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 Jul 2018 mickey finn
vanessa ann
what would i give
to wake up next to you
fingertips dancing on hips
as curtains give way to sunlight;
the world,
a wonder of sight?

what would i give
to drown...
in the crook of your neck
or the streams of your laughter
as you lurched your body forward
and laughed
with all your might?

what would i give
for our souls to entwine
the raggedness of your breath
spilling into mine?

what would i give
to be given a gift;
to weave another reality;
craft a different mentality;
build a sanctuary;
one with you and me
our confined souls broken free?

just what would i give
just what should i find
to redraw the line
for this silly popstar love of mine?
for yjh: my angel, my muse, and my very own popstar love

This was inspired by In Love with A Ghost's "popstar love", from which this poem got its title from. It's moments like these that I cherish; when the night is shifting to day and inspirations start flooding in. And it has always amazed me too, how music is able to influence my creative process.
she is
a dart
with crafty
that surfs
the pipes
by their
wave's crack  
if she
enjoys her
drag and
fulfills dream
that sports
her next
bikini but
on beach
baits her
seam well
a sufher by the sea

   perched on an antenna
     of a car.

Free to sit
Free to watch
Free to leave
Without causing a big scene.
 Jul 2018 mickey finn
 Jul 2018 mickey finn
I follow all the young women
writing down their pain
to relate

I follow all the young girls
trying to write out a piece of true love

I follow those who dream of perfection

Who want something more
than what is given

true love
It's only a myth
A soulmate you wish for
doesn't exist

I only ever follow the girls
who know the disappointments

the women who are well with heart breaks

all so I can say
yes I feel the same
 Jul 2018 mickey finn
 Jul 2018 mickey finn
from when the sun rises
to the moon's transcendence,
it's always going to be you.
 Jul 2018 mickey finn
Elizabeth P
The door clicks
The light flickers off
You go from being part of "them"
To being you
Alone besides inanimate belongings
Lending only temporary distraction
From yourself.

In the dark,
There are no boogie men
Only your conscious berating
Worries rain
Tears fall
And no one's the wiser.

Every statement becomes a question
Every little insecurity metastisizing
Growing to ail the mind.

Fear not
The light will come again
And when it does,
Happiness will float down
Like petals after a summer wind
To comfort and ease your suffering

Do good
Do the best you can
And all that you deserve will follow.
 Jul 2018 mickey finn
the little things
that they do and say
come and stay
in their place.
To my university graduation batch of 2018. I remember everything.

It is an issue
That you are everywhere
The guy standing there
The poem over here
A glimpse of you
Is all I see
But you are everywhere
I be
That Boy
(My Gosh.  If he could see this stuff, his heart would be singing.)
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