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 May 2017 bryn
Isolated 2
 May 2017 bryn
Sitting by my computer
The screen reflecting blue and red light
On me and the nail polish
Sitting next to my arm
With clear gloss covering the countertop
 May 2017 bryn
 May 2017 bryn

That's how it looks like at the moment in the 'poetrypomus', the part of my brain responsible for poetry...
 May 2017 bryn
 May 2017 bryn
How does it taste
My hand...?
The hand that fed you...!
You have been chewing on it
Through and through
For a while now...

The hand that hurts
From providing...
So much
That it came close to breaking
Just to protect you
From starving

The hand that hurts
And shakes
So much
That I can't even eat with it anymore
And as such
Will remain
And probably die

I'm angry

I am angry with you
But the worst thing is
That I can't hate you
Because hating somebody you love
Hurts even more

I am angry
Because in my core
I was sure that you would do that
And all I did was
And you thought I didn't have a clue?
I gave you the cue
For this to happen
And I didn't pull my hand
And accepted for it to remain soar
Full of marks from your bites
And the endless nights
Of providing..
For such a long time
Telling myself
It’s fine
Because the bite
Of somebody you love
Is sweet
As honey

But now you are full
And it doesn't matter if I pull
Or leave my hand there
For you to take a last bite
You are just waiting for the fight
So that you can run away
And never look at me again

How does it feel
To be a traiter
How does it taste?
Only my tongue
My hand is sweet

Hand biter...!
Helping somebody who doesn't deserve it, is really bad. Falling in love with somebody who doesn't love you, is even worse. The worst is to help somebody you love but who doesn't love you back while you know in your heart that it is wrong, but nevertheless do it, because you love being in love...

But the absolutely worst is to love somebody who doesn't love you, and helping her so much on your own expense so that you can't even help yourself anymore and are in trouble now because of her, and she is waiting for a confrontation so that she has an excuse to never speak to you again.
My shedded tears cover the earth
coating its green wonders in water
a word representing demons

like your stare
crystal blue eyes
penetrate my soul
digging deep
reaching in
grabbing what's left of me
in your clenched fist

Sliding away
with my heart
 May 2017 bryn
Writing poetry
Made reality dreamful
My dreams are real now
Before poetry, everything seemed so dull, and my dreams full of blurry images that didn't make much sense. Since I started to write, I walk around in life looking at things in a different and more interesting way, and my dreams became regular, with really sharp clear images, as if I was dreaming in HD. Added to that, they are often about nature. Short things short, I like my reality and my dreams better now.
 May 2017 bryn
 May 2017 bryn
We are not simply
Because we are friends.

We are not
Because I am female and he is male.

Also, even if we *were.

Why is it your business?
Let's just say.
We happen to date.
In the name of god,
Do you care?
You are not him.
You are not me.
So stop wasting your words on us,
When you could find someone for yourself.
This expresses the constant words that slap themselves to me and my friends.
With more than one person, the people around us ridicule us because we are friends and the opposite ***. Yes, we can be friends without anything 'going on.'
 May 2017 bryn
Writing poetry
Happening now when sleeping
Dreaming while dreaming
Next to the really sharp dreams, I've also started to write poems while dreaming. If poetry is dreaming but when you are awake, then doing poetry while dreaming is a dream inside a dream, but a nice one.
 May 2017 bryn
ARABIC comes from feeling...
We feel emotions and form them into words
We form words to make us feel emotions comes from forming...
A sacred oath between words and emotions.
A devine circle between action and reaction.
The Arabic word for poetry is "****'ir" which comes from "Yash'ur". It means feeling.
Poetry comes from the Greek word 'poiesis' which means making or forming. Its interesting that both words describe poetry by pointing to the different ends of it.
 May 2017 bryn
The True Truth
 May 2017 bryn
When I meet someone new,
They ask,
"Hey, how are you?"

Why do you ask?
I mean,
I can say,
"I'm good, how about you?"
Or, I can say,
"I'm dying inside with the deathly feeling of the solitude that has become my life, and slowly withering into small pieces from the constant harming words that now dominate my life. But then again."

"You don't care."

"So go ahead and spill your life story. The ups and downs. The amazing and mysterious dilemmas that have appeared in your life. So talk to me. I will listen. Or try to cut in, and try to enter. But. But."

**"You won't listen."
 May 2017 bryn
 May 2017 bryn
we are beautiful.
we are amazing.
we can shine.
so don't tell us otherwise
because the poems of true feelings
don't glow anymore.
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