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 Dec 2016 Rae
 Dec 2016 Rae
I can't breathe
Like there is something pressing down on my lungs
Stealing the oxygen right out of me
Ripping the strength from every fiber of my body

I'm tired
But I don't want to sleep
Because if I drift away into that abyss
I'm not sure I'll ever leave it
I'm not sure I'll wake up
 Dec 2016 Rae
Elizabeth Burns
I had a conversation with the man who haunts my dreams
Who wanders around my mind like a lost soul
With the man who broke my heart...
Who shattered my innocent dreams of love
And we spoke
It felt unreal
Psychedelic perhaps
It felt like a dream speaking to him again
A fantasy perhaps
We haven't spoken in a year
He's broken me
He's hurt me
He's shattered my heart
But no
Not this time
This time I am a warrior
Slashing his words
And menacingly swallowing every look his eyes have as they trail down my body
With lust
No love
Not an ounce of love

We were just a game of lust
You lusted over my body
I loved your artistic melodious heart

You want me physically
I want emotional depth

You want my body
I want your heart

You said I was lost
I am broken
I can not see my path any longer

You were right about that

You always know my heart
But then you seek more...
The more I can not give
For innocence is all I have
To give this world

And this time...
I'm letting you go, lover boy

For you and I can never be
We are too broken for one another
Two shattered souls can never try to seek love from one another
For we only find emotional depth
Something beyond my wildest dreams
I find in you.

But I am letting go
Letting go of your tug on my heart
On those shattered pieces you left in me

Get out of my heart.
 Dec 2016 Rae
what I changed
 Dec 2016 Rae
I'm haunted by my mistakes
Every word venom in my mouth
they tasted bitter so I spit them out
and they hurt those around me
but I didn't care.

I dyed and cut my hair to play the part
of someone who moved on with an entirely untouched heart
it was blonde, then blue, green, and black
I cut enough off that you'd surely not come back
because you didn't like girls with short hair
I still don't care.

I'm haunted by my actions,
every move a cut deeper in my grave,
I hurt those around me in a viscious, Godly wave
Each time it crashed, I'd apologize, retreat
but would relapse, and get the same rush each time I would repeat
I'm haunted by that thought,
that I changed myself so much this year,
from gaining 40 pounds to starting to drink beer,
but I have not cleaned the cobwebs from my heart,
it's been 9 months and I am still torn apart.
Not from missing you, or heartbreak,
but from the repurcussions of these hideous mistakes,
the summer left those ugly scars that turn blue instead of white,
and I hurt too many people to even try to make it right
I wonder if I'll ever heal,
or change in ways inside,
because my hair is starting to break off,
with everything I use on it to hide
 Dec 2016 Rae
 Dec 2016 Rae
I once had a home.
I once could live happily.
I was once whole.
In the blink of an eye, that was all changed.
I cry now.
I am blinded by my own thoughts now.
I am someone else now.
In the blink of an eye, I was ****** into a world where nothing matters.
I now swim through life, not caring.
It's funny how the word carefree is always used positively.
My head pounds with headaches.
I force myself to keep going, not knowing why,
wanting to give up.
People see me cry sometimes.
They wonder.
They try and help.
They try their hardest to be empathetic.
They are good people.
I may live a good life.
I may have it better than many people.
Forget may, I do have a great life.
But I can't seem to forget my sadness.
 Dec 2016 Rae
 Dec 2016 Rae
Have you ever felt like you were drowning?
Like you want to yell for help but it wouldn’t even matter?
Who would come?
Would they even help?
Have you ever felt alone?
So alone you just want to be alone?
Does that make any sense?
Or will that just make it worse?
Have you ever felt pulled in so many different directions?
Have you ever asked yourself, is there any of me even left?
Who can answer that besides you?
How did you let this happen?
If there are no pieces of us left then can we even be drowning?
 Dec 2016 Rae
Aleck Solier
What am I to do?

When the voices start talking

When the sea begins to beckon

Bereft of comforting

What am I to think?

When the sadness kicks in

As the darkness descends

Left to chaos and sin
 Nov 2016 Rae
The Last Wordsmith
Though she now gives me kisses, and I enjoy their heat,
her lips aren't soft like yours, nor nearly quite so sweet.
Though she makes me smile, with every "I love you"
I can't forget that moment, when you once said those words too.
Though she's the one who has me now, and does the things you'd do
it'll never be, just quite the same, she simply isn't you.
She's beautiful, and intelligent, and funny. She makes me laugh, and smile, and we go on adventures. She's there for me, and she cares about me. But she's not you.
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