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Madisen Kuhn Jun 2013
my mind is filled
with beautiful snapshots
as numerous as the stars,
thousands of which
have illuminated my darkest skies
and lulled me to rest
on restless nights

i have seen
lengths of sorrow quenched
by duvets of summer rain,
oceans of love
poured into empty hearts
and the hope of a new dawn

all i have seen,
all the grace i have held
in my undeserving hands,
all the contagious grins,
all the precious little moments
and moments that have moved mountains,
all the miracles, all the love, all the joy

all of these,
all of the bright colors
that have painted my path thus far,
pale in comparison
to the sun that will rise
above tomorrow’s horizon
Zoë Bestel  Jan 2015
Zoë Bestel Jan 2015
porridge with syrup
duvets & long lies
crime novels, tea steam
she sleeps as the leaves die
Lakshmi  Jul 2016
Lakshmi Jul 2016
we are often taught, to be careful of the monsters.
From a very young age, they were what we hid from, under our duvets.
but who was to know, all those years ago, that we are the monsters, and the monsters are us.
He is the monster, that only wants you for ***;
She is the monster that doesn't see your worth;
They are the monsters that make you feel life is not worth living;
And we are the monsters, that corrupt society.
Although these monsters may make us feel worthless, we must not forget the worst monster of them all.
You are the monster.
You are the monster that doubts your dreams;
You are the monster that allows failure to succeed;
You are the monster who thinks you are worth nothing;
You are the monster, to make him use you;
You are the monster, who burnt your own worth;
You are the monster, that wants to commit your own ******;
You are the monster, that corrupts society.

But why? whoever said monsters can't be good?
You can also be the monster who is kind;
You can be the one who knows their worth;
You can be the one who reaches their dreams;
You can be the monster, who continues, despite the failures;
You are amazing.

Be the good monster.
AndSoOn  Nov 2014
AndSoOn Nov 2014
C’était encore un de ces mois incertains, indécis, entre l’hiver et le printemps. Comme s’ils avaient choisi de nous laisser dans ce froid fatiguant , tout en nous permettant de redécouvrir les couleurs de la nature, Mars, et peut-être Avril, étaient mes mois favoris. Par ma fenêtre, je voyais la nuit endormir en douceur le monde extérieur. C’était encore tôt. L’été s’approchait et la nuit se faisait de plus en plus tardive. Quelques fois, j’hésitais : étais-ce un supplice ou un bonheur ?  La nuit était pour moi un cocon où le froid, les cris et les colères n’étaient pas présents. Et soudain, le vent soufflait dans le jardin, forçant le bois de mes murs à résister, comme pour repousser cet air presque violent. Je souris encore en entendant le craquement du bois contre le vent. J’avais ce sentiment de paix. Peut-être était-ce moi qui redécouvrait les petits plaisirs de la vie ou tout simplement le bois qui me montrait son soutien et sa présence par un petit chuchotement comme un signe de vie. Dans ces moments, je m’enterrais dans mes duvets d’hiver que Maman allait bientôt remplacer par d’autres moins chauds. Que je détestais ces duvets si froids, si plats et si peu accueillants. Mais pendant le mois de mars, ou le mois d’avril, je pouvais encore me blottir dans les gros bras de ma couette. La solitude en devenait moins pesante. Il y avait moi, le bois, le vent, mon duvet.

Ce que je préférais c’était les orages. En plus du vent, les murs de ma chambre devaient combattre la pluie et le tonnerre. Ce concert de bruits naturels était un de mes meilleurs somnifères. Ma chambre était sous les toits. Elle l’est encore. Allongée sur mon lit, je me laissais bercer par la fatigue, perdant mon regard de plus en plus lourd dans les lattes du plafond. Le bruit de la pluie résonnait si délicieusement dans le cocon que je m’étais construit. La pluie sonne encore comme autrefois : un bruit de clavier ou de triangle. C’était un bruit exquis, rare et faible. Elle était là la beauté de ce son. Sa faiblesse le rendait indispensable. Les instruments à vent s’ajoutaient avec magie, suivis des percussions tremblantes créées par le tonnerre. Et l’orchestre devenait apaisant. Je pouvais sentir la pluie s’infiltrer entre les tuiles. Je l’entendais glisser comme au ralentit jusqu’à ce qu’une goutte imaginaire tombe sur mon visage.

Je n’arrivais jamais à complètement apprécier ces moments. J’avais tant envie qu’ils durent à jamais que je résistais au sommeil jusqu’à en souffrir. La fatigue avait cette force que la pluie et le vent ne possédaient pas. Elle pouvait me rendre si lourde et si crispée. En m’en souvenant, je la trouve en quelques points perverse. Elle est à la fois celle qui vous endort et celle qui vous maintient éveillé. Je ne pouvais que garder les yeux ouverts tellement l’envie d’écouter ces sons merveilleux m’obsédait. Mon corps se fatiguait à défaut de pouvoir se crisper. Et je devais abandonner, dans l’espoir que le beau temps ne s’attarde pas. Malgré cela, je pouvais encore rester là, à peine présente, perdue entre la léthargie de mon corps et la vivacité de mon esprit. Je pouvais imaginer avoir les yeux ouverts, les oreilles attentives. Enfin, la paix reprenait le dessus.
Inspired by Proust
Primrose Clare Sep 2013
His body lost temperature as he pressed himself against the chest of hers, seducing her with his love.
With his sleepy **** voice, he hums her romantic morning lullabies.
The gray walls of the room soon embosomed with gleaming hearts of their beauteous lust and speedy soft breaths, leaving nothing more but powder blushes of crimson on her flowery cheeks in the springtime dawn.

The honeyed lust in the veins lit the bodies of two lovers like candles into eternal flames of romance.

Under the chocolate brown duvets,
Milky fragrances of the tea dances along the bare hands of two lovers,
while he serves breakfast on bed to her in an old-fashioned way.
Bleak morning mist tango around the vitreous skins of scratched windows,
as fat hummingbirds' tinkling giggles paint beyond the nature's smiley meadows,
sending a major abundance of lovable freedom and glee to the people.

In the bathtub,
Velvety calyx of dreamlover rose flows smoothly through the silk water.
They shower each other and let warmth grasp their naked body.
He kissed her dancing soul of chasms out
and tie uncountable amount of butterfly knots to her pancake stomach.
His abilities of heart possessions had captured the universe's breath.

Nothing has changed since day number one, everything is iridescent.
Everything is swimming in a magical pool of scarred perfections.

As the sun sets to the west,
The undarkened nightfall sings lulling melodies and let its harmonic fire burn the skies.
The shadows of their love whirl out unstoppable romance that vanished away void hopes and pain.
The lover's spirits echo and echo into spring gorges and dashing rivers,
Feeding darkness with lucent fragments of light.

Oh they were only two humans in love...
Or only a size of two negligible lovedust in the mystical galaxies...

But their endless love never fails to deluge the world with drizzling tears.
A facile spark of romance can be an amazing set of fireworks that creates indiscernible fruitful happiness.

Who in the world could resist this unpredictable power of their spingtime love?
okayindigo  May 2014
The Ferryman
okayindigo May 2014
On the floor of the river styx, frogs burrowing peer over muck duvets to watch me press like a violet between the cookbook pages of the water and the land. I went overboard-

I am addicted to the darkness between worlds.

Somewhere above me, I see the moon. She doesn’t try to warn me, she doesn’t bother reminding me that I can’t breathe. Heavy currents like snakes blur her face into fractured crystal tears that wash me over with sweet exasperation.

Sedated by the salt toward the other side, where the ferryman flips my coin and hums a tune without words about all rivers rushing toward the sea.

He doesn’t ask me why I chose this route, just grins a toothless grin
And winks
And tosses my coin into the water

So much

As a wish.
TheBookworm Apr 2014
I am sitting up in a bed of lace duvets, their yellowed hues glowing in the sunlight streaming through the curtains of the lone window. The room is musty, old, and smells faintly of the sea. As I tilt my head back and close my eyes, another scent, this time one of cherry blossoms and pears, fills my nostrils; this is my grandmother's bedroom. The walls are almost an off-white, a dull green tint the only memory of the color they once bore brightly. Birds are chirping, and I can hear the faint sound of fluttering outside the ancient window. A bluebird, perking up its feathers, sings its cheerful melody as it sits perched on the ledge. I smile at it, and it seems to bob its head, cocking its face towards me, as if in that one strange instant, it understood. The bluebird pauses for a moment before flitting away to his friends, eagerly feasting on the myriad of feeders hanging low on tree branches close by. Sighing, I lean back once again on the antique, yellowed bed frame, breathing in the familiar scent of the old white pillows. Slight violin music drifts in from the radio in the other room where my grandmother sits, silently knitting a surprise my sister will adore. The violin sings a song of a via dolorosa, of a crestfallen love that could never ensue, but still shone brilliantly. Tenderly, I pick up the book I'd been reading, carefully running my small fingers along its fragile spine, burying the aged pages in my nose, breathing in its rich aroma. The words take me to magical places, far-off worlds, daring adventures, the promise of mystery at every turn. For that is what a book is, is it not? A mystery waiting to be solved, a story that can transform the hearts of millions, a love that can spring up from even the driest of deserts...all that in the beautiful simplicity of words, words from the human soul itself, words that portray the depths in which the heart can swim against the coursing currents, the heights at which the soul can fly amidst the coming storm. I am flying now, on my way to Neverland, Oz, Camelot, The Hundred Acre Wood, 221B Baker Street, River Heights, Hong Kong, Camazotz, a secret garden.. I am the bluebird, flying high above everything else, traveling to unknown worlds of intoxicating adventure, experiencing
and curiosity...
...all in time to be home for dinner.
My friends
Write of lovers they miss
I don't.
I write
Of a knight in shining armor
Who has
So peacefully rescued me
It pains me
That in these next few days
Away from his embrace
I am left
Staring at his weaponry:
Hot dog pillows
With them,
He's won many battles.
But now I'm back here,
Locked up in this tower of
Unfinished requirements.
The essays
Have destroyed the stairwell.
Lab reports
Have blocked up my doors
And he left me,
Sleep left me
A damsel in distress
With caffeine and homework
Running in my bloodstream.
I peek out of my window,
Stare at the ground below,
Still not a sign of Sleep anywhere.
My friends
Write of lovers they miss
I don't.
I write of one I miss
Every night.
What has hell week done to my poetry?
Rockie  Jul 2015
Rockie Jul 2015
They try and make
Their subtle gazes
As quiet as possible
They're in love
And know things about each other
Whispered in ears
In the crowded morning sunshine
And secrets shared in the shade of the afternoon
Tepees made of duvets in the shadows of night
Lovers be ******,
Because they are granted the wishes
Of hopeless God's and Goddesses.
carminayasmin Aug 2018
my duvet once hugged me, now it morphs
into chains
that coil my bones to themselves and fix my fingertips to my fists and I swing my arms behind me clasped.
anything to keep you clean out of my system you see.

the night which once was dreams,
now  a prison.
the solitude confining me in shrinking walls and a drying mouth whilst my eyes tear open by the pounding crave.
the red slithers through their frail veins until the aching urge sends them to close;
to sleep.

morning you lie vestel. but your taste lumbering in my gum

- I wouldn’t say I’m an addict:
but you make it far too easy when you lie in the palms of my hands and dance in electric through my skin.
your hopeless pervading detains me from rehabilitation.
Part 2
The mornings
cheryl love  Jun 2014
cheryl love Jun 2014
Remind me that
one day
I will visit the planet
Where sleepy people
parade in duvets
instead of clothes.
Good morning
to them means nothing.
Sleepy people come from Zog.
Is it where rude animals live?
That make a mess with
food in their dish
oh sorry they eat
off the floor.
Spend their time
distributing hairs to
every corner of a room,
Then they go in the
shoe cupboard and
choose the nicest shoe
and goes to the toilet on
the sole of it.  Nice.
A dog comes from Zog.
their one purpose in life
to spread eagle on your car window
with a shcoked look.
Or drape themselves to the grill
on the front of your car.
They come from Zog.
The postman that looks
at the address on the envelope
looks at the number on the
front door.
Do they match?
No they do not.
It is next door's mail.
But hey ** just for the thrill of it
it goes in the letterbox.
That postman comes from Zog.
The teaspoon from the cutlery drawer
having its daily laugh.
Refusing to comform
wont go with the rest, oh no
It stays in the washing up water
and tries to abscond down the plughole.
Teaspoons are from Zog.
Here endeth my rant.

— The End —