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 Apr 2018 Deanna
Ally Gottesman
When I was younger, I used to think I was going to be a Star.
Under a spotlight where everyone knew my name...
I was five.

Now, I want shadows and to be as far away as possible.
Hidden and far from consequence,
And even further from myself.
Where my name is not a name,
But just another word without any true meaning.

When I was younger, I used to think I was going to be a Star.
Now, I want to disappear.

I should have jumped overboard when I had the chance.
 Apr 2018 Deanna
i see you
i really do
i see your pain
i see your beauty
i see your love

i see the scars on your wrists
i see that you're getting better
i see the strength in your eyes
i see that you're so much stronger from yesterday
i see that you will be stronger tomorrow

i see you.

i hear you
i hear you crying your heart out alone in an empty room
i hear the words you say
i hear the voices in your head shown by the sparkle in your eyes

i hear you.

i feel you
i feel your pain
i feel your soft precious skin against mine
i feel your scars
i feel the tears dribbling down your cheek

i feel you.

you're not alone
i understand you.
i see you.
i hear you.
i feel you.
i love you.

— The End —