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5.7k · Aug 2014
Define Pink Panther
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
Define Pink Panther
I say they wanted something shy.
pink fits the description just fine.

Cat's on the hold are sly,
and never back out of a fight.
The pink panther usually runs and hides,
sometimes even takes flight.

This domestic upright
walking panther,
is no wild cat.

He's a pink furred,
scene boy,
big dreamer,
Fangless stranger
full of joy.
A growless feline.
calm breed,
Real life fiction, wanted toy.

It's not in his nature,
to eat you,
Instead will lend a hand.
I saw how he,
a cat,
helped out a feathered

© J-d S. J
1.2k · Aug 2014
Little Trick (15 words)
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
sat; little,
and cute.
page, a

© J-d S. J
1.0k · Aug 2014
**Life *ISN'T* Too Short**
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
Wasting time
shortens life.
Spending time
other people.
...One's you don't
care about.
'could you be like them.'
to doubt.

you never
wanted to.

Telling yourself,
what you cannot do.

...Telling lies to yourself,
then saying,
you never knew.

....rather than:
...trying, find out ,

...the asnwer,
on your own.

Scolding at yourself,
...with a constant
pity tone.

If it didn't make you happy,
then it wasn't worth your time.

life won't have you,
doing over,
you've past  
© J-d S. J
The last lines had me in a dilemma.
915 · Aug 2014
You Should -'Walk Your Dog'
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
You Should -'Walk Your Dog'

All snappy your dog is.
kept behind a fence.
Don't you know it's the cause of his obstreperousness?

You can tell by his scruffy look.
It's only the start of change on a ticking  clock.

Is he just an ornament?
...There for you to show off?
I hope not.
For he's a living creature who didn't ask for his life to be cut off.

Don't be so stuck up.
Karma's a b*tch.
You should start putting consideration on top,
Or else, revenge might just end up kicking you in a ditch.

© J-d S. J
There's a form of pun in this , (in a way), It has a double meaning to the telling of the story.
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
Go ahead,
Delete Your Life.


You'll see the light,
when you close your eyes.

Do it, Do it
don't think twice.

The tears
will no more
Don't you want

evil streams
your face:

end it now.
make the choice.

© J-d S. J
805 · Aug 2014
Slippery (thief)
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
Slippery (thief)
The sun beats down
stagnant water.
revealing what should have  been
a girl's

But she's no longer standing up,
She went in with a plop,
and the light reveals a deadly abduction.

© J-d S. J
797 · Aug 2014
Some View
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
Some View.
years ago,
if a child would tell you,
'a board game could be ivented
where you could control the moves of
kings and queens
and knights,'
and so on.
you'd call it silly for sure
dimiss it,
and care not to hear more

because the game can be bought in stores
and is declared by big men
and full women,
to be an ingenious game,
played by wise men,
it won't be considered a waste of your time,
it would be shamelessly 'fun'
for an adult to play it
now that others play it

genuinely worth your time
it would be.

something serious to get in to.
not just a 'has been'
child's idea,  
acknowledgement for you.

© J-d S. J
774 · Aug 2014
Night Verses
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
[ edit poem ]
Night Verses
It's at night and when i'm shutting off,
I'm tired,
seeking something soft, lay upon...

:You'd think i'd be de-energized,
feeling groggy as i close my eyes:
my creativeness lacking size.

...It's that special  time of day:
the repettitive hour in which i lay,
:that i find gold.

My thoughts add up to an endless sum,
Collective lines, begin to thrum,
Bright  and bold, they always come: my head.

...It's too bad though:
My night verses,
you guys will never know.
They're gone by morning ,
no pure gold to show.

© J-d S. J
696 · Aug 2014
Imaginary Label
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
I see it there;

by the living;
left alone.

If it had been tampered with ,
where would i be today?

thank the Guardian of Watchers for guarding it,
when i couldn't be there;
to do so myself.

Living in this disgusting time of life
everyone would want a chance to  exploit it,
find a use out of it,
want to benifit
from it.

Because , yeah;
No one ever seems to find the state of mind:
that  they can't give themselves permission
to unlock what isn't theirs.

© J-d S. J
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
Wood ignites in the dusty pit.
The man never bothers to clean it.

He's sat on a chair piled with cooking books.
They increase his height.
The man knows this.
And so to past time
He swings his feet.

Face, as dull as always,
He revels in silence.

You'd think he was dead
How unresponsive he was to the world.

He always knew what he
wanted to become in life,
Cooking was his one love.
One push out the door
from a big name, though,
Gave no space for a comeback.

He's put up a shield
to block out the world.
No longer looks forward to fun.

What is he doing with the rest of his life,
He's spending his time drinking ***.

© J-d S. J
A short story showing the reason behind a silly man's obsession.
666 · Aug 2014
Instead Maybe
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
When you read someone's story,
And you find there's space for improvement,
how 'bout filling the gaps yourself;
Rereading it the way you think it should be,
adding in the extra words you'd like to see.

With what is there and you already like,
Be kind enough to say.
Compliment the good in their work:
redemption's on it's way.

If you seek the light, and ignore the dark,
good will seem to overrule,
will be the righteous spark.

© J-d S. J
I dont' really feel accustomed writting these sorts of ''angel''-better. poems, but i hope it's a 'great write' one.
665 · Aug 2014
Wrong Throat
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
He coughs on water,
Juice, milk, and tea.
...He does this coughing,

I say,
when he's choking
on bread and bone,
water will have to be left alone.

A waste of  drinks,
that are watery.
family and friends ,
....start paying,
your courtesy.
Booo, i think this work is ******. I was going to re-do it, but instead just tried to reinforce it. 23 more water-based poems to go..
634 · Aug 2014
Anonymous Anatomy
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
Words spoken
Through the gliding motion of a tongue ,
across the floor of a mouth
Past the realm of physicality
and  mentality,
Lies invisible strings
sprouting to bind with flesh.

Without the equal support
From both collector and  giver
The weight will be unbearable

The subtracted duty of aid
inwhich had once balaced
half a side;
The remaining will fall

Along will the strings
entwined with flesh,
of  a once whole gift.

© J-d S. J
590 · Aug 2014
Fazed For the Foreigners
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
She keeps her head down as she walks the streets
Her eyes downcast to whomever she meets
Travelling by car, she sees no-one new,
The position she's sat in, resisting the view.

Out of respect:
Her behaviour, might be thought to be.
Unknown to the world, she's protecting;
...Dead dogs,
Upset faces,
The misused,
They all scar her,
get her down,
have her thinking and wondering,
'why is the world so full of blues?'

It's all a misconception;
...The mumbles, the lies;
That little miss shybird, '' really just, 'shunning', us guys''

What it really isn't,
for sure. ...: Is her asking attention, craving much more.

Not at all.
That was never the plan.
:To All the weary eyes, the witnesses,
who are noticing; calling her act a scam;

Your conclusions are  misleading,
Your false truths most dipleasing.
What really is going on,
Is that this girl is distressed,
all torn.
Provoked by the things going on around her,
A frown is carved upon her days,
Making her grief everlasting longer.

Surrounded by the clueless
Mistakenly Judged,
She's been topics to persons of pure ignorance.
or no dislike;
She Resumes to her  insecure strides
Knowing that the world needs no more blight.
© J-d S. J
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
I always tell myself,
when emotions seem to run..
to **** it up, and close my heart,
don't look forward to fun.

I want my mind to lead,
Have a stone-cold inner seed.
One that won't betray me,
and let in foolish need

You see you have to want in life,
take things, with strong strife.

What i always muse about,

is:  focoused brain,

heart of ice.

© J-d S. J
499 · Aug 2014
Dark Corridor
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
foggy darkness
the air.
not a peep of light,
nor a nick anywhere,
for the trapped
to escape.

light footfalls
pitter patter,
through the halls;
young girl:
cold night,
clutching at her woolen shawl.

All doors closed,
except one.
The one
her to come.

unlead by fear.
The only thing
she's lead on by,
is her:
cautious dare.

Though she cannot see
she takes on the journey;
she takes on the journey
through the blinding sea
of darkness.

The darkness in which she
knew she would never miss.
© J-d S. J
405 · Aug 2014
men make great stories
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
we all have grandfathers,
brothers and sons.
Haven't they made you laugh before?
made you smile loads and tons?

beside the strangers,
that we don't know,
they're brothers to
females just like you.
They have
they make
their friend and foe.

when they make you cry or frown,
don't you want revenge?
...with no miserable
in your life:
no plotting plans
no fun challenge.

When you get them back,
you have them at your mercy.
laugh in their face,
at full contact.
be known for your

© J-d S. J
For women to tell-

— The End —