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 Jun 2014 Margaret
the way that alcohol
f  l  o  o  d  e  d
her veins
was almost like
the way in which
flood a night sky.

and her eyes,
were black holes:
and dark.

she left all her cares behind
a long time ago,
on a shelf
in a jar,
sitting right next to two others, labeled

you might ask what happened to her love.

she left that with me,
and said,
"do with it what you wish,"
for she hadn't the trust
to expect me to keep it safe,
nor the happiness
to keep it for herself.

i never saw her again after that,
but i still have her love.

and to this day,
here it sits.

on a shelf,
in a jar,
right next to two others, labeled
"memories of you"
"hope for the future."

though i must say,
each of these jars
is growing emptier
each day.

okay so i don't really know what inspired me to write this so yeah it's really random but i kinda like it.
 Jun 2014 Margaret
Andrew Durst
Your eyes
are dark and

I could've
sworn they
were bright blue
when we
Time has this ability.
Her skin was made of caramel
With purple highlights through her dreads
Hazel eyes that made me melt
And luscious lips of red

A girl I've never met
Yet we seemed so close
We laid down in bed
And began ripping off our clothes

I grabbed her wrists
As she went down to feast
My fantasy spun into a bliss
With her desire she needed to feed

Her fingertips brush my lips
She looked me in the eyes
This was the end of it
**Girl of my dreams, but this girl was mine
Life is a lifelong
Balancing act
Time that's wasted
Never comes back
But hear my quandary
It's really quite queer
What happens when my job
Conflicts with my career?
What happens when my schooling
Disrupts my education?
When federal government policies
Keep me from graduation?
What happens when my GPA
Keeps me out of universities?
What happens when what I need to do
Conflicts with my responsibilities?
 Jun 2014 Margaret
SG Holter
Poet, be not afraid.
There are far worse things than
Bad poetry.

Keep writing; like a child keeps
Drawing with the purest of
Disregards to likeness.

The more stones you turn, the more
Gems you produce.

The more ink you rain,
The more gracious your written
Children grow.

All flexing builds muscle.

Rough bricks form castles.

Even Dalì carved canvases to shreds
And started anew
Not caring too much.
Not caring

Too much
To keep painting.
I thought I was beaten,
deflated, despised
as words left me wounded
and kicked at my pride
I will not give creedence
to cruel, callous lies
and bold as a phoenix
from your ashes I'll rise.
Thankyou all for your support today, it has meant so much to me and has buoyed me up from the depths. To realise I have such wonderful friends here is truly a gift. You are my blessings, each of you....... Loghain who??? **
 Jun 2014 Margaret
He was afraid of the reflections of hell
that could be seen on her fiery red lipstick.

Forgiveness that is unlikely,
her last words to him
burnt him from the inside.

Her heart was a game to him,
and now he'll have to beg for his life
to win it.
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