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 May 2020 mera
Nicole Co
 May 2020 mera
Nicole Co
I lost my emptiness to the sea;
wept as a child weeps for a rabbit's torn ear.

We crave a turn
in Egypt.
 May 2020 mera
Sophia Marie Rose
What I remembered with vivid clarity were your eyes. One eye represented the emergence of dusk after a magnificent storm, and the other the break of dawn over a tranquil sea.
 May 2020 mera
Anwer Ghani
Surprisingly, I can no longer sail in the Euphrates, nor can I find a vehicle in my blood to love the sun.  My mouth turns in the amidst of the words and freedom flows from my ears like ants. I fade at a strange speed, as a lover brings longing behind, so no eye can see. Look at my dreams; They are made of rusty nails that know nothing of civilization. Look at my eyelids, they are rainy leaves, made of sorrow of a tired cane with crusted feet in the mud. In the arms of this bitter sailing, I can barely distinguish the face of the Earth from parts of my dream. Yes, I will have marine stories when I talk about the bitterness inside me.
 May 2020 mera
Satsih Verma
Agni was weird
slayer. You can vouch
for it, eyes shut.

In the starless night,
moon was arrested once
for trespassing palms.

The nest receives
the feathers of lost birds,
left for foreign seas.
 Apr 2020 mera
my dear - even when it hurts to
for your smile may be like the ray of sunshine
which escapes the curtains at dawn
for another
whose sun no longer does the things it is
the sun does
 Apr 2020 mera
Kurt Philip Behm
In days of fancy,
you cared for me

In days of challenge,
I cared for you

In twilight moments,
our love renewed

In night’s betrothal
—our wishes free

(Dreamsleep: April, 2020)
 Apr 2020 mera
Anwer Ghani
 Apr 2020 mera
Anwer Ghani
The days are hidden, and despite their wide illusions, the rain has touched my dewy skin, so I came out of their fields like moss with a sterile and blind crutch. For ages, I have been chanting dark and sad love for the sun. For ages, I have been sailing in my absent memory; the remains of this terrible wreck.
 Apr 2020 mera
Let me drown in the sea of joy
Of unwavering happiness and delight
Retrieve me from this dark abyss
Where I wandered without light
 Mar 2020 mera
George Krokos
Only God is real, everything else is really a dream
of His creation, playing all the parts, it does seem.
What we are though He can reveal for us one day to see
as He’s the only One in the many and also eternally free.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
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