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lightning doesn't strike the same place twice,
but typhoons and hurricanes do,
and just like the rain, i keep falling for You.
 Oct 2014 Marissa Kay
Sarah A
It's hard to breathe at a million thoughts a second,
and my mind never fails to wander to you.
You're engrained in my memory but I wonder,
do you think about me too?

because I've been hanging onto every syllable you speak,
or type,
and I can't get you out of my head,
or my heart.
 Oct 2014 Marissa Kay
the first time I saw her,
everything in my head fell silent.
her eyes were reflections of galaxies
so many have gotten lost in before me.
her lips formed a smile like a flickering candle,
but a smile nonetheless.
her hair was let loose like a restless ocean.
she was breathtaking.
and it was when i felt my heart skip a beat
that i knew *i had to have her.
 Oct 2014 Marissa Kay
Nick Durbin
A journey not calculated by distance or time, but by memories -
Our story unfolding between those layers,
Like small puzzle fragments coloring a portrait,
Revealing their purpose -
Presenting its complicated story.

We are but silhouettes reflected upon the sand in the moonlight -
Dancing and howling at the moon,
Asking for the stars...
To keep,
To hold,
Just long enough for another one of those moments -
Even if it is the length of a breath,
I could find eternity in you.
Thinking of how we met, the journey, and how we will soon be together.
 Oct 2014 Marissa Kay
He is sitting there across the way,
walks up to her thinking but has nothing to say.
She is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.
would she be like the others, would she be mean?

She glances up with the most beautiful eyes,
as he turns around he started to cry.
suddenly a hand grabbed his wrist,
the story now has a twist.

"Please come sit with me, there's room for another"
he's never loved any girl besides his mother.
he sits down nervous , yet tame
finnaly speaks "can I please  have your name?"

he drinks his coffee as he stares across the room.
the daydream he had will be real soon.
she gives him a smile as he looks at the door,
He gets up and says "don't look so alone anymore"

They sit down and laugh all through breakfast.  
two soul mates together at last.
If it wasn't for that coffee shop one day ,
never would they ever feel that way.
I write poems about beauty;
Your name is on every line.
And how your pretty little fingers
Were made to perfectly fit into mine.

I write songs about perfection;
Your name echoes all through.
And how this hellish life on earth
Seems so heavenly with you.

I try to form perfect rhymes,
But to what mere words can I rhyme thee?
For 12 lines are too few to put into words
How much you mean to me.
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