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 Jul 2015 Paridhi Sharma
Once upon a time,
There was me and you,
We were each other’s half –
A perfect match.

As I lay my head on your shoulder,
You wrap me in your arms;
Our hands entwined
Sharing sweet laughters.

All those moments we spent together
We decided to make it last;
My hope of our forever
Will be up high til' we turn to dust.

When you decided to love me so,
My heart was ever glad;
You and me just like that…
Inlove... Unified.
The last two stanzas of my poem should be this:

All those moments we spent together
Will just be part of our past;
My hope of our forever
Vanished like dust.

When you decided to let me go,
My heart was shattered;
You left me just like that…
Weeping... Broken.

But before I posted this, I sent this first to Mr. Hyacinth. Then, he created a new ending for my poem that's why this became a collab :) He wrote the other side of my poem.

Thanks for reading ;)

A faint glow of light
Casting long shadows in the corridor
Dust gathering,
In this house riddled with secrets
Lurching behind the curtains.
Time, stands still,
As these walls seem to breathe
With their eyes watching me.
In this endless solitude,
I've found my solace
In this madness,
I have begun to revel.
Intoxication finds me hospitable
Blankly staring at the photographs
Hung up high on the wall.
And I whisper into the growing darkness
An unsolvable equation to my insanity.
I have lost myself within these hallowed halls,
Built a temple around my being
With my inebriated dreams.
I fall deeper and deeper
Further away from all that is real.
Oh how comforting,
This swirling blackness,
Ushering me in to the unknown.
©Meenu Syriac
 Jul 2015 Paridhi Sharma
Horses spied galloping in a distant field
far away enough to make you start day dreaming
How it would be if you set out on a journey
first to the horse field, and then gallop into eternity.
 Jul 2015 Paridhi Sharma
Her words are sweet and simple,
yet their sharp edges convey the truth.
How ironic an intention, we lie to those we love--
but false words cannot hide the hopeless.

And talking will not erase tragedy.

Experience has etched into her soul,
and it will forever taunt her.
You cannot forget the past. You cannot change it.
Happy lies will never heal a broken heart.

*The irony.
We will forget the times I breathed your name into the sky
and made it rain.

The thought of you will become a ***** verse in the anthology of
apologies I figured in my sleep.

I will forget the touch of your skin
in the way you forgot how to love.
She says she can
make the sky change into
the colours of shame:

but how could she have known
that I already walk
with a cloud over my head?
I woke up
With a heavy heart
Tears slowly rolling
Down my face
That made things
Much worse
For I'm feeling
Every move
Of pain.

I dreamed of you
Last night
You came by
I was like a prisoner
Expecting no
Visitors at all
You brought tulips
Orange and violet
So I knew
I was happy.

That was my dream
After a very long time
I guess
I need not say
Why I woke up
With a heavy heart
Tears slowly rolling
Down my face
Feeling every move
Of pain.
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