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Megitta Ignacia May 2019
Circle the letter of one best answer to each question.

Which one is better?
A. Deeply insecure
B. Extremely over-confident
240519 | 8:02 PM | still at the office accompanying my coworker doing his deadline even though I supposed to go home early.
Megitta Ignacia May 2019
Raguku telah kau hapus
Namun bungkammu sendiri yang membuatmu mampus
Tak terkesan serius
Mana kutahu kau mau berlabuh atau lanjut terus
Kamu kira aku jenius
Kau saja telah berhenti mengurus
Tiada perhatian, peduli, ataupun aplaus
Gelagatmu tandus
Payah kau, si rakus
Secuil sesal ini membius
Sayangnya tak ada rumus
Hanya bersisa putus
Ah sudah pupus
Tak mau lagi ku terjerumus
Kamu tetap jadi kultus
220519 | 2:54 AM | Kost's A
I can't sleep, feeling awful, incessantly listening to Sal Priadi's melancholist songs with tears running down my cheeck. I'm triggered again, my trauma. This is just how my body cope with a broken heart. Maybe it's just how my oxytocin levels fell down to the floor. I can't stop thinking why you put me in this unfair situation, hurts me, ypu playing victim, making a simple thing that can be fixed easily, massive. In instance you said I am the one who cause this relationship to end, without asking me why I did the thing I did. But yea, whatever, I believe God's way is for good future.
Megitta Ignacia May 2019
Lunas sudah
selepas kutelusuri
frekuensi relatif
tak bersisa
aksiku menghadang dirimu.

Bukan khayal
angsa anggunku
satelit jiwa kala lampau
heranku dibuatnya
gamblangnya usaikan

Dambaku, kau tanya nalarmu.

Buram rekamanku
namun tak lagi
ada inginku berceloteh
per kau lempar ke kolong
tak beri sela kompromi.

Mustahil pudarkan rasaku,
hanya pikiranku,
luruh binasa.

Setakar janjiku,
ini kali terakhir aku datang padamu.

Makasih ya
Kini, aku berhenti mengugat
walau tanganku bergetar pelak
Tuhan buat yang baik menyeruak
kutenang, tak lagi koyak,
toh jika baik, kembali dipersatukan kelak.
akhirnya kulepas juga genggamanku.
210519 | 14:42 PM | meja kayu bundar
Setelah berdoa sepanjang malam dan pagi, akhirnya memutuskan kirim pesan lewat nomor baru, nothing to lose. Aku tak akan pernah tenng kalau tak begini, akan kuusahakan apa yang kubisa, daripada diam menunggu & menebak-nebak apa yang ada di kepalanya. Janjiku, ga masalaj jika hasilnya bukan seperti apa yang kuhendaki, yang penting udah kucoba perjuangin. Untuknya yang memilih menjauh, kenapa bergegas segitu cepat? kamu pakai ayat-ayat kudus menyakitkan, karena akupun menyerahkan semuanya ini ke tangan Bapa yang mengirimu padaku. Kali ini, ini yang terakhir, aku doakan yang terbaik bagimu. Makasih untuk 7 tahun ini, agar kau tahu sampai saat ini hanya kamu yang kubiarkan masuk ke pintu kehidupanku I put 110% jiwaku ke kamu, di bali ini kalo aku liat makanan enak aku mikirinnya kamu, gimana caranya biar aku bisa buatin itu buat km pas berkeluarga, walaupun mungkin sebaliknya aku justru suam-suam kuku di semestamu. Sampaikan salamku pada keluargamu, aku pamit, maafkan apapun kesalahnku padamu. Semoga suatu saat nanti pintu silaturahmi yg kamu tutup itu, bisa jadi baik. Entah.
Megitta Ignacia May 2019
Last night,
I saw rows of men
Sat circling around you
Innocent and harmless victims
Lack of wisdom, blinded by fake persona
Exchanging ideas?
I guess not,
You keep feeding them lies
Brainwashed them
Way beyond anything I can comprehend
I don't have time to engange in repeated version
same game anyway

Used to call you my mentor.
But many little birds opened my eyes
You're only a poser
Pretends to be outwardly postive

I remember, one time you said
"Who are you? You're nothing compared to me. Don't you know who I am?"
Agony, messed me up
But I wiped my tear-stained cheeks
Oh boy, I knew it from the entire island

You are a…
Sneaky manipulator
Convincing predator
Self-interested individual
Drown in superiority dellusion
Sympathy collector
Thoughts saboteur
Sweet nothing

Wolf Racoon in sheep’s clothing
A wolf would be overly good
Smelly rotten soul
Well-oiled word
From a poisonous tounge

True self always revealed
Once you get closer to them
Others might not know & fell for your fake persona
I sit and wonder why he does it
Regardless of the reason
Clearly you aren’t ashamed

You're nothing but a
Disgushting racoon in sheep’s clothing.
120519 | 2 PM |A's kost sidakarya

semalam dia muncul dengan taringnya dn aku malas berinteraksi dengannya.
Megitta Ignacia May 2019
Let me tell you, it happened to me once,

She left.
The worst part of it all were the questions
Why didn't she give me a reason
Why didn't she waits for me
A puzzle to be decoded,
I carefully studied past memories,
dutifully analyzing every words I said
What was wrong?
It's unfair how she left without a reason

Every night & day
I spiralled downwards into despair
The pain barely registers
My world were gray
Hyperbolic, but it is
Life was pointless
The future was a fog
I cursed myself, hoped something could happened so I didn't have to be alive

"Should I go find him? I'll wait for him, I trust him, he exclusive to me."

Don’t be fooled
On the first 3 months, I thought that too
But she cuts her hearts into 3 & gave it away
That's how she cope with the pain
She heals faster that way
No point to stay like a dog sitting & waiting for its owner to come home behind the closed door
Complexity of human beings
Don't be a burden of feelings
Yours and another’s
There's still a residual damage

Eventually after 4 months I got her back
My heart was so happy that she comes home
I loved her, but she wasn't entirely mine
I could force a marrige & have a family with her
But I realized if I did that, it will be only pressured me
Everything that's not supposed to yours will slipped out of you grip sooner or later, no matter how hard you hold it.

"What about my theory if some black magic witch played a trick on him? we're in Indonesia, you know sometimes it happens illogicaly"

Feelings become stronger than reasoning. Even though I’m ideologically opposed to your theory, if it happened then it happened with God 's permission. It could be a way to save you from him. All for a good cause.

It's his choice
An active action
Accept that
It's just a matter of breaking a habit you're attached to

I'm not forbid you to go there
If you still wan't to fight for him, does he deserve your efffort?
Choose your battle wisely
Don't go alone & promise me
If it's not what you expect,
If you encounteres a road to disappointment
Do not do anything stupid
I don't want to hear you did any lame attempt to escape from this world

Don’t push the thoughts away
Let them in,
Embrace the sadness and heart break
Accept them and let them be there
This is a learning journey, you'll be fine
Time will erase the pain away.
160519 | 5 PM | Office on a sundown curhat session with my beloved coworker. Aku percaya tuhan segitu baiknya sampe kenalin Ipul ke aku & dia bisa ceritain kisahnya biar aku tetep kuat. I'm still undecided, cuma nunggu konfrimasi dari tante ttg tiketnya dibiarin hangus atau tetep pergi. Tapi buat apa kita coba kejar sesuatu yg gamau dikejar.
Megitta Ignacia Apr 2019
Kamu masih boleh masuk,
atau sekedar memanggilku dari ruang sebelah,
boleh juga kamu tatapi aku tanpa kata,
ku ijinkan kau mengintip hari-hariku,
kalaupun kau tak pedulikanku,
pintunya tetap tak akan ku tutup

Satu yang tak kuijinkan,
jangan kau tutup paksa pintuku.
Aku akan tutup ketika ku mau.
Ini pintuku.
060419 | 11:00 AM
masih sakit,
aku sedang belajar ikhlas
Megitta Ignacia Apr 2019
Pasir memeluk kakiku, tak mau melepaskanku.
Licinnya pasir berkali-kali membuatku terhisap.
Sama seperti pelukanmu kala itu,
yang terus mengunciku,
berontak tiada artinya
sampai akhirnya jiwaku tunduk pula padamu.

Kita pernah bahagia,
Bagai burung-burung yang terbang rendah, bermain-main diantara air,
Mengintip manisnya pantulan diri air biru.

Yang lama terasa singkat.
Seperti langit merah muda yang lama lama termakan kabut pindah ke kegelapan malam yang menenangkan hanya dalam hitungan detik.

Bagai kapal yang mengapung terombang ambing kencangnya ombak,
Ia tetap teguh karena telah menjatuhkan jangkarnya.
Begitulah aku ketika pada akhirnya hanya kau dijiwaku.

Namun arus laut begitu kuat,
begitu sulit untuk berenang pada arah tujuan.
Semesta punya ceritanya,
berkali-kali kupaksakan tubuhku tak terbawa arus,
namun kakiku lemah, terus menerus terobek tajamnya batu karang yang tak kelihatan.
Mungkin itu cara semesta beritahu
bahwa disana bukan tempat yang aman bagiku.

Aku menyerah.
Seperti butiran pasir yang kugenggam erat dibawah air laut,
satu per satu rontok,
aku tergoda untuk membuka tanganku di bawah air
dan menyaksikan kemegahan pasir-pasir kecil yang jatuh menghilang terseret air.
Itulah kau.

Laut punya caranya.
Semuanya akan terjadi alami.
Semesta poros pengaturnya.
Biarlah laut hapuskan kau.

Tenang saja,
aku akan kembali baik-baik saja.
Seperti debur ombak yang menyapu kasarnya pasir, ia mampu mendatarkan lintasannya yang sebelumnya hancur teracak-acak angin.

Bagai tapak kaki di basahnya pasir,
berjejak namun akan segera hilang begitu terhanyut ombak ataupun angin yg berhembus.
060419 | 9:38 AM | Kost Warmadewa
ditulis sebelum berangkat kerja,setelah kukirimkan teks panjang padamu.

"are we done?"
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