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Jessica-Amaya Sep 2014
I'm hurt
I'm upset
I'm done

I can't do this anymore

I can't keep going everyday thinking about you
While the only thing on your mind is her

I wish I was her
I wish I meant what she means to you

But I don't
And that's okay
It's time to move on
To keep walking

One day you'll realize what you missed out on

And you'll come back

But I won't be there

Ever again
Because I'm done with your games
Your lies
Your hugs

It hurts a lot but I've spent to long on you and it's time to get on with my life
Jessica-Amaya Aug 2014
I miss the way things were

The way we use to hug

And tickle eachother

The way you use to come up behind me and spin me around

I feared out friendship would become a chore and so it has

You no longer enjoy talking to me

You no longer hug me or tickle me

Or try to make me feel better

I miss the way we use to be but I have to and am going to move on

I don't belong to you and nor you to me

So long old friend
it's time for our story to come to an end...
Jessica-Amaya Aug 2014
My life isn't the most fascinating but I live it

I don't dress the cutest but I wear what I wear with confidence

I'm not rich but I'm grateful for what I have

I fight with my family sometimes but I know I'm just lucky to have a family

My life isn't the best nor the worst but its okay and I love it....well most of the time
Jessica-Amaya Aug 2014
I'm the girl who wants to be someone else

Who wants fame just to be loved

Who falls in love with the wrong people

And ingores the right people

The girl who tells herself this year will be different
And it never is

The girl who acts tough but is the most sensitive girl you'll ever meet

Who is embarrassed of her hobbies because she fears she won't fit in

The girl who is called unique but doesn't believe them
Jessica-Amaya Aug 2014
Reading takes me places

It can take me to another planet even.

I fall in love with fictional characters

And others I think of as my best friend  

But when the book closes I know it's time to snap back to reality.

Because when I read I'm not even in my life I'm in a totally different world with totally different people
Jessica-Amaya Aug 2014
I'm mad at you
But I miss you

I don't wanna talk to you
But I need you

I wanna push you away
But I want you to hold me

I wish I could forget you
But at the same time I want you in my  life forever

I love you
But I don't want to
Jessica-Amaya Jun 2014
Your my best friend

I tell you everything
And I know you will always be there for me.

But sometimes I wonder
if just maybe deep down under
you think, like me, we were meant to be

Our friendship just seems like such a bore
And I fear one day you'll see it as a chore
and that is why I would rather be so much more.

I would rather hold your hand
And have you be my man

And I be your girl
and I'd let you play with my curls
that you tell me you love

Your my best friend  
and we might not ever be anything more
but I will still be here in the end...
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