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 Nov 2014 Anonymous
Some Person
 Nov 2014 Anonymous
Some Person
I could stay up like I always do
Browse the web
Read or write a poem or two
Continue with the cycle:
Long for meaning,
Get eaten by pain,
Fail to sleep,
Barely get through work,
But tonight, instead,
I'll just go to bed
Your breath on my skin
I called my addiction
Ever since you left
They put me on these prescriptions
But I've prescribed myself
A Change of Scene
And I know
I'll always be addicted
To the utterly relentless presence
That causes the wind to make
The hairs stand up
On the back of my neck and
The fall air
To still feel
Like your breath
It's what they call a trigger
So now I'm finally going away
But like the breeze
Your memories
Can't be escaped
And no matter how far I run
I'm always *addicted
 Oct 2014 Anonymous
Selena Otruba
im that girl the he comes to in a moment of weakness
when you're at a stand still
when you won't give him what he wants
i slither betwixt the two of you and take care of what you wont
then once the water's calm and all is good
he's yours again, and i fade away
and as much as i'd like to think he once was...
he's never been
and never will be
i was feeling inspired when my ex was cheating on me about 6 months ago
We call her name like she's the queen.
Lips quiver with understated pleas.
So this is what "your highness" means.

The analog clock wails 4:18.
Our voices muffled in this cool sea.
We call her name like she's the queen.

You, my own porcelain figurine,
Each tiny chip of you impales me.
So this is what "your highness" means.

No room for time here in between,
All else I've known has been set free.
We call her name like she's the queen.

Quake my pulse like a tambourine,
Let me teach your mouth to see.
So this is what "your highness" means.

Powerless when she intervenes;
Royalty lives between the knees.
We call her name like she's the queen.
So this is what "your highness" means.
 Oct 2014 Anonymous
Katie Anne
My sun
Light of my life

No matter the distance
You still keep me warm

No matter the distance
You light up the world

And no matter
How close I get
I can't catch up

I'd rather burn
Than spend the night alone
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