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I woke up one day and breathed in your cologne
even though only one side of the bed was warm
even though only one side of the bed left
the shadows of dreams and fingerprints of nightmares.

And later, when my bed is made and both sides are cold and pressed,
I heard your laugh when I pushed my
hair behind my ear, distant.
Soft, even though my windows are locked and frozen shut.
Evident, even though my breakfast
is a black cup of coffee
and humming to myself.

But I put my hair back in front of my ears and go to work.
Where I taste your words
with breaths in and out.
I turn them over, sweet, truthful,
unlike my black coffee that I use
to drown out, to block out,
what is true on my tongue,
between my teeth and sitting on my lips,
ever whispering without sound.
And I can't stop breaking apart your
words in my mouth
so I can taste each
But they are dull, old tastes that I beg to stay fresh,
but you are not here.
     And I cannot
They tease and tickle my throat.
But unreachable, no matter
how many times I try to unravel
the truths on my tongue.

By the end of the day, on my couch-I am tired from your laugh
between the strands of my hair,
but an unreachable shadow;
and I am tired from your words
that are sugary and ****
     and distant because I put them
in my mouth months ago.
And even though I want to close my eyes,
I do not.
Because your face on the pillow next to me
taunts me behind my eyelids
and your fingers on my belly
are just beyond reach when I lay down
and your breath in my ear
is too cold on my ear.

And if I let it ,your memory will
never let me live.
 Oct 2016 Nightingale74
He is a beacon of light amidst the darkness,
Whose brightness scatters the night,
Whose rays carry light to every corner of the earth.

He is the hopeful joy among the sorrow,
Whose smile lifts any face,
Whose spirit gives hope for a new day.

He is the music echoing through the silence,
Whose sound clings to every ear,
Whose rhythm will never be forgotten.

He is the simple inspiration whispered into ears,
Whose glad tidings create a picture for a brighter day,
Whose hope brings perseverance.

How could he, filled with inspiration, emanating kindness, fail to notice his worth?

Then all at once, he looks up, surveying the sparkling sky,
hearing the robin's tune,
admiring the smiles on faces passing by,
and knows that his impact on the world is interminable.
When it's dark in the city,
I like to take off my glasses so that everything blurs together
And I can't tell where the lines start and end.

It's like the world becomes a painting,
One with globs of oil coming off the canvas
And you can make it look like anything you want it to be. 

And if I twist my neck around, 
I can see everything that I can imagine.
Like one where someone is in love with me and if I don't want blood under my tongue, 
There doesn't have to be.

One where I can walk surely and I don't have to take off my glasses to feel safe.

I can touch the halos around the street lamps with my fingertips because of the peaks of paint and I can sleep at night because of the dark sky. 
Sometimes you are there and sometimes I am alone and the same painting can mean a million things.

A million beautiful things if I let it.
 Oct 2016 Nightingale74
I walk alone,
Turning aimlessly left and right,
Feeling the cold from the rain seep through to my dismal heart.

Hot tears stream down my grief stricken face,
Contorting in and out of melancholy shapes,
Allowing my pitiful sobs to seep out.

My chest is tight with my broken heart,
Burning with every shaky breathe taken,
Surprisingly resisting the urge to cave in all together.

The world is bland,
Every color seems to have faded to shades of black and grey,
Doleful rain falling aimlessly to the ground.

Cheerful people sing in the rain,
Dance through the streets,
Jump in the forming puddles.

But me?

I walk on,
Sensing the cold swishing of my feet in my soaking shoes,
Craving to be unnoticed and left with my dismal heart.

Much Madness is divinest Sense—
To a discerning Eye—
Much Sense—the starkest Madness—
’Tis the Majority
In this, as All, prevail—
Assent—and you are sane—
Demur—you’re straightway dangerous—
And handled with a Chain—
I hope your eyes are still,
full of dreams.
When you've seen the world,
And all it's thieves.

I hope you find a home,
Inside your heart.
Yours slipped through my fingers,
Broke and fell apart.

I know you're still beautiful,
Like the day you came back to me.
I just didn't know what I had,
Didn't know I'd miss you this bad.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2016
If I could see what you see,
We'd be caught in a flash,
of a thousand sunsets.
If I could see what you see,
When I touch so soft,
like it were not at all.

My skies might just implode into a fiery fluster.
Looking through your eyes.
A brightness in you where the sun does burn.
My eternal sunrise.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2016
 Mar 2016 Nightingale74
The world swirls around, constantly moving in never ending circles of emotion

Sadness and sympathy surround me as I watch friends struggle up mountains and through jungles

Hope runs through my veins as I watch from afar, wishing for them that the pain and hardships would end

Suddenly I'm turning, spinning, whirling, falling as I get dizzy and disoriented

When I come to, I'm enveloped in lies and dishonesty as I watch loved ones fall farther and farther down a hole they don't realize their digging

Forgiveness overwhelms me as I slowly watch them sink, longing to run over and help pull them out

Again I'm reeling, spiraling, twirling, collapsing onto the cold ground

I fearfully raise my head, for who knows what I'll encounter next?

As I slowly stand, I'm encircled with charity and love as I watch my loved ones laugh and smile with one another

Amity fills my heart as I run to them, appreciating every moment I can share with them

Encountering hardships and struggles are inevitable, but we build each other, shape each other, and comfort each other through all emotions.
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