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  Jun 2015 Laura
Watered-down lungs
I exhale the moonlight from a night of emptied bottles, of messages never found
Counting stars never was easier than when you filled your head so full of clouds
I envy you
And your knowing eyes dart to mine
Iron inside your chest, that heart of yours
Bone-weary, you wage ever onward
Teach me strength
Tell me I know nothing of truth
Cut back the seaweed in which I am so easily entangled and feast on my shame
Eyes roll back like the waves as you move over me
Sate this hunger and leave me hungover
Skin the color of dusk, lips ashen
Form broken, blood burning
My veins itch in a way they haven't in weeks
But it's your name I want scarred on my skin and I catch myself sharp
An open hand stings more than a pocket full of blades
Or posies
And I love you the way I leave the wildflowers untouched
But don't forget that it's always you I pick
Laura Jun 2015
Did you ever really see me
Did you ever look past the fence
I know I build one around me but for you
I unhinged the lock and let you advance
Did you size me up in a passing glance
Did you throw me to the wayside when you found
The opportune chance
Did you check my resume and see a lack of
Creative projects and weathered portfolios
Did you dismiss my non-fine arts degree
Surely a history major like me
Had no flashy spark similar
To your friends and artsy possy
“I’m just a passionate person”
I recall being your excuse
As to why our failed romance
Had to cease on cue
Well sit down and listen up buddy
I’m here to share a few thoughts
You see writers like me
Don’t paint pretty pictures
Music doesn’t come from our fingertips and lips
We don’t work on logos
And I don’t have much of an eye for design
But my passion is displayed
When I take out my heart and dissect it
For the very words that bleed out of
My spiritual and emotional core
I can be a creative god as well
And sit upon your intellectual throne
So make way for this writer’s words that form
This little lady’s inner combat zone
  Jun 2015 Laura
Cecil Miller
I thought about you for a while today,
Imagined all the things I’d like to hear you say.
You said many things I wanted to be true,
And when I fantasized I said, “I love you, too.”

If only I could feel the things you feel,
Are you just a friend, or will more be revealed?
I know I’m not the perfect specimen.
But I love you now, and I will love you till the end.

And when you think of me,
Remember me with kindness.
If you go away,
Please, close the door with tenderness.
And all you are,
Is everything you could have been to me.
I know you would,
If only you could love me.

I sat in silence with my thoughts today.
And then I practiced all these things you’ll hear me say.
I never knew I had such feelings inside.
I would have said before, if it weren’t for my pride.

The truth is more like that I fear too much,
And do women like their men to be tough?
I wonder maybe if there could be a chance,
If I am bolder, so I’m here to show my stance.

And when you think of me,
Remember me with kindness.
If you go away,
Please, close the door with tenderness.
And all you are,
Is everything you could have been to me.
I know you would.
If only you could love me.

I knew that if I wore my feelings on my sleeve,
There was a chance that things would change and you would leave.
One in a million lucky few can feel like this.
I want to thank-you.
I love you.
You’re worth the risk.

My heart’s not broken, but it’s fortified.
You’ve taught me lessons, you brought joy to my life.
You’ve shown me kindness, and when to let go.
And lots of other things, I think you should know.

I have to tell you all these words I’ve said
Have just been swimming loudly ‘round in my head.
I didn’t mean to put you on the spot.
I am in love, even though you’re probably not.

And when you think of me,
Remember me with kindness.
If you go away,
Please, close the door with tenderness.
And all you are,
Is everything you could have been to me.
I know you would.
If only you could love me.

I knew that if I wore my feelings on my sleeve,
There was a chance that things would change and you would leave.
One in a million lucky few can feel like this.
I want to thank-you.
I love you.
You’re worth the risk.

Was writing for a musician friend, a guitarist, to see what he could do. Negotiations are on the table. Lyrics completed dec. 29, 2015. All copywrites reserved by the writer.
This is the second time I am posting this today. I deleated what I posted because of a bullying comment. I blocked the silly girl, but was unsure if it would remove her harrasing. Please do not comment, unless it it nice.
  Jun 2015 Laura
Brent Kincaid
I used to look like a famous person,
And I swear I really still do.
I started out looking like Dagwood
And now I resemble Mister Magoo.
On a fairly regular basis
I had to shave my face
And gripe about it as I did; now
There are hairs all over the place.

Oh, I remember times quite well
I used to bend to pick up a coin.
Then quickly stand right up again.
Now it causes pain in my groin.

I’d stand before the mirror, I’d
Spend much time combing my hair.
It had to look lush and thick
Now it’s gone, so I no longer care.
Because my forehead has grown
Much longer than my tresses.
I no longer have to worry
About any tangled messes.

I used to be able to eat
Anything put before me
But now I have to watch
What I munch on carefully.
Some things bind me,
And stop all activity,
And some things make me
Take ***** trips frequently.

I’d ***** about this aging stuff
But I have learned not to whine
Because I am still around.
So, longevity is mine.
Some people ridicule me
Because I walk slowly
I tell them I hope they can walk
When they are as old as me.
  May 2015 Laura
Lunden Gabriel Lee
Your voice makes me melt,
but gives me chills
I've never felt.
It's just so beautiful,
it seems so unreal.
And when sung
so sweetly,
it was meant to heal.
It will help the masses
if it reaches their ears.
It will mend the breaks,
and dry the tears.
You will move so many,
every single heart.
I want to promote your life
and produce all your arts.
I just want this feeling
to be spread all around.
Because babe,
you've got it!
Such Delicious Sound!
Waking up to you
is Christmas Morning
I just love you as a person,
what else could I say.
I've always loved your songs,
they've filled up my soul.
Because you put it all out there,
you put your heart in whole.
******' Delicious!!!
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