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 Oct 2014 Marissa Kay
 Oct 2014 Marissa Kay
Since when was being called a child an insult?
Is a child so dumb and unknowing?
Is a child not a sponge absorbing knowledge and experience?

If I'm called childish, it seems more a compliment than an insult.
 Oct 2014 Marissa Kay
Chesca R
I'm It.
Chasing after you, chasing-- tag.
You're it.
Game over.
You ended our game,
When you never chased back.
 Oct 2014 Marissa Kay
Mitch Prax
and now
because of you
i know i
have a heart

and now
because of you
i wish i
Welcome to your new home
I'm sorry about the mess
But the last person who lived in here
Left it a bit of a wreck
They often used harsh language
and smoked too many cigarettes
they were rough around the edges
and all around a mess
They passed that on to me
and for I while I joined in
But then it became painful to me
In nothing could I win
But they packed up and left
and I went through rehabilitation
So here I am before you
refreshed and anew
and now I wish to open my heart
once again for you
So come make a happy home
lay your self to rest
It all belongs to you now
I give you all my best.
Help me
For I have fallen
And cannot will the earth to
Return the feet
That it has swallowed
And rightfully belong to me.
 Oct 2014 Marissa Kay
Mae Lahlee
 Oct 2014 Marissa Kay
Mae Lahlee
Am afraid
of you
And your
big words.
In fact,
i've always been afraid
Of what takes up
large spaces.

The long poems,
for what if
the effort is not equal to the outcome?

or the deep water
For what if I am to slip under un-noticed?
     or                                       the      
      my              \/          shoulders
     For                                      what
  If               ­                            i
  feel                                  a
    feeling                  that
         I           can


For what if i feel such a feeling that i break and
©Hannah Mae
 Oct 2014 Marissa Kay
Mae Lahlee
You say you love my heart
For it always makes you smile.
And my smile's from another world
You'd even,
Walk (but probably not) a thousand miles.

You always use your special words
Just to keep me for the night.
And although they make my heart jump for joy
In reality,
You'll never be seen with me by light.

And to you I'm just another body:
To love and leave tomorrow.
But I promise you this heart of mine
With time,
Will leave your soul with sorrow.

Somewhere in you there is a good man
But it's masked by the perceptions of society
And clouded
By thoughts from a shallow hearted species.

However now boy, I'm sorry to say,
I won't be here waiting
When the good man out shines.
I don't know if I'm crazy
but sometimes after I leave your bed
I want to secretly leave something behind,
so that my scent isn't the only thing you
remember me by.
I'm afraid that one day you will find out
what goes on in my head and see nothing
but a battlefield.

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