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  Nov 2017 Panda Boy
Carter Logan Iuni
Count the hours on the clock,
Shifting hands to softly mock,
The nagging tick of mortal flocks,
Atop this fetid, burdened rock

Arranged in dandy rows of twelve,
Nestled firm above the shelves,
They strum a tune for silent crowds,
To dust and grime and hellish clouds

Waiting for its muse to strike,
As if a match or flame alike,
It leaps from hours seeking rhythm,
To seize upon a growing schism

Ringing out, it quells the chime,
Weeping children stand in line,
Dead men all accused of crimes,
Against the grueling pace,
Of time

"These bleeding hands, tis' all you thought,
For now you see,
It's all a sign..."
Panda Boy Nov 2017
I want to see a grown man cry.
Mother doesn’t approve of a psychology course.
Hatred to swallow only to erupt again.
To see all sides of that person
But no one knew.

You can grow like a tree;
Tall and strong,
Old and wise,
But a tree doesn’t go anywhere.
Alpha and Omega,
The vastness of space.
Your life will come to an end;
Don’t let it go to waste.

I give you a smile;
Genuine warmth.
Look at those around you,
Must you curse them?
Instead love them.

A needle can sew,
But it can also *****.
Use that wisely,
Be gentle I say,
Put it to good use.
reel it in. look at it. get it out.
Panda Boy Nov 2017
Where was youth?
Maybe hated it
Didn't want it
Couldn't care for it
Doubted it
Wouldn't trust it
Disposed of it
But later
Longed for it
Missed it
Waited until realised

Had lost it
Then moved on from it
Soon didn't recognise it
And went back
To despise it.
Where was youth?
based on William Golding's Lord of the Flies
Panda Boy Nov 2017
Dust is a disease,
Time is a curse,
Actions only society decides.
Technology increasing,
Humans missing,
Years go by faster,
Generations die quicker.
Not only is it there,
It is inside us,
Is inside us,
Inside us,
Mankind will **** itself.
Now, only they wait.
this is (not) the end
Panda Boy Nov 2017
Well it’s been seven years,
Fighting fire with firewood.
How could you begin to face
These ice cold tears
Of which drift upwards?

Just give it some time to waste.
Roll onto my bed
As the crew cycles through the night.
Unwilling adults never
Cease to amaze brick walls.

Let her come by some day
So friends can hear the doves better.
Nobody said this was okay,
But please know
At least I want you to stay
With us.
Panda Boy Nov 2017
The way a man can be herself
As the eyes and mouth
Twitch in a silent breeze.

He starts with a lukewarm
Ginger beer and the
Local newspaper
Or black coffee and low opinions
Whilst listening to the bird
Morning song.

Yet, he could be listening to you
On the radio.
Panda Boy Oct 2017
The grass; flat.
Autumn leaves; scattered.
Two birds; pecking.
Firm trees; tall and grounded.
Charisma boys; young.
Senseful girls; fair.
Insightful elders; straint.
Do not doubt the older,
For they were once like you,
Except now stronger
And still are wiser.

My boundary of flesh
Being dragged around
My soul, heart, and mind
Trapped inside
Yet I feel so empty

Don't smile unless you're happy
Don't cry unless you're sad
Don't drink until you're thirsty
Don't repent unless you feel bad

There's something more here
You can guess your best
Be my guest
But no answer will satisfy
There will be no more rest.

Goodbye my sweet;
I said goodbye
But stay with me
Until I must die.
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