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  Sep 2015 Pax
its gonna make sense
i am just here
turning words
you are there
creating dreams
with your

i thought that you will save me from this fantasy
Pax Aug 2015
I planted my seeds
And for three years it’s still a sprout
Struggling in a harsh environment.

Many have flourished
Around it,
mine was left behind
with its slow progress...
This is how I describe myself. How far I've grown as a functional person within  society's & my humanity's needs.

sorry for not being around much, Right now I am on my vacation time back here in the Philippines. So I'll be back in just few more weeks to go of my vacation time left... Be back in September...
  Jul 2015 Pax
raine cooper
i wanted to tell you i loved you,
but the butterflies in my stomach swarmed my throat, and all the words got caught in their wings
So happy this was picked for the daily! Thank you all so much for your kind words and support of my writing. I appreciate it, truly.
Pax Jul 2015

prying eyes, leaking imaginations
urges moves forward,
awaiting opportunity,

I am extremely afraid and anxious to post this piece because its quite a personal experience.

Due to my hippie long hair and rounded ****, I've been sexually harass... but not to the extreme because I always manages to escape. I admit, through my 3 years here, I've been approach by a few indecent proposal, and I always manages to say no AND ESCAPE. But this recent one is a bit extreme, because I have to run to avoid this person. its just that we work in the same place, and sometimes he manages to corner me in the bathroom. Thank God, to people coming in and out of the bathroom. i HATE IT WHEN HE MANAGE to touch me.   I hate ****** harassment but there are just some people are really shameless.

It taken me a lot of courage to put this up. And yes, it is applicable to men. specially weak men like me. Why can't some people understand a simple no or a multiple nos.... please don't judge me, I never really talk about this kind of stuff, I just want to spit it out and forget about it.
Pax Jun 2015
I stop counting my blessing
And start just being thankful
Of each passing day.

I may not be lucky in love
Or blessed with good things
Or great looks LIFE has to offer
But I am fortunate enough to live this LIFE
As good as I wanted it to be.
We are still fortunate. Just me, being optimistic about my life, a start of my new aging life, another year of living a new age. Be thankful.
Pax Jun 2015

Blending in and pretending to be someone
It's been my life for years
I'm just a killing machine for hire
Running and hiding seems to be the right thing to do
It was a failed tasked yet I felt relieved
That will be my last task
To start a new life will be hard
A lot of people now are looking for me
Especially my boss that I must avoid at all cost
Why must I leave it unfinished?
Why must I feel this unknown feeling towards my target?
Why does it have to be you?
It's the first time I felt alive, that I'm not just a machine anymore
Like everything and everyone matters
To you I'm just a human being looking for someone to love and care for

My enemies have come
I'll do my best to stay alive for one day I will see you again
Hoping that you'll be well and happy in your own life

Now I just wanted to share this again as birthday celebration piece,Yup, today is my Birthday, this piece has made an impact to me because it is special to me, this came from a dream of mine, it was vague but still i manage to put it up into a piece. And somehow even in my dreams I wanted to feel alive. Another that made this so special is that it was chosen as Founder’s Choice audio readings
listen here:
"he narrates it with such emotions the way i wrote it."
Pax Jun 2015

To the world,
I share my words.
Expressed in verses
through Rhymes & Rhythm
It bleeds my life
as I unload my burdens.

I thank those who understand,
who cares to read
and relate
to the art of expressing

this is a little thank you note to all my friends who reads my scribbles.
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