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 May 2017 bryn
the w's
 May 2017 bryn

i just can't.
 May 2017 bryn
i sit at the plastic table alone
my friends are asking a question
to the supervisor that watches
she says no so they
skip towards me
singing in cracked voices
they get the entire room to sing
and in their fabulously split awful voices
they chant the words
that make me smile
my cheeks flushed pink
my smile wide
my laughter loud
oh how i love my friends (Allyn, Cc, Bryn, Sammie, Julie, Morgan, Amanda, and Annabelle)
Cherish the days when you are a balloon
held thoughtfully in a child's hand
lolloping along but teathered down

Love the days when you are a balloon
flying free
higher and higher
yet the feeling has leashed you
as you float back to earth

Never Fear the day,
when your balloon pops
. . .

just a pinprick can send you crashing down
Don't let others put a damper on your flame
be who you are and never be afraid to stand up for yourself.

I hope you think about the last stanza before the ...
 May 2017 bryn
 May 2017 bryn
I open the door
To streamers
To candy
To glitter tape (Amanda, thanks)
So yay!
It's my birthday!
Thank you, Cc, Sao, Sammie, Allyn, Amanda. It's a great day. (And Bryn, even though you weren't there.)
 May 2017 bryn
 May 2017 bryn
Today she said
To herself

'I love you'

And broke in tears
She has been shamed
Without knowing
Lived in fears
Not realizing
Fear and shame
Has been eating her up
From inside
Without her
Having a name
For those deep pains

But in these days
After writing poems
And  dreaming awake
And feeling things
Not felt before
She now sees
With clear mind
What hurts
And why
And that she could
In fact she should
Have a better life
In which she strives
To explore the land
She call home


And rebuild it
With beautiful words
Only poets can create...
About the healing power of poetry; to whom it may concern...
You know my name

not my story

you've heard what I've done
BuT NOt wHaT I'Ve bEeN ThRouGH
 May 2017 bryn
 May 2017 bryn
Closing my eyes
Accepting the darkness
Isolated from the crowd
And I'm a confined human
Bathing in laughter that isn't mine
Living a lie in the oak tree shade
Shivering in the hail that covers the land
Around me. The hail that makes everything ice.

Accept it. Please.
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