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i want to kiss you so bad
that i've been thinking of
making my car kiss guard rails
i know that they would
both feel the same
it would all be over
just as quickly
my mouth would fill
with blood
all the same
 Aug 2015 Morgan Leigh
when you said you loved me
    as a friend.
 Aug 2015 Morgan Leigh
If you were broken, and i had the parts to fix you
i would work on you both night and day
but, i'm afraid the parts that i use would mix you
and take the best parts of you away
 Aug 2015 Morgan Leigh
 Aug 2015 Morgan Leigh
Maybe you already love me. Maybe I'm in your mind. Maybe it's all just taking just a little more time. Perhaps you're trying to find a way, a place, a spot for me. But maybe just another girl is all I'll ever be.
 Aug 2015 Morgan Leigh
When you've had your fun and you've had your laughs and your mind starts to wonder to the past.
When your plastered smile turns to a frown and you feel your heart turning around.
When your days are short and your nights are long and it feels so impossible to be strong.
When you hear your soul cry out for me, I'm still right here where I said I'd be.
 Aug 2015 Morgan Leigh
 Aug 2015 Morgan Leigh
He crossed my path on a winding way and I knew then that he couldn't stay.
I stopped my heart from holding his, I knew nothing good could come of this.
He smelled of spring and cigarettes, a scent I never will forget.
And when he laughed, my skin crawled around, bringing me closer to the ground.
Until, at last, I was on my knees begging him to never leave.
But he turned away and was gone with the moon but he told me he would be back soon.
I am not a warrior
Who could impress you
With the way he plays
With his swords
And sheds blood.
Or with the throne
He sits on
With majesty.

I am not a billionaire
To win you with
The shining diamonds
And the yellow hue
Of the gold
And big cars.

I am a poet
I'll win you
With my words
With my delicate verses.

You'll dance to my verses
And then in ecstasy
Would they rise
Above and above
Till the fetters dissolve
And the letters fall
On you like petals
From the sky so empty
Into the world so dull
You the chosen one.

I will present to you
The garlands and necklaces
Made out of words
Carefully picked
Delicately pierced
Tied with the string
Of my passion.

The swords will break
The diamonds will whither
But lo my verses for you
Will remain after we die.

Warriors have fallen
Short of glory
The billionaires
Have the same story.
I won't claim mine
That which I deserve
But you'll give me that
My due my glory I deserve
By inspiring a few more verses
By listening to them
As I recite them to you
As they rise in ecstasy
Of being heard by my love
And the fetters dissolve
And the letters fall
Like the petals
From the sky so empty
Into the world so dull
On my grave.
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