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 Oct 2014 Anonymous
ally m
 Oct 2014 Anonymous
ally m
there’s a living forest inside your eyes,
a forest where blackbirds sing about
all the fallen pieces of yours
that you never dared to catch.
 Oct 2014 Anonymous
Ann M Johnson
Dear Depression,
It has been about 6 months of being away from you
I would breathe a sigh of relief
but I am afraid to let down my guard
If I give you an inch you would take ten miles
You are like a lion seeking to devour me
You are like a cobra waiting to strike
They say that misery loves company
You hang around with doubt and despair
You are close chums with Anxiety who I know to well
I have know you since I was a kid
Your connection to me grew stronger in my teens
I had a few good years apart from you here and there
Then all of a sudden you were back with all your bad friends
  and my life fell apart again even worse than before
  You robbed me in regards to my relationships with family and
  Sending me into isolation
  I have to make it clear I don't want you around
  I have had a taste of happiness and peace without you
  I don't want to give it up
  I will be better without you
  I will be in the company of family and friends and with other
  people who understand
  I will be the one wearing a genuine smile
  I will be the one encouraging others when they have a bad day
  I will be a shoulder to cry on for my friends and family or for any one else who needs a friend
I will be the one who is grateful for each new day
I will be the one who is hopeful that I will part ways with you forever
I am the one who is finally pursuing my hopes and dreams
That is why I need to be away from you and all your friends
Goodbye depression I will not cry, I need to part from you
In favor of an improved life
I know at times I will have bad days but I had worse ones with you
 Oct 2014 Anonymous
Stu Harley
take my body
take my sight
all i
ever wanted
is the
lasting light
 Oct 2014 Anonymous
Her time was up awhile ago.
She told herself that everything
Get's better for everyone else's
Sake and crying herself to sleep was
The only way to go. The poor girl
Found a bottle of cold medicine in
The medicine cabinet.
The label read: take as directed.
The only thing she saw was a way
Out. To her dismay she lived.
There's a monster in my head
And a demon in my soul
They're tearing me apart
With every second they take their toll

They tear at my skin
They send tears down my cheeks

At first we were fighting
I thought they only lied
But it is okay now
We are on the same side

The demons they want me dead
But they promised not to tell
Anyway of dying
Is better than living in this hell

I thought the demons killed me
But really I killed myself
I let the demons in
That was worse than anything else

Never let your demons in
Don't let your monsters rule your head
For if you ever do
You will surely end up dead
 Oct 2014 Anonymous
 Oct 2014 Anonymous
Am human who has fallen
This world is too big
my thoughts vanquished

Am too small
always deluded with it's little things
am chained as an admirer
forced to hang myself with it's excitements
and  enchanted into slavery

My heart 'spoke' it's truth
silently,but my actions remain dreadful
the deaf calls to my ancestors
bore no fruit.
Maybe I don't have a guardian angel.

I seek engagement in it's small
and i  pay with my sanity
Still choking on the weight of my
I woke up and swore never again
but am just a lung full of smoke gasping for more air
Everyone has dreams
Profound in nature
Or profoundly meaningless
Some only wake from them
While others awaken
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