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Sjr1000 Jun 2018
Contraction or Expansion
Exhaustion or Inspiration

86400 seconds a day
Hmmm, how's it going to be spent?

Difficulties are about what we care about

Our thoughts are a tool
Mind hates to be present
Evolved to keep us safe

My thoughts, my fears, my past experience
pasted to my face
Covering my eyes so they are all I can see,
While my dogs and cats
The fish the birds
they are all laughing at me.

Self is contact
Self is content

Swimming in a sea of thoughts
Emotional weather always changing

Tug of war, to and fro, trying to make the anxiety go

If I spend my 86400 seconds a day
trying to make the pain go away
No time
              to live my life

"Pain is inevitable
Suffering is optional "

Showing up for my awareness

If I'm not living my life
I'm living my fear

Old life
Old values
Living the life I care about now

Compassion for others
Self compassion

Feelings and thoughts are like the weather and
The wind it just blows everywhere.
"Pain is inevitable..." has been attributed to Buddha, however the minimal research I did says he never said that and it appears to be from A.A.
This poem is based on the concepts of Acceptance Commitment Therapy. Many thanks for the language and inspiration to John and Jamie Forsyth.
Nic Carter Dec 2014
One day, 24 hours, 1440 minutes, 86400 seconds. All made up concepts so we can better understand the infiniteness we call the universe.
I digress from speaking on the subject longer as I only have 86400 seconds left to live, well at this point its more like 85372 seconds.
Think of allll the possibilities, i can go with friends and family and cry and tell them how much i love them and try to forget that I've never been bungee jumping, deep sea diving, skiing, and overall just not lived.
Although, what defines life? Well OBVIOUSLY we all know that Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines life as "the ability to grow, change, etc. that separates animals and plants from things like water or rocks".
Well if we use THIS definition then I've never lived because i don't WANT to grow or change.
Is it SOOO bad that every day I go home and lat in bed for hours idly wanting the next 85,314 seconds to pass and for my life to end
Now THIS is the point in the rant where I am to turn the whole concept on its head and say that everything will be ok. But unfortunately that would cost 25 seconds of my last 1439 minutes and 3 seconds so Id rather not waste my time with falsity and lies.
I write this with the same handwriting and brain that articulated that I don't WANT to another second here ESPECIALLY not another 86288 seconds. So i can be where no longer some concept, but I am the the reality of the universe. Were gonna die anyway.
24 hours to live
Amanda Stoddard Sep 2014
I have long awaited the return of who I was and as this pill slips between my lips and down my esophagus, I am reminded that everything is temporary. The rage within me boils to the surface until every waking moment is spent thinking about my demise and I was never good with being on time. Either too early or too late. I always procrastinate the things most important and the trouble with timing is, it doesn't exist. So why spend life hanging on the edge of the lips you'll never get to kiss. Why exist in someone else's world only to be thrown from the grips of it. The years spent sulking in solitude taught me more things about life and myself than any amount of schooling, or reading rainbow ever could. The things I've seen before my eyes reminded me that being temporary in this every-changing life is probably the best thing for us all, because these things we endure can wear us out more than the time we spend in our cars or on our phones and I'm having trouble adjusting to daylight, because everything I ever see anymore is artificial and obsolete, but so are we. Every person you love, everything you touch will all eventually turn cold and frigid and into something you will never see again, we all die in the end. So take the hands that hold on to your hopes and whisk them into the same categories as your wants and your needs and be everything you've ever wanted yourself to be because everything is temporary. The trouble with timing is we don't have enough of it. The trouble with timing is these hands on the clock move every 86400 seconds, 12 days a week, for 165 days a year- so that's 525949 minutes. So we spend 86400 seconds thinking about the other 1440 minutes of tomorrow. So don't ******* waste it. The trouble with timing is the depression that follows, the moments we waste thinking about the things we can't control or the future we wish we could have. The minutes spent trying to talk ourselves out of anxiety attacks when we know **** well that never works. We don't have much in our lives that makes everything okay, all we really have is these imaginary things we wish we could grasp within our fingertips, like time and money and hopes and dreams but all of it means nothing until you take that step forward and remind yourself that nothing is ever set in stone and there's always a tomorrow so don't spend today dwelling on it. Take your time, but don't waste it. You are a delicate place, treat yourself as such.
Gwen Pimentel Mar 2015
These past few weeks
Whenever I put pen to paper
I end up with nothing
No words flowing from my veins
No thoughts running in my mind
No stanzas waiting to be written
My leaves have dried up
My lake is frozen
My lemon fully squeezed
All thanks to you

You have been the only thing running in my mind for the past week
Tell me how long your legs can run cos I'm not sure I can take it any longer
You have been the only one dominating my mind like a computer virus
Making me forget everything but you
You are on my mind twenty four seven
In the 86400 seconds in a day
I can assure you you're the first and last thing on my mind
I'm starting to lose track of time

And yet I find no words to write about you
You bring out the bad poet inside of me
You bring to life this other side of me which ssstutters, always unsure of what to say because it might not be good enough
I am an overheating motor
I am an overmixed batter
I am a pen whose cap is left off

You know,
The funny thing is you have absolutely no idea how you affect me
You go on in your everyday life
You go about your day
You make endless maps and cross roads in my mind
And I don't even know if I cross yours
When others talk to you
I don't think they're aware that they're talking to my world
I don't think you're aware that you are my world
No, actually you are my universe
I am the stars, the galaxies, the comets, the meteors
The endless possibilities in our constantly expanding universe
Ready to be filled with our love

You leave me breathless, searching for words
So please,
tell me when you're going to leave my mind, cos I **** sure wanna start writing again
Should be studying but oh well
JAM Jul 2013
It seems like magic, the way we used to have it

No responsibilities, unaware of all our capabilities

The world was so much more mysterious

The second hand ticks away and the minutes that follow make up 86400 seconds in the day

Hours pass, days go by
Memories last and until the day we die

We try our best to stay strong, do whatever we have to, to hold on

To the things we love

Lines in our faces get a little bit clearer
Every time we take a good look in the mirror

Is the person you see, who you want to be?
Or are you living for someone else, not just physically, but mentaly?

Dig deep inside, rip out what you don't like
Throw it on the ground, step on it, cut it up with a knife

This is what tears away at your heart, this is whats eats away at your conscious, this is what makes you do all the things you don't really have to ...

The way we used to have it, wasn't really magic

It was pure, now that we are polluted we will spend eternity searching for a cure

At least a mystery will still remain...
Is this all just a big game?**

KM Ramsey  May 2015
KM Ramsey May 2015
to most you say
a day
24 hours
and it is that simple
24 perfect little steps
to lead the way
and guide humanity through
an astronomical phenomenon
day and night

to me
a day is not
24 hours
nor is it 1440 minutes
not even 86400 seconds
i watch the milliseconds
the femtoseconds
speed by faster than
the photons that drive
the herd inhabiting this pale blue dot

how could they sleep through
the darkest moment of night
when the cool that
you thought couldn't be
on that cornflower blue
summer day
lazily flows across your face
and you feel the longing
that the fingernail moon
must carry for the sun.

how could they appreciate
every single exact color
as the sky brightens
lilacs running like chariots
from the sun still submerged
give way to effervescent
pastel pinks
like a gift for every baby girl
born that moment
until finally the sun pushes its way
out of the grasp of the horizon
and bursts like a blonde from a cake
bathing the world in its
mourning song for
the moon who always
slips just out of his grasp.
i have been up for 36 hours. what is sleep? i do not want it. the world is so amazingly beautiful.
It was noon when the wise man approached me.
In his hand he carried a one hour sandglass,
Jovially bellowing upon every grain that trickled down.
So absorbed was he that clearly time didn't matter;
'For another two steps and he woulda crushed me and his hourglass.
"Woah timely sir!
It seems you've run out of seconds!"
I exclaimed
"Might I inquire about what is so important within this hour?"

The Sands slowed their decent as his gaze shifted...
His eyes fixated,
Everything froze...
Including the final grain,
In its chalice.

He spoke to me.

"Given the choice between an
Which would you be?"

Curious I told him
"One hour"
To his reply
"There's only 24 of those in a day,
Think bigger."

Playing along I invoked
"The minute"
As he chuckled
"Though indeed bigger,
1440 is still too small.
Think larger."

Confused I queried
"A second?"
Not quite catching on

The laughing ended as he lifted his clock.
Silence reigned.
My eyes shifted to the immobile grain,
Hypnotic in its suspension,
When finally the fellow spoke above me:

"I hope you now understand the significance
Of 86400 moments."
Just before he turned the glass
To walk away.
Ruhee Jul 2019
If I've got only 86400 seconds
For my breathe to hold
& For my heart to beat,

I'll go onto the graveyard
Dig a hole for my body to be buried,
Then I'll Go to the textile
Get a piece of white cloth With my own money,

Then I'll come back home
Have a wonderful bath
Purify my heart and soul,
Dress beautiful as I've never dressed before,

I'll go back to mom and dad
Lay on mom's lap
Hug dad tightly,

Then put my footstep forward
To my Siblings
Kiss their forehead
Spell out all the best memories we had,

When My last hour has come,
I'll have a bath again
Wrap myself with the white cloth I've brought,

Then get a paper and a pen
My fingertips write out;
"To whosoever Reading this
Don't worry I'm gone,
I've just traveled to the
Most beautiful paradise,
So that I could ask God
To fulfill all your desires
I could hear from the earth
To the heaven I've come,
My grave is dug already
Go bury me there,
I've left my breathe
and my heartbeat happily,
I'm proud that I left my soul
Not giving hard bearings
To people around me,
Love yo'll
Good Bye
Stay Blessed
Take care"

Then I'll leave it besides my bed
Go to sleep under the shades of paradise.

Fathima Ruhee
We're waiting for tomorrow,
But tomorrow never comes,
Our last breathe is right upon heels,
Yet still we refuse to run.
86400 seconds,
And we'rein another day,
All slipping through our fingers,
As we look the other way.
Days,weeks,months and years,
Are made up of right now.
A string of fleeting moments,
That we can never pin down.
We gaze into future,
As through its where we're meant to be.
Always planing for that day,
When we can say we are happy.
We spend so long looking forward,
That we may a well be blind ,
Since we don't see until the very end,
All the things we left behind.
now i know it's just a theory,
But I think i would have worked out how,
The only way to happiness,
When the days roll by you think nothing of it
But in reality every second you use is one you'll never get back
Most look at it as in its only a second but there's ONLY 3600 seconds in an hour.
and there's ONLY 86400 seconds in the time of 24 hours

Guess a times tickin
One day there wont be a clock
Tylor  Jan 2019
Tylor Jan 2019
86400 strokes
Day by day I slip away
Killing chances to say what should be said today
Do you love her?
Do you love him?
Do you appreciate the company of matrimony or family?
Cherish each moment happily
Enjoy this present given to you from me
Don’t spend it all on the lust of composing money
For I am valuable

— The End —