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4.9k · Sep 2014
Pressure to Please
Megan Jane Sep 2014
And I remember thinking
In that moment
How much you wanted it
So it must be right
To be doing this
Even though I didn't want it
2.3k · Sep 2014
But We Pretend Anyway
Megan Jane Sep 2014
Does he love me for my personality
Most likely not

Does he love me for my body
Most definitely yes

Does he love me at all
But he pretends anyway

Do I love him for his personality
Mostly not

Do I love him for his body
Most definitely yes

Do I love him at all
But I pretend anyway
1.4k · Oct 2014
Megan Jane Oct 2014
I don't always try to do things like this
But tend to get wrapped up in the moment
It's an instantaneous kind of bliss
Never caring are showing atonement
I smile real bright with big open eyes
Showing myself in the best kind of light
My words take control, my kind of demise
Always playful, but to me it's a fight
The game's in my head and I have to win
My aptitude to play is far too great
To beguile men is my favorite sin
And now true love I can't appreciate
I realize there's only 12 lines but I can't remember what I wrote originally
1.2k · Sep 2014
Glass Heart
Megan Jane Sep 2014
Finds it's way to the floor
Glue stays on my hands
Fixing things is not my speciality
Frustration takes over
I put it back
On the shelf
Saying I'll leave it alone
It needs fixing
I pick it up
I put glue here there
Nothing works
I collapse
As I hold it
Tears from my eyes find the glass
This works
Or at least I cry so much
I can no longer see the brokenness
936 · Sep 2014
Mr. Kennedy
Megan Jane Sep 2014
He has a lot of faith
Much like the men of his age do
Maybe it's the years
He's experienced
And he's learned it's not possible
Without a God

He swims in his shoes
Much like the men of his age do
He buys them a size big
In case he grows
But he's only shrinking now

His goal is to make you smile
For he knows it's a hard life
And he knows you do not have God yet
And he knows your shoes are too small for your feet
He knows because he's learned
And that must be why he teaches
To my math teacher, who makes me smile everyday.
891 · Sep 2014
Contemplation of Character
Megan Jane Sep 2014
I could be so much greater than what I am now
Why do I contain myself to such negativity
To such lack of self
To torment of personality
I am who I am
Why is this not enough
Mid-morning school thoughts
887 · Oct 2014
Megan Jane Oct 2014
Love don't mean **** if you just give it away
483 · Sep 2014
The High School Battle
Megan Jane Sep 2014
And we're stuck four years in these concrete walls
No windows, no relief, no sanity
And we're told our best is good enough
But bad grades and dried tears prove otherwise
We're flowers
Placed in the dark and expected to grow
And some do
But some don't
Most are desperate to prove that they have grown
Desperate to show their unique colors
But they forget
That we're stuck inside these dark trap walls.
We can survive though
By learning to adapt to fluorescent lighting and arthritic hands
By sleeping in the class that kept you up until 2 A.M.
These four years go
And they go quickly
So take advantage of the time that's left
Open your mind
Find relief
Find sanity
Conquer the battle of high school
So that when you think back on it you smile
Grades won't mean anything in 10 years
And we won't remember how late we stayed up last night
High school may have brought out the ugliest in all of us
But what we remember is the greatness it instilled.
469 · Dec 2014
Strong Temptations
Megan Jane Dec 2014
Don't turn back now
We're too far in
In what feels like sin
Temptations were too strong
And I could not say no
So here we are
Promise me
You'll take it slow
And all I hear is your heart
Beating faster
I wonder how long
I can make this last for
I'm out of breath
And I can't seem
To find the air
The way you use me
So easily
Just doesn't seem fair
And at the end of the day
I don't seem to care
383 · Sep 2014
Hopeful Silence
Megan Jane Sep 2014
And my heart actually skips
A beat when I think of you
And even though you hurt me
I still only think of the good things
And maybe if you weren't in college
And I wasn't in high school
Things could have been different
And maybe if you didn't have a girlfriend
And I didn't have a boyfriend
Things could have been simpler
I tell myself you didn't love me
But that's only because it helps
Everything make better sense
I loved you
I love you
I know you can't come home
I know we can't get married
But tell me you love me
Tell me you don't love me
Either one is okay
Just tell me something
362 · Sep 2014
And I Smiled so Big
Megan Jane Sep 2014
Do you remember when we met
And you said hello
And we shook hands
And I smiled so big
And the world stopped around us

Do you remember how we talked
Like no one else was there
Like nothing else mattered
Like time was non-existant
Like best friends

— The End —