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 Jun 2016 Michaela
Reagan Kulka
I didn't ask for this life.
I did not chose to be a woman.
But I am a woman, and I will not be shamed.
Us women did not ask to be treated different.
We did not chose to be judged.
But we are, and we will not let it effect us.
Women did not asked to be whistled at when walking down the street,
Or looked down on because our outfits are provocative.
But we are, and we are trying to fight back.
We women do not want to have *** with you,
no matter what were wearing or how drunk we are.
We women do not want to be attacked for saying no.
But we are being ***** and we are being hurt.
We will not take it any more, we will be heard.
We are Fighting back
 Jun 2016 Michaela
Jeremy Duff
I need feminism
because men are more upset about people saying "all men"
than they are about the fact that 1 in 4 women will be ***** in their lifetime.

Not harassed, not catcalled,
And that is not okay.

I need feminism because out of the four women
I speak to everyday
two of them have been *****
and all four of them can't walk to their car
without sticking their keys through their fingers to
feel the slightest inclination of safety.

I need feminism
because the other day in my math class
a student said "She was asking for it"
and the teacher agreed.  

I need feminism
because when my father wasn't drinking
he was telling me to be a man.

I need feminism
because the way my father taught me to treat women
was to get them drunk.
It's not his fault,
he knew no better.

I need feminism
because my father knew no better.
 Jun 2016 Michaela
Allyson Walsh
An era of feminism,
Which should never be questioned.
Empowering women
To strive, and strive again.

We speak of desexualization.
To free the ******,
Unveil carnal harassment,
And speak our minds.

But we can be sightless
Toward the sexualization of man.
The way we view testosterone
As broad shoulders and shirtlessness.

Do not sift through my words!
I believe in the power feminism.
But I am disappointed
With the sexualization of man.

We're determined to trump the blurred *****...
Yet drool over a man in Calvin Klein.
We frown upon the "Perfect Body" campaign...
But applaud a "built" man.

I wish for bodies to be just that:
For sexualized men and women
To be more than carved features.
For myself

This may backfire but I will speak my mind (as I always do).
We need feminism
Because nobody puts a baby in the corner and forces it to leave it's creator
Or have Santa's Elves only make half of the toys
It may seem decent but it's all a ploy
A life is worth being equally enjoyed
Regardless of what gender you are
Staying at home was so last century
Let's show the world how amazing women are
Equality for all
 Jun 2016 Michaela
Caroline K
 Jun 2016 Michaela
Caroline K
Are your midnight property.
Curl your drunken palms
between her thighs
with no concern
that the heat inside is broken
and the pipes have been frozen.
Whisper to her
that her smile is genuine,
and that she is too cute
even though she doesn't try.
Then freely run your fingers
over the naked small of her back-
ignoring that she shivers
to the warmth of your touch.
At midnight,
she is nothing but a compost
of indecent pink lines
of those who have raked her back before.
 Jun 2016 Michaela
 Jun 2016 Michaela
Only one type of ****** is illegal to show,
and wearing a skirt is an excuse for ****.
Having two X chromosomes somehow makes my life less important
than someone with an X and Y.
I am taught how to use makeup,
and told it is to attract men.
I am showed how to shave my legs,
and told that having underarm stubble makes me less of a women.
I am told that supporting feminism,
means I hate men when all I want is to be equal to them.
 Jun 2016 Michaela
Isabelle Perla
She wrote his songs
He played them.

She thought for hours, about harmonies and melodies, chords and steps, words and rhymes.
He played them.

They decided he was great, poetic and good.
He decided he liked that.

She wrote his songs.
He played them.
This is about a person whom I've realised probably writes the songs of everyone. She doesn't write her own songs. And that's sad.
 Jun 2016 Michaela
Isabelle Perla
I'm impatient
I'm afraid
Not consistent
I'm drowning again
I'm a hypocrite
You're my one weakness
I'm a hypocrite
And you're my one weakness.
 Jun 2016 Michaela
Isabelle Perla
Underwater there is no sound.
No echoes of voices and hatred and loud
Screams of past loves that knock on the door.
Deep under water, that's all from before.
There, you breathe - in and out in and out. There are no consequences, no shame, no doubt.
There I am free.
It remains.
A soft, subtle beat.
No matter the pain, regardless of name, it remains.
It just
Go Away
My heart kept beating,
Though I begged it not to stay.
I wrote this after lying underwater for as long as I could, and my heartbeat rang in my ears. I wanted to escape all of it, but it stayed. Though I begged it not to.
 Jun 2016 Michaela
I am not a woman
No, not a man either
No flesh so keep shush
Crossing borderlines
Of love and hate

Through letters
Perfectly distorted
By motion of emotions
Spilling ink through papers
I am born free to wander

My body is a story
Of pain and pleasure
Slipping through time
Yet keep sailing away
From oblivion*

-I am a poem.
Lately I have this strange feeling of not being a human anymore.
I feel like my biological composition is fleeing and what's left are pure emotions.
And it's actually good, I can be anywhere, be anyone, genderless but still has an identity..
-Equality and Freedom-
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