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 Sep 2014 Marie-Chantal
These days,
I find myself searching
for gentle streams
that once flowed in my dreams
but have since dried up.
The reservoir empty of freshness.

Doesn't stop me walking
along the dead riverbeds
and listing to the water.
Can't be much farther
til I find a new source.
I don't want
to force anything
but merely seek the return of life

Maybe Robin will return
to me
and we can continue our chats
by the banks of the river.
I was never a diver
but a giver,
which I suppose
is the same.
Plunging myself into something
and giving it all I got.

Never truly
an altruistic act
as I secretly and selfishly
wanted to be noticed.
Even the acoustic comments
would suffice.
Is that wrong?
Are we all rolling the same dice?
it's nice to receive praise
but if you're raised
to only want that
then maybe that's not healthy
I suppose
we should be wealthy
in the acknowledgment
of the ones that truly care
than to the
faint praise of strangers

That's where the danger lies
picking the lather.
Better to climb the ladder
one step at a time
in company
than great leaps alone.

But I digest.
I've stumbled off the path
with this talk of ladders.
Lost in myself
once again.
That's the cost of being a wanderer
Hard to navigate
through a sea of trees,
all ivy covered.
Who knows what
lively monsters have hovered
where I stood.
How many times have I been
hoodwinked in thinking
I'm alone?
Each blink of an eye
and I'm sure they run by me
lurking away
hidden from sight

They can stay there
for all I care.
Tonight isn't about
looking for a fight
but a river.

to think straight without it.
It was my anchor
held me down
and           stopped            me
flowing away in a stream
of consciousness
lost forever

Oh River, why have you dried up?
Why have you died?
I need you now
you are not here
to wash my tears away,
to clean me of doubt
or take away my fears.
I miss your fresh
cleansing waters
often felt on flesh.

Water was the elixir
to heal.
And to peal skin,
reveal my real sin,
so I may feel.
This elicited elixir
is no more.
A closed door
so we remain poor

Oh River, why have you left me?
Comments / criticism welcomed!
This silent choice you've made  
Is hung in the shape of a willow tree
Branches intertwining around my bruising flesh
Twisting and churning into a leafy cage from you to me  
I've noticed it

And I scream out to try and get your attention again
To try and get you to look into my eyes like you once did
My 3 a.m. bloodshot eyes
Which drive you further away with every thin line of red across their glassy surface
But in daylight well disguised
Dressed up in paper jokes and drawn on smiles
That burn my flesh to put on and take off  

And What kind of melodrama is this?
This dull story
Perhaps any excuse to not be happy will do me
You amongst many the piece to my puzzle
Or maybe
this is simply a poignant reminder of the time we have lost together
The sea calls out her name,
soft whispers hidden in the sound of the waves that gently break against the shore,
holding out my hand I touch the empty air,
it reaches back yet I feel nothing but the cold,
salt filled mist that swirls through my soul.

© H V Swan
sometimes I still feel her with me
 Sep 2014 Marie-Chantal
You taught me to have coffee without sugar.
Only now do I understand what that means.
Bitter lover.
 Sep 2014 Marie-Chantal
Mark Ball
I am no source
of poetry or art;
Music or prose.
I am not your one true love or
Your spring of inspiration.

"Down to earth",

My passions and
Ambitions are unanimous
to the average class.

Anything I am that's
Is reflected in the surrounding
 Sep 2014 Marie-Chantal
Mark Ball
I gather friends like I do books-
Some for their beautiful composition
And Artistry,
Some for common philosophy,
Some for intellectual or
Artistic stimulation,
And others for the warmth of nostalgia they bring.

The rest,
I plan to donate to the charity shop.
No rhyme, for a change. Criticism welcome as usual
 Sep 2014 Marie-Chantal
Mark Ball
Your silence is a kind of
From words that were left
But when swept in a drunken
The words of then are bled.
I know you more;
Yet, still I don't.
There's more for me to see
But keep your mouth and desires
Do not be familiar to me.

— The End —