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Love and lust are not compatible.
Don't fool yourself.
You'll end up hurting or dying.
I’m inspired
by the desire thats inside of myself.

The fire thats alive again,
in every time that I've felt,

pushed down or not helped
man, he's put down on himself.

I'll throw down on this blunt,
that I only trust what I’ve dealt with.

Regrets are for suckers
with an irrelevant message.

You either move on,
or move into your own personal hell with,

your fears and,
the problems that will be keeping you helpless.

I'm sounding all dramatic,
but with rap such a weapon,

I’m just throwing my two cents into
the new fountain of youth,

Who’s in pursuit of a message
so here’s a perspective in truth.

Seek out every angle.
False facts do confuse.

So fall back on the proof,
and if you can’t then pursue.

Your life is in your hands,
just grab land and uproot.

Create the one that you want
theres one chance at this, dude.

If you can’t dabble in the dance,
you won’t advance or improve.

Don’t be the type to stand still, man.
I demand that you move.
Standing here, between two walls
Doors, unnumbered, crowd the hall
Behind each door a secret kept
Of fears, of lies, of tears been wept
Portals each to different worlds
Lessons learned from little girls
Listen as the truth unfolds
Tales untold of a *wounded soul
© 2015 Ashley Jean.
All rights reserved.
Intellectual property of the author.
 Jun 2015 Otherly One
JR Falk
Why does my mind do this?
My heart still feels funny,
It was thudding so fast.
I thought I was getting over you.
But when I heard my front door open,
the excitement of seeing you came,
even though you didn't come with.
The more that I think about you,
the more you just seem like a really good dream I had;
I've accepted that you're no more than a memory.
I know it'll never be real.
I know that all there is left to do is remember.
I know that I'll have so many more dreams,
but that will never stop you
from being the best I ever had.
x 6/1/2015
In this world
Can be raw material
Our writings
They are
They are
Which makes our
Life Revivable.
Dedicated to all writers
Love your creativity
I want you to write
As much as possible
Give us your essence
With your writings
Thank you
Some changes from beryl Sir
Thank you
Be A Shining Light

Each morning just as you wake up
You have a choice to make
You can choose that you'll be happy
Or sad throughout your day

You can choose to see the good things
And not to see the bad
Look forward to your future
Let go of all the past

You can choose to think of others
Learn from your mistakes
Listen to different points of view
And give more then you take

If you choose each day to smile
You will make the world bright
Each morning just when you wake up
You become a shining light

Be A shining light

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
I've forgotten how to flow.
To seamlessly merge one line with the next,
Was once second-nature to me,
But now I have lost that,
Replaced with disjunction.
Disconnected thoughts that,
Fit together in any kind of,
Harmony or even agreement.
Perhaps what I've said all along,
Has destroyed me too:
Poetry is the bleeding of the soul,
Through the hand,
Onto paper.
But when the soul is confused,
Discontent with itself,
It follows that words won't,
Follow on like they used to.
This could be the most honest,
Expression of my mind I've written,
For a long time,
Because I am not thinking,
I am not binding myself to structure,
Or a theme,
Or an image.
I'm just writing,
Hoping that perhaps something,
At least a little meaningful,
Will be portrayed,
Maybe even admired,
If luck smiles on these weary hands.
I have never endeavoured to find myself through words,
I prefer to be lost for words,
For the sake of poetry,
I can stop worrying,
A minute about who I am,
Lose my inhibitions and scream,
Scream onto the page or screen,
That I am still alive,
And I need not know more than that.
So perhaps worrying about flow is pointless,
Because perhaps that's just where I am at the moment,
Somewhere a little less fluid,
A bit rougher.
And as I've reminded myself in tough times:
Pens write better on a hard surface.
you get what you want
when it's too late
you bear the pain
and learn to move on
you realise it just isn't worth it
but the lesson is a lasting one I guess
an indentation on the body and soul
a lesson of patience and having faith in things worth waiting for
you don't always get what you wish for
but in time you will feel the love you strive toward
you will acknowledge the pain you did endure
and understand what it is you are living for
life is learning about what truly matters /
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