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zebra  Jun 2019
zebra Jun 2019
could it be a *******
like cotton buds
from the ***** flower

a witched river
under dark clouds
of brooms that don't fly anymore
maybe in need of an upgrade

perhaps a spell of weaponized winds
with insinuated floating ghouls
shaking their lopsided claws
under blood orchards
and diagrams of grief
as they follow their noses
looking for *****

*******; the scent of vivacious
loving oozing laughter
thirsty skin
needles too
**** heroine stuck on toe picket fences
mimicry of ducks blood butter
like a crime scene of kisses that went to far
eggs and runny yokes left puddled on a thigh
the ****** burps Pans milkshake
*** legacy legs
lookin for love

auto asphyxiated in a closet fringy and hanging with a hardon
lost eyes and drool
somewhere in Thailand
after spicy noodle soup
and a Tsingtao

hurt me
hurt you
i'm an evil boweval
a Zyzzyva come to love you
Elizabeth Hynes Jan 2015
Cramping legds their crying
Like the babes, lying
In their mothers' arms
What are the charms

Which parents ensnare
Like poisonous air
Be witched to reproduce
Nature's silent truce

Though you die you can live
Vicariously and give
What makes you, you
To another imbue

The train halts brakes squealing
Interlocking carriages feeling
Each other and the air
Signal lights stare

And the track opens up before us
born in 1975
40 odd beat  
song now old
enough to buy a cold

cold drink

We're hitting funk levels that shouldn't even be possible.
recommended algorithm
for your ears only
We're hitting funk levels that shouldn't even be possible.

come band
funk funkier,
summon Brown
back from the dead.

Fibonacci's rabbit on steroids
what’s your count
Feel this beat
Fibonacci's rabbit on steroids
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55,

seek me the vodoooo advice
quick turn to  23/16
probably overhearing
overhearing what is truly not there 

it's my juju baby

over the speed limit
sound so slow
150 BPM
we’ve gone over the speed limit
billion BPM
and a

direct line to NASA
monitored funk levels
from outer space

audio crackcocaine
legal be it \
speed deep beat

band come
come come


Brown sermons
back from the dead.

James loves  
brown brow
tall dark seregeti

Mandingo beat

Khoudia Diop Repeats
If they got any funkier,
they'd summon James Brown
back from the dead

Fibonacci's rabbit on steroids
what’s your count
Feel this beat
Fibonacci's rabbit on steroids
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55,

Warning: Do not turn the speed up to two.
double WITCHED

If speed is increased, wash eyes

Khoudia Diop Repeats
wash your eyes
ice cold


speed of sound
quicken your pace
release your soul

seek me
the vodoooo advice.

levels of funkiness been
never imagined

born in 1975
40 odd years ago.
song now old
enough to buy a cold

seek me
thee vodoooo advice.
I have beaten about
this beat before.
Dave Robertson Nov 2021
Rattle the cassette
with the biro etched “Car Mix”
grab the keys from mum’s bag
“Fill up what you use!”
“…Ok, can I have a fiver then?”
scuff to the car in unsuitable boots
slump in, adjust mirror, checking stupid fringe
which then existed
snap in the tape so the first bars
of G-Funk, grunge or B*Witched pulse
then it’s off to pick up
Mitchell Sep 2011
So short are these lives
Which walk among us in such a hurry
I can't wait for these feet of mine
To stay true to the rules of time
How many men have died?
How many mothers cried?
How many heads have sighed?
Where else but here can we rely?
Born into a split country
A split religion
A split way of being
I am scared for the children which I wish not to have
Nor would know how to care for
Unless in the end to lie
I stare outside of myself
But am not in myself
I am somewhere else
In another place
Where the sun hits the grass catching it fast to fire
Quick to a step for the best know no test
Know no try
The intense golden face is blinding when
One stares at it for too long
He has a plan for us but then saw that we had failed
I am scared for us because we have only ourselves to get us outta' bail
Longing for peace n' longing for a steady way to be
I am traveling from my home for to roam
Is to escape how I used to be
Out with the soul that has been weighing me down
Out with the skin that only makes me cringe
Heavy heart attack that cracks
Like work men's knuckles round' 2pm
Or secretaries backs broken from 9 to 5 and gettin' fat
Books are electric while the papers are burning down
All I see is ruin yet no one is making a sound
The money has all dried up like a puddle in the sun
Buzzards are above my head
Soaring n' looks like their having fun
She crept neath' my heart and that is where she stayed
Devil woman brown in her eyes
I howled that night like a werewolf at the split egg white moon
Sizzling sanitarium salute to the working class
Angel haired hipsters crude oil the highest class
Menacing mistaken get rich scheme maelstroms
Strewn out and strung out in the newest hippest gear
Tight laced tight faced knuckles white with fear
I skip to the tune of the buffoon for my father laughed the way
Grinning madly the car swerved as his hair curled
Water wet and then the step as my bereft means nothing unless I trip
Insurance fakers unpaid bakers feeding St. Jude with a mean old attitude
I've closed my hands but my eyes are open
I've lose the way to act like I'm afraid
Death is no friend of mine but I guy that invited himself in
Took all of your whiskey
Your lemons
And whatever else
You didn't want to give
Awaiting the by ways she says "give me another smile or I'll start to cry"
Cranberry red her reds have turned you feet are now starting to burn
Corn field yellow love with my cigarette burnt love
A taint as I faint by her face not at all with a speck of grace
A tad pole like life short lived but quick frantic
Music and memories are nothing more then life's tactics
As is love, a forgetful dream, cause' once you've awoken
You never wished you'd have ever spoken
But I'm broken, as of now, I'm looking for some glue
To fix this ill perplexed Muddy Waters blues
No, not there, don't rest there little bear
I rest in the stars or the bars or my fellows boat stows
Left for dead for they said rather instead
That they meant the other harsher thing
A bring of witched woes with toes walked but never written or stocked
Forgotten stories with vanished' faces with ill traces of dead jealously
Dirt blankets strapped crazy jackets when I leave today I won't ever be back at the bay
I don't smile here and I don't grin to put it honestly my head only spins
My sight does dim my chest does start to cave my fingers ***** the softest rose reddest bush
Drink too much for nothing such and such as I am home as I am sittin' at home
Stole my last heart I stole my last heart yes I have stolen my last God forsaken heart
Lonesome no more n' worried not an ounce
I'm looking around for some girl to give me my next bounce
Fun where are you? Joy why are you not by my side?
Where is that ****** ride I paid for while I was in full stride?
Spoke to fast I clashed up against a wall of spoiled dirtied cash

I looked for snow but it had melted
My life alone without a brick of shelter
zebra  Jun 2019
zebra Jun 2019
could it be a *******
like cotton buds
from the ***** flower

a witched river
under dark clouds
of brooms that don't fly anymore
maybe in need of an upgrade

perhaps a spell of weaponized winds
with insinuated floating ghouls
shaking their lopsided claws
under blood orchards
and diagrams of grief

while they follow their noses
looking for *****

*******; the scent of zyzzyva
loving oozing laughter
like thirsty skin
needles; **** heroine stuck on toe picket fences
mimicry of ducks blood butter
like a crime scene of kisses that went to far
eggs and runny yokes left on a thigh
the ****** burps
*** legacy legs
lookin for love
auto asphyxiated in a closet fringy and hanging with a hardon
lost eyes and drool
somewhere in Thailand
after spicy noodle soup

hurt me
hurt you
i'm an evil boweval
a Zyzzyva come to love you
Waleed Khalidi Aug 2014
The bitterly sweet seclusion
Sit the soul free of the jabbering drones
of those corners of such mess
The mind's noise may flow
outside the quiet enclosure of these walls
Rejuvenate the self
as no intruders may interrupt
The beating of the heart
conducts the ticking into the night
Yet, until the harmless flow drifts unwillingly off its course
into that realm of overwhelming angst
Suddenly the state of one witched the dark to light its path
of which aimlessly walked alone
But the heart bursts with the pressuring passion
to sync such a setting
with that of a curious walker-by
Gloomily no steps heard from the intimidating outside
All that echoes is the fading notes of yesterday's piano
Oh that reminiscent tune
The plucking harp of a shining, graced spirit
now an irrelevant concocted sound
falling so suddenly short of a masterpiece
That song that enslaves the head
as if calling for an encore, before the conductor even raises his baton  
So the art of the writer's hand is clenched still
by the frigid hold of the past
and guiding the pen's strokes through the only script it believes
The same story pathetically scribbled every night
in ridiculous hopes of a greater ending
SassyJ  Jul 2016
SassyJ Jul 2016
Energetic vampires crucify as
their feet sink on the ground
arms afloat in fits pounding
their body is entirely hammered
to sit in conclusions of others
Their form is a liquid chameleon
one that flows like a gel of misery
Their emotions are on the gear drive
like dying wax on a gassed chamber

These dark energies are permeable
as their existence fasten death
on our calm natured souls
Their doom is a constant taunt
a blackened hole of dark form
The horn they raise is evil
like an adventure wire of unbalance
For my destiny I hold them not

Their eyes of desire vibrate
like a treasure of lost beads
They beat in a sack and ****
as we duck on the underpass
Their nails are hardened and long
as they gnaw all that is not theirs
Their teeth protrude and grind
grounded in the egoistical trespass

Their palms are calloused and aged
prearrange in a planned plot
Their aura electrified to burn
spreading a life threatening smoke
that haze of the unnamed display
As one rolls like a wrestled ball

Let go and rise up from the witched prey
Tilt the strength and dull their day
Filter their strength from your glory
Shadow them with the light and shine
*Go beyond, fly above, as they live below
EmperorOfMine Sep 2018
Your gripping lies make me question why
Did I give you the time to take my sanity away
You never cared, you witched your passive spells
Entwined me in your nails, you've sent me straight to hell
I cannot contemplate what it could take in place
Of your sickened soul, an even bigger hole
Oh can't you stop that smile from ever turning into horns
You little devilish coward, why did you leave me so torn
Your devious smile, like poison to the lame
Crippled all over again, now I am really insane
I lost my mind down here, I guess i'm dead as my brain
I'm settled like fear, yet now my cheeks are wet from the rain...
Was it truly rain?
She stood in front of the mirror, staring
Combing her long dark hair,
A black cat jumped on her shoulder, purring
The Witch of Aberdare.
She took in the curve of her fulsome lips
And the dimple in each cheek,
‘Why can’t I find a lover for me?’
But the mirror didn’t speak.

She’d watched the girls from the village, keeping
Trysts with the ones they loved,
As hand in hand they kissed on meeting
Down in the darkening wood.
But nobody sought out Alison Gross
Where she stood by the wishing well,
Dropping her pennies in hopes that any
Would lure a man to her spell.

Her mother, Isabel Ingpen once
Had been ***** by Jonathon Dread,
But then had spelled by the wishing well,
Put him in a garden bed.
She’d witched him into a barren seed
But the evil in him came through,
Sprouted there as a deadly nightshade,
Tall, and blocking the view.

She told her Alison, on her honour
Her father had come and gone,
‘But better avoid the Belladonna
You don’t know where it’s from.’
She taught her all of the witchcraft rules
Of philtres, potions and spells,
‘But try to avoid the world of fools,
And men, who fancy themselves!’

But Alison had a disposition
For loving, though no-one saw,
The teacher who gave her impositions,
The boy who stood by the door,
The Baker’s lad and the Butcher’s boy
And the gardener, mowing the green,
But nothing would turn their heads her way
She was Alison Gross, unseen.

She sighed and cried as she cast her spells,
She wept as they sauntered by,
So deep in love with one another
And gazing up at the sky,
But Halloween was a day away
And Alison formed a plan,
‘I’ll weave my spells out in the heather,
I’m going to get me a man!’

The children were out, were trick and treating
As Alison took her broom,
She flew to the local witches meeting
At Heatherdale, under the Moon,
She looked at the other witches there,
So old, so sad and alone,
She swore before she was old as they
She wouldn’t be left a crone.

She slipped away and she left the coven
Then stripped off her hat and cloak,
She lifted the cauldron off the oven
Went down to the giant oak,
The young were dancing and dunking apples
She wandered into the throng,
And a young man said with his laughing eyes,
‘This is where you belong.’

He danced her under the Hunter’s Moon,
And he stole the witch’s heart,
She knew, without a potion or philtre
They’d never be far apart.
She holds a baby high on her hip
As she combs her curling hair,
And her lover stays, to trade her kisses
The Witch of Aberdare.

David Lewis Paget

— The End —