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Dec 2016 · 660
a.lways s.houting r.ed
me-mow Dec 2016
Depression is a void, an empty ocean.
I dont want to go there, but she tells me to come anyways and I obediently follow.
Away from the hills and through the city, she reintroduces me to my two old friends,
Grief and Pity.
It's been a while, though they do not ask me how I've been. Its always been all about them.
I hate her for taking me here, but i have no choice, she knows the way because we've been there together before.
She knows how to navigate the steep cliffs, lies, narrow paths and empty eyes.
How silly of me to think that I could forget, so many times it was where I lived, cried and slept, I could NEVER forget.
I think I'll stay here a while, after all. Shes blocked the exit on the other side of the hall, but i dont mind because this comfort is mine.
Depression and my two old friends, three if you count her. I didnt miss them but I dont feel out of place here, they know me so well.
So I take another drag from my cigarette and I let the void swallow me.
Sep 2016 · 453
me-mow Sep 2016
when i was nineteen i fled from the east.
i moved to colorado to escape the dope scene.
when i found out my sister was using, i was just fourteen.
my friends kept dying and my friends STILL keep dying
i came here to escape the dope scene,
i was just nineteen.

four years later, and ****** followed me.
now, i am twenty three
still in the rockies - wild, but not free.
i cant escape the dope scene
because it followed me.

my friend just died, someone that i loved.
(it was only a month ago, today, i miss him so much)
but life is a cycle and ****** followed me,
out to the mountains, my beautiful rockies.
someone i love, with so much potential,
she's been smoking dope and to her its now essential.

like the dead once said
the wheel keeps turning, you cant go back.
everything from this point on is a waiting game.

I'll finish this later.
Sep 2015 · 458
nature gave you to me
me-mow Sep 2015
the sun will rise again and like it's light finds the mountains peaks,
in the early morning, my heart stays synchronized with your heart beat.
hide tide and the low, how does the ocean always find the shore?
simply, it's the same way that my soul will always finds yours.
and you can let me die in the winter like the leaves that have fallen,
but your name is the one that i will forever be calling.
so please, in the fall, let us keep growing abundantly,
flourish, let our leaves and love be green.
(our love and life is everything to me)
Jul 2015 · 797
writers' anthem
me-mow Jul 2015
a writer will write in any situation;
terror, and stoic sadness-
it's about manifestation.
verbal *******, mental incarceration.
the blank white page: a cage
and my pen is the key,
ink on paper to set emotion free.

"can i read it, please?"
you like eye ******* my poetry?
with my words i can make you feel anything.
with my words, i can illustrate an intricate painting
because a writer will write to make you see;
a writer would rather write
than speak to anybody.

(speaking gives writers anxiety)
Jun 2015 · 1.0k
mountain flowers
me-mow Jun 2015
your cool hands beckoned my shaky knees,
take me among the pine trees, please.
driving home through adirondack sunshowers,
i became yours in the fields of mountain flowers.
you loved me through the darkest night,
and you still want me in the mornings light.
Apr 2015 · 502
me-mow Apr 2015
the blue of his eyes remind me of a time when i was a little girl.
that trip to the beach when the atlantic pulled me in
(i couldn't swim)
the way the waves pulled me into the vastness of the ocean,
so similar to the way that i fell for him in one swift motion;
a kiss and i was his
(in his eyes, i am learning to swim)
the lack of breath and anxiety,
until the idea of drowning doesn't seem so scary anymore.
a calmness washes over your being when you become afraid.
(your blue eyes are like a tidal wave.)
and i am yours, forever to claim.
Feb 2015 · 530
but the night won't end
me-mow Feb 2015
this is what i'm left with,
blank walls of a cold basement.
moving on seems so easy sometimes,
but this is where i spend each night
and it's lonely.

sometimes i'm able to fall asleep,
only to wake up abruptly;
half expecting to turn over and see your face
doing that mouth half open, eyes half closed thing.
but it's him there, because you're not around anymore

i don't love him or them, but they
never go away
(they come when i ask them to.)
faithful ******* specks
of dust clinging onto a broken piano
or a tired old bookshelf
whose books don't get opened anymore.

i miss you the most at night,
and lately it seems
like the night
never ends.
Feb 2015 · 661
me-mow Feb 2015
no boy
has ever
broken my
more times
than my
own father.
Jan 2015 · 570
me-mow Jan 2015
love is ****** up.
it'll make you anxious about **** that doesn't matter
it'll make you feel like you
don't matter.
one small thought becomes a downward spiral
until you're so ******* low,
love is viral.
it spreads like a disease,
beginning with your heart,
and then swallowing your entire being with ease.

love is entirely ****** up.
you start off feeling hopeful
-and happy. like the only music you want to hear
is the kind that's lame and sappy.
you write beautiful positive poetry
(if you're the type) and if you're not,
your life still feels like a poem.

but love is ****** up,
because in the midst of that happiness
true bliss becomes sadness
becomes rage,
becomes madness.

you notice how he turns his phone away
and when you want to make love it's
"not today".
he's been talking to her again,
reassuring you they're "just friends"

and love is ****** up
because we all know that in the end,
there's never such thing
as "just friends".
Jan 2015 · 711
◙fucking grimoire◙
me-mow Jan 2015
shaman of new mexico, the warrior which resides in myself longs to
know what you know.
the desert may tame the wildest of hearts- or it can manifest
the wildest of starts.{it's really all the same}

witch doctor- shrunken heads,
the garden will tread
upon you in the evening
all starry lit skies +burdensome cries
the garden shall tread upon your soul

bearing the sweetest fruits, ******* explosions
bittersweet remedies, curing
no//every -thing

giving ability to possess what you otherwise
never would fathom or guess
me-mow Jan 2015
please don't scratch me out
like a sticker
whose scent will fade after
maybe a day

you mean so much to me,
ive loved you for an eternity already
i miss your kisses,
so so sweet.

lie to me, tell me that
you don't talk to her the
way that you talk
to me

i don't care, i don't care
as long as at night
it's into my eyes
that you lovingly stare
Jan 2015 · 494
me-mow Jan 2015
standing outside and weeping at the sky
experiencing an incredibly moving time.
"it's the most beautiful i've ever seen it"
that exact sentence, i want to taste you scream it.
fill my lungs with the colours of the sun
you and your tongue are my only ones.
Jan 2015 · 830
me-mow Jan 2015
today, i thought about drowning myself in the bath tub.
how easy it would be to let the water sway me to sleep.
it felt so good to know that i had the choice, but it hurts
so bad
to know that i don't have the guts. how easy it would be.
Dec 2014 · 486
me-mow Dec 2014
he came to pick me up in a little red car
took me to his house, forty minutes too far
with my sadness on my sleeve, i got in willingly
but i never expected or asked for what he was going to do to me
unwelcome hands thrashing unwelcome swirls
"come on, i've never had to take my pants off before a girl"
i didnt want this i didnt want this i didnt want this i never asked for it i didnt want it i never ******* wanted it i....
so he took what wasn't his
and i
laid there,
me-mow Dec 2014
p e o p l e        d   e s t ro y t  he  thi ngst   hatyo ulove              
d e s t r o y     thi n g s         y o u
t h e                                                                     l o  ve  
t h i n g s
t h a t
y o u
l o v e
Dec 2014 · 498
me-mow Dec 2014
settling down is the hardest ******* part,
and that's why leaving is my favourite start.
i wanna pack my bags and head for the coast,
the atlantic really does know me better than most;
like that time when we were drunk in february,
we dove right in together and it was legendary.
but here i sit in my house at the base of the rockies,
these ******* trying to drown me in their patriarchies.
awaiting the arrival of the second of may,
when i'll pack my bags again and move the **** away.
me-mow Dec 2014
i wish you weren't dead,
you've taken over my life
get out of my head.
me-mow Dec 2014
there is a certain sickness which swallows the Poet.
Dec 2014 · 2.7k
hearing the smiths
me-mow Dec 2014
the last time was when i had the flu on mushrooms.
we were sitting in a circle on the floor of nathans living room.
i was sitting in a swirl of emotion,
**in an endless mosaic ocean!
me-mow Dec 2014
our moments together after we make love
are the ones i hold dearest- nothing above.
i pay close attention to the way that your hair falls
and i notice how you look at me; how it'll make your breath stall.
the moments before were hot and intense,
but now we lay, naked and passionate.
blue eyes meet blue eyes
you're so ******* beautiful, i think i might cry.
but you give me a smile and a playful shove,
that's why my favourite moments are the ones after we make love.
Dec 2014 · 577
a secret conversation~
me-mow Dec 2014
we shouldn't*
we should
me-mow Dec 2014
it's christmas eve and i don't have any money
but i can give you gifts, bits of paper containing poetry.
because these words are all i have to convey
whatever ****** up reasons i might feel this way.
and i don't know if it even matters,
but now that i love you my thoughts aren't so scattered.
i am grateful for my sense and ability to see,
because your beautiful blue eyes move me like the waves of the sea.
so i'll write about it in the form of poetry
and give it to you as a gift on christmas eve
Dec 2014 · 2.1k
jungle spice
me-mow Dec 2014
sprinkled sunsets over a lush green landscape
as you hold the flame and watch it evaporate.
inhale mothball secrets, let it expand your lungs
what did you expect, for this to be fun?
new dimensions and planes of existence,
no longer questioning your existence.
shamanic swirls and colourful twirls
if you've had a DMT experience and you'd like to collab on this, please let me know!
Dec 2014 · 1.5k
me-mow Dec 2014
breathing comes easily after i've made you ***
with the fluid motions of my love-sick tongue.
i could write about how our voices say no but our bodies agree,
they fit together so perfectly.
so i'll keep thinking of arrangements of words
to describe your touch, or how bad longing for you hurts.
Dec 2014 · 642
me-mow Dec 2014
the only thing my mother ever taught me
was how to succeed at having failed relationships
and broken hearts.
-that at twenty one, it's okay
to make boys cry and to let them
make you cry.
but time doesn't heal wounds,
and some day soon i'll be twenty two.
Dec 2014 · 464
8 years
me-mow Dec 2014
your song came on and it made me weep because i'd still give ******* anything to hear you sing it, or speak.
"i just want back in your head"
still learning to cope after all this time
Dec 2014 · 443
me-mow Dec 2014
"Best friends for life" You’d say. Assure and reassure. Left to fend for myself, where does that leave us now? Cold while you sleep. Porcelain. My best friend. Is it still a necessity to feel? I feel, I do. What about you? Dove deep into the unknown, years ago. The ultimate adventure. Don’t you miss what’s been left? "Best friends for life." Now far and gone behind. You exist in the wind, in the grass and trees, in the clouds in the sky. I can feel you. Can’t you feel me? Feel me. And don’t go too far without me, I’ll be joining you soon. Best friends for "life".
I wrote this a long time ago as a way to cope with losing my best friend at fifteen to a brain aneurysm.
Dec 2014 · 855
my open window
me-mow Dec 2014
blue like a well lit room
on a summer day, where the sun is warm but the breeze is cool.
the breeze, coming from my open window
which had been closed+ locked tight for two years too long.
Dec 2014 · 804
me-mow Dec 2014
it's almost 3am and you're planting flowers in my rib cage
with your dreams while you sleep.
and i'm sitting awake in my room,
waiting for you patiently.
because my souls got weeds
and i think that you could really help me.
Dec 2014 · 496
alive in your eyes
me-mow Dec 2014
as if the earth were two blue spheres instead of one, i feel alive in your eyes.

— The End —