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K G Jun 2016
I held your hands when you were very very angry
I've been lost, stolen, and have felt weeknight pity
My cure for loneliness was a waste of energy

My life is a sentence constantly being rewritten
My life is a black line erased with a frequent recurrence
Fire to dust with your cold and new blandishments

I said "Fun can turn over when sober very quickly"
Open your mouth to my wine, and somehow take it away
Your words have become more and more filthy

I just want you to stay with me, don't you want to?
Its hard not to know how your days begins
When you're lying next to someone new
K G Jun 2016
Dear friend
You cannot handle light when you're five foot three
Now to dig deep trenches in the beauty's field
But don't leave me
To feel my vacivity

Dear friend
Its easy to become a shadow when you're five foot three
Your name is as majestic as your bedraggled face
We're an all-bottled shame, with all-throttled praise
Growing weary

Dear friend
Your love is greed with a stomach that can't be satisfied
Yell your final words, and forget me so easily
You're not used being asked, where all the beauty lies
So very desperately
  Jun 2016 K G
I'm scared to get close and I hate being alone.

I long for that feeling to not feel at all.

The higher I get, the lower I'll sink.

I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim.
  Jun 2016 K G
I am a prisoner of my own mind,
I think too much,
Wasting my time.

I am a captivated wild animal,
Trying to return to the wild,
But my mind, it will find
A way to make me stay.

I will never be free,
These chains are bound to me,
I strain under the pressure of my freedom dying.
K G Jun 2016
Although I know your days are past the best
I act myself and credit your false-tongue in jest
You are biting life with loose and crooked teeth
6am drinking and prying at you body at the peak
  Jun 2016 K G
Mascara blood
Ash and ***
On the Rorschach sheets where we make love

**** the world **** straight malaise,
It may be just us who feel this way.

But don't ever doubt this, my steadfast conviction.
My love, you're the one I want to watch the ship go down with.

The future can't be real, I barely know how long a moment is.

we're naked getting high on the mattress
While the global market crashes.

As death fills the streets we're Conceiving life ,

Everything is doomed, and nothing will be spared

Don't they see the darkness rising?
Good luck figuring oblivion
We're getting out now while we can

I've brought my mother's depression
You've got your father's scorn and a wayward aunt's schizophrenia.

But everything is fine
Don't give into despair
Because I love you.
I've never written anything so personal and truthful as this.
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