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Rip open my skin
Grasp my heart in your rough hands
Steal breath from my lungs
Tonight I watched the sun melt
fall into the sea and wash away
the beauty in the sky
meant nothing to me

I was tired
of so many painful hours
of dark days
watery eyes
and tear stained cheeks

This unwelcome story
how will it end?
And where is the memory
of when it began?

What day was it
when everything changed?
When the right to be cheerful
was no longer granted

When the morning comes
the dark will be present still
as dark as the days before
senseless moments
playing games within
mixed up
spinning in slow backward circles
as my mind trips lightly over itself
again and again
over and over
and all before me there is

I will run as fast as I can
because it's all I know
my familiar friend
my hideous buddy
my mocking dark day pal

I’ll run until my breath is extinguished
outsmarting my chasing dragon
of shadows
decades past
of the deepest black night

Nothing follows me
but still I run
to find freedom
to dig for gold
from under the elusive rainbows

But always
I run alone
just me running from I

a plain empty jar

It’s time to lay down my fears
leave my senses to rest
I’ve run too much
too long
too hard

Time to tell the dragon
his time is up
acknowledge the empty space
that lingers behind me
and be grateful for being alone

I will sit and wait for the sun
revel in the beauty of the sky
resurrect those things
that have long been dead to me

Wait for the light inside
for the radiance to be felt
to be seen
be understood
and once again become my friend

but sure
I return to myself
Written about my depression, many years ago (younger days!)  Happy to say I've been free of it for a long time now.  If you want to read what I said about it you can read more here -->
 Nov 2014 Margaret Austin Go
this path i wrote
wrought with missed
twists and turns and trip
wires made of pit vipers
camouflaged in ******
stripes the color of bumble
bees that make me sneeze
humbly god help me please
i hear foot steps quietly
lightly on the trail behind me.

r ~ 11/15/14
 Nov 2014 Margaret Austin Go

       a sea
                  rider of the
                         dwindling air...

one day my ailing boat would invite
the water•i will finally sink into
~ ~ ~~
oblivion's lair•~~ ~ ~
~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~  *~ ~
~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~
~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~   ~~
~~ ~~ *•m y exis tenc e ~ ~ ~~  
    ~~ w ill then  be • but a we a k, ~
i ndis  cern ible... reflec  tion of my sel f
~   •  ~
                      ~     i' d notb e  free •but~
        ~    ~          t rapped i n abo x
                   ~   on a  lon g for-  ~~
              g o tte  n  ~
~    sh e ~

Magnetic eyes revealing her dark soul
Mysterious mind with secrets to unfold

Abandoned creature wandering the desert
Psychic intuitions make her a beautiful predator

A death stalker she would **** to survive
Seeking experiences and glory in her life

Once i saw her crawling by my bed
Mezmerized by fear or passion
I couldnt tell
I should have ran but decided to stay
I should have remembered that her sting would take my life away

Words Of Harfouchism
Scorpions are dangerous
When you don’t feel the ground
Beneath your feet
Walking through air
And feeling light as the wind
The feeling of euphoria
Gliding though the subtle layers
Feet finally released
From the clutches that held you
Making you feel heavy
Clearly, holding you firm
Pulling you towards the nadir
Restricting you
To tread on the same path
Where so many walked before
Now, the soul feels free
As you glide
With languid elegance
You are revealed so much
Which you had not known
I stand there at the edge of the road, they're all going somewhere, and I stand at the edge of the road.
  Watching them pass me by. One step forward and my life ends, one step back and a new life begins.
  where I will go is determined by each step in either direction, and where I have been has left an imprint by the aging of my skin
you're all soft lines
and blurry edges:
like the moments between each
rise and fall of our chests
while your lips entwine mine
with every breath.

you're all droppy eyes
and silent screams:
looking behind you
everytime you leave,
keeping doors locked
and your teeth flossed.
never letting a single thing
escape your mind that you've lost.

you're all languishing stares
and rough hands -
you've kept mine clean,
laced yours around mine
and promised forever this time.
I keep digging and digging and digging,
     trying to dig myself out of this hole
But it seems everything is collapsing around me
      burying me with my soul.
      This small shovel
  just doesn't seem to be enough,
     No one thought to tell me
         how life could be this rough
    I'm just getting deeper and deeper
        and deeper
    with my unwanted thoughts
This shall be my grave,
        but don't put any roses on top,
      I prefer **forget-me-nots
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