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 Jan 2016 Morgan Leigh
Earl Jane

Oh, my Lord, my God,
I am so thankful to Thee,
Today, I still breathe.

For all the blessings,
I don't think if I deserve,
Your love is so great.

You gave me treasure,
Brandon is his precious name,
I am overjoyed.

He supplies me glee,
And a dulcet peace within,
Lavish love to me.

I cry in rapture,
Oh, how he complete my life!
He is all I need.

Yes, he's so perfect,
Oh Lord, He is what I dreamed,
My heaven on earth.

I always ponder,
How blessed I am to have him,
Yes, I'm more than blessed!

My Almighty God,
I treasure him so dearly,
Oh please be with him.

I whisper prayers,
With love, to your holy throne,
Just for my lover.

Veil him with Your wings,
Clear the path he is treading,
Give him endless bliss.

Grasp him with Your love,
Limn perfect peace inside him,
Give him wondrous life.

Lord, this love's so true,
I wanna keep him happy.
Please, help me do it.

He is an angel,
That descended from heaven,
Clasp me with his love.

His wings assured me,
Refuge for eternity,
A love eternal.

Oh, Amazing God,
How can I ever deserve,
This utmost blessing!

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3 <3

so sorry brandon if I just write a poem now,, i really struggled days without anything coming out from my head,, it totally kills me,.. NOW, so happy to write you this poem.

Hope you love this.. it's not really that beautiful but hoping you love this... i love you soo much,, sooo sooo much,and i try hard to show it daily to you... i love you most!!! <3 <3 <3
 Jan 2016 Morgan Leigh
some days
  I pray for silence
some days
  for anything to
break it

There are days
  I don't pray
There are days
   that is all
I do

When I pray
  I am ashamed
to admit
   is when I
am weakest
 Sep 2015 Morgan Leigh
 Sep 2015 Morgan Leigh
I never wanted to make you feel the way my heart was breaking.
I never meant for you to see the constant, steady aching.
I thought I was doing good at showing you my smile.
But I guess you can see the falsities that I've been hiding for a while.
Bless the sunshine in your soul, bless your wounded heart.
You're anything but usual, you're a walking work of art.
I'd hold you high up to the stars for all the world to see.
And hope that they could appreciate you just as much as me.
 Sep 2015 Morgan Leigh
I wanted it to be you so badly.
I wanted it to be you.
I wanted to touch your face
Feel your skin
Dry your tears.
I wanted it to be you.
I wanted it to be you so badly it hurt.
A slow ache that consumed me
That drowned me
That swallowed me whole.
I saw your smile
Made for her
Shown to me.
That smile that lit my world
That caused the flame
The flame that burned my soul
Burned my soul so badly it will take eternity to heal.
And even when I can stand to see the sun again,
I will still want it to be you.
Only you.
 Sep 2015 Morgan Leigh
Take away those soft grey eyes, take away the pain.
Take away the gentle curls, take away the rain.
Take all I'm breathing for, take it all and run.
Take all my possessions, take the loaded gun.
Take away this hopeless life, take away my dreams.
Take away the sinking ship, take away the screams.
Take away the beauty, take away the hope.
Take away the emptiness, take away the rope.
Give me back my sanity, I really haven't slept.
Give me peace, or a sharpened blade, I've got nothing left.
 Sep 2015 Morgan Leigh
I am fire, but he is the sun.
I am afraid that he is the one.
Burning so slowly, dying so fast.
I am afraid that I won't last.
Hold me tightly, love me strong.
For I am afraid we won't have long.
I am afraid, I am afraid.
We are nothing because I am afraid.
 Sep 2015 Morgan Leigh
I'm sick with fear, regret, and hope.
I can't focus, I can't fall, I can't fathom.
He's too much but I know nothing.
He knows nothing and we are nothing.
I've no right to feel a thing for him.
Because he is not mine and
He is indescribable.
A gift to earth.
A wrinkled nose and a beautiful laugh
A scarred hand and a blistered past.
He is a miracle.
The most beautiful **** miracle.
 Aug 2015 Morgan Leigh
 Aug 2015 Morgan Leigh
The low points are the hardest,
It's a never ending fight.
The monsters mock and curse you,
Unrelenting through the night.
They take all that can hurt you,
And burn it in your dreams.
You come round in a drowning sweat,
Awakened by the screams.
You lie awake and blankly stare as the blackness swallows you whole.
It's all simply too much to bear,
You've been shaken to your soul.
Your bloodshot eyes will bring questions along with the new day,
But your bleeding mind is begging you to just stay awake.
Forgetting about you, I doubt I can
It's difficult erasing memories engraved to the heart
Others will come but you'll forever be the one
Even if the end was something that badly hurt
Others will be blown my way by fate
But none of them will match the expectations
And that's something on which I'm willing to place a bet
For haven't enjoyed a thing for long like these dedications
You know exactly which song will heal
You know exactly where to touch and make me weak
You make me swallow my pride such a bitter pill
Even when I'm supposed to be cruel you make me meek
I believe you'll forever live in my head
Even if you've never blessed my cold bed
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