like the horses I desired
I put on a little eyeliner and the bullying I faced when I was younger
Made me weak
It got worse
They tormented me those kids
I wished them all dead but I knew Karma would get them
Now I am still drawing animals and writing and playing piano
But I wont ever forget my Dad and his silly beliefs and *** Pistols
I embrace my gayness although not to it's shining potential
But I will always love myself for everything I was
And ever will be
My story is far more dark and complex than this but to tell it would take a lifetime
My whole lifetime
And more to come
Jonny Angel Mar 2015
I remember sitting
around the tracks
with my comrades.
We were in rolling fields of clover
back then.
The doves that flew above us
had no clue
about our firepower.
We had .50 cals
and we picked our teeth
with splintered bone fragments.
To think
we even had the time
to smoke and joke
about our ridiculous nicknames
brings a smile
to my weathered-fface.
Moose was toothless,
lost them
to some drunk civilians
in a bar fight.
Wagner, the skinny one,
always cracked me up.
I miss McMinn's toothy-grin
and the way French
always wanted out,
constantly feighning his gayness.
Radosavich loved his rock and roll
and Flint sparkled from his hole
carved into the hillside.
Moore had chicks galore
and McLemore got his
divorce papers by airmail.
He went eerily silent
while Top barked ******* for us to do.
The Man was clueless,
but we protected his ***
We had bills to pay.
I really miss those *******.
They were the best friends that ever were.
Travis Green Aug 2021
When you look at me
You will see all the femininity I possess
Shimmering on the surface
My masculine side buried below
The shores of my core
Deeply felt dreams
Raveled in perfumatory stories
Blossoming like beautiful, bright canaries
So tuneful, melodious
Fine-feathered creatures
That makes me feel overjoyed
To serenade in their greatness

I am liberated in the gayness
That grandly glows
In the inner part of me
Pursuing the path of love
That carries me to prominent dimensions
Where the dreamiest, Corinthian men
Fantastically dance and romance my mind
With their king-size, kinetic muscles
So strong as a Samoan wrestler
Smooth, groovy thighs dropping
It low to the ground as substantial sounds
Heavily rock the town

Manly, confident chest
Brick bassline abs
Inhaling the smoke-filled cadence
Gorgeous backbones in supersonic rhythm
Bringing the funk, getting it crunk
Sexalicious hips hypnotically rotating
So captivating, shaking the nation
With their cracking knees and legs

Look at them gleefully glide
To the power of the engine running rhymes
Reeling me in line
So they can intoxicate my mind
With their flaming and taming stares
Sweet-lit lips so dope
I can’t miss out on a kiss
Please light my fire up
In the deepness of my vessel
Give me more mind-blowing magic
Make it an overdose
Of swagalicous street boys
Bopping their electric heads
Hip-hopping, show-stopping
Never stopping, giving me everything
I knew I would love
When I entered the gay world

— The End —