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Discipline is not around.
Peace cannot be found.
Skyscrapers collapse as street-goers
act as if they couldn't care less.
Glass and cement all around the ground,
this place is a mess.
To have the guts to keep it together and clean.
How we're now on our own but were once
a team.
Rules change and people won't play.
Tied to a chair and tortured and whipped for wanting to say.
This is all a mess
how do you not see?
Admonish us all
never thought this is what it would be.
Can you ever admire those who are good?
This turned into a mess.
Breaks my heart
how it ever could.
a distant shore
of something old
I visit often
the breeze is cold

the waves have gone
tides receded
I still fight hard
just to keep it
I know there's more but I'm content with this.
How do people do this every night?
Go to bed all alone,
knowing there isn't anyone
to fill that side of the bed?
Curling up into myself,
I try to ignore the fact
that I'm completely alone,
no one here to wrap around.
But ****, is it lonely
and sad, so ******* sad.
Sunlight brings welcome respite,
because during the day I'm able
to pretend all is well.
But night, oh god, the night.
I dread having to lie in bed
knowing too **** well it's me
and me alone to fill that space.
And no matter how tightly
I wrap my arms around myself,
they're no substitute for yours.
The decision was mine,
     and throughout the day
     I own it.
But late at night,
     home alone,
     lying in bed,
     the façade crumbles.
And I think about
     everything we had,
     how perfect it seemed.
I wrote poetry proclaiming
     my love for you,
But now I'm stuck with these
     tear-marked pages.
Logically, my head tells me
     it was the right choice,
     but it's hard to explain that
     to my heart sometimes.
If I let myself,
     I miss you so ******* much.
But this was my decision,
     so I have to own it.
Actions are weightless,
free to drift away
at their slightest inclination.

Say what you will,
but those utterances
are useless without
the proof of action.

Actions, see, are weighted
down with a number
of things. Actions stay
long after the words
have floated away.
.                          To seek                  out love
                       is a letdown         in the making.
                    They feed your     heart with all the
                false words, but the moment you try to  
             grasp on to that love it turns out they were
           just using an accumulation of sounds that do
          nothing but disguise their lust.  For that's all it
             is underneath. Peel back the proclamations
                of love and adoration, seek out the truth,
                      the purpose of the utterances, and
                          maybe you'll be able to peek a
                             glimpse at the truth within.
                                They say they love you,
                                     *******, they just
                                        want to ****
Ask a guy to come over
with the unspoken implication
of *** in your invitation
and he jets over in record time.
But ask him to come help
with something you need done,
a serious task without promise of fun,
and watch the clock tick away
the minutes without his arrival.
 Mar 2015 Raymond F Bell
Shylah S
I am proud of myself because
I do not have to say "I will be"
but I have the power to say
**"I am"
What are you proud of?
 Mar 2015 Raymond F Bell
Shylah S
What happens
after Cinderella
is able to be with her prince?

After her stepmother gone
her stepsisters vanquished
all obstacles gone ever since?

Did they grow old
lavished in the kingdom's wealth
and love each other forever?

Or did the handsome prince
grow bored
and find another beautiful woman to endeavour?
 Mar 2015 Raymond F Bell
Shylah S
I asked a beautiful boy
to write my birthday on my wrist.

I passed him a purple pen
and he sat shoulder-to-shoulder with me
resting my arm on his leg.

We sat like this
for much longer than we should've.

And you know what I asked him?

I asked a beautiful boy
to be my boyfriend.
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