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 Dec 2015 robin
Cat Fiske
Kill Me.
 Dec 2015 robin
Cat Fiske
**** me,

watch my paranoid body,
flip the **** out,

watch my insides eat at each other,
as they try to snack on the out,

Picture my arms really bleeding out,
filling the room,

me and you,

in my shame and fear,

I wish for my life to end,
you wanting my charade to come full circle and stop,

and I'll stop.
give you a twitch,

death stare,
till I collapse into myself,

and cry,
and cry,

as my tears flow to the bottom,
because everyone knows,

bloods thicker than water,
and I hate my one reason to live,

for not helping me die,

for not killing me,
and I scream at you,

like you know what to do,
when I don't either,

when all I did,
was try to live,

and nothing good,
has came from it,
this is over a year old, its about one of my friends, and how he described me to me *in text* and it made me cry that he felt that way, about me, then he had to start taking med due to a medication shortly after and they made him very unhappy and other things, I almost lost him and I wrote this in that class while getting all his messages, thinking I was going to lose him when he got home if I didn't do something, so I did and everything was fine. I cant believe I forgot I wrote this.
 Dec 2015 robin
 Dec 2015 robin
there is a raven who sings me to sleep,
if could,
i'd dream every night.

that abyss of whom i am born,
cradles me in its arms of stars
and heart of clouds.

the moon is my light,
my goddess: lenore.
wings of black soul beating the air of love, forevermore.
whip me a whirlwind.

raven, oh raven, if you could see me now
 Dec 2015 robin
msg delivered
 Dec 2015 robin
01:52 am
have you ever asked yourself like why you so lonely?*

01:53 am
or empty?

that maybe you give too much of your essence to people and never leave any of you for yourself

01:55 am
i know i do

02:05 am
and like that's maybe why i get so attached to humans

because in them,
i find myself

02:07 am
i need to change, because things shouldn't be this way

02:10 am
but it's hard sometimes you know, when most days you don't leave the house because you feel unworthy of the space you take up

02:16 am
so you'd much rather disintegrate into soil because you've become all too familiar with people stepping over you and admiring the outcome of your beauty but never the roots of your pain

02:19 am
i spend so much effort watering people in order for them to grow and hardly get enough sun shine to feed my own soul

02:25 am*
because i don't know how to do anything else but care for everyone but myself
 Dec 2015 robin
 Dec 2015 robin
I feel so inclined towards you yet I feel so distant.
Whenever I believe I am attaining closeness, I'm shown exactly how far back I truly am.
I see myself as a participant in this race
In reality I am simply a spectator, onlooking,
as each person passes me by.
I yearn for those spells of closeness I am exposed to
Those veils that are lifted, sometimes for a mere second, others longer,
before I am cut off and the doors sealed.
I must not let myself slip or fall any further
For in those moments the screens rise, no longer do I wander blindly.
The wounds begin to heal
I'm lost in the ecstasy, hypnotized by the beauty
The light reflects off me and all that is around me
The moment it goes blank I feel empty and lost
I am confined in the darkness, my entirety submerged in the blackness
The journey I planned, comes to an abrupt stop
Many paths lay ahead of me, decorated with the allures of the world.
I refuse to let the ugly beauty trap me
I find myself to be at war once again
My thoughts, confused and chaotic. Which path do I take?
Every move I make must be strategically planned in order to win this battle
And I shall continue participating in this battle, positioned on the front line
With steal for amour and my mind erasing all that is trivial, insignificant.

I have hope this bitter struggle will be worth it, that there is a reward
This goal cannot be achieved of my own accord
I pray, with your guidance, your mercy and your blessings, you will forbid me from straying
You will conduct and influence the steps I take towards you.

© maria.who
Do you know me now
As I travel alone....

The road I travel
I want all of you
Like the sea itself
Flowing beautifully

From your own shores
If you knew me then
Will you know me now....

Like the land itself
Something hard
No lack of mysticism
Flood my lands with seas....

Not my mountains
Would you want to know more
My wandering tides
My wandering mind
Changing oh so silently
So vigorously
Never stop the flowing of our fragrant emotions....

As your rivers flow through me’
I have built dams’
Not to ban you away
To retain you’
When a time
We no longer exist
If only we meant the world
To each other....

As travel alone....

Debbie Brooks 2014
Yes darling I travel alone
 Dec 2015 robin
Amitav Radiance
The heart’s not homebound
Wanderlust soul seeks to travel
Through the enormous universe
Feel the harmony of cosmic energy
This heart wants to travel beyond
Like an unburdened soul, with valor
Veer away from the usual path
Prepare for the eternal travel
Multiple destinations and one purpose
To enter the wormhole of space
Traveler always and enjoy the cosmic circle
Whirlwind of a tour of the vast eternity
The heart’s not homebound

— The End —