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Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2017
تَمُرُّ أيّامٌ عديدة حَيث يَبيتُ الإشتياقُ في قلبي
حيث أصرُخُ في صمتِ أفكاري كم أهواك و أصرُخُ من قعرِ حنجرتي كي تسمعني، فهل تسمعني؟
ِلم أودعَك، فبقينا عالقين بين جروحاتِ الممنوع
و لو أمكنني أن أمس بشفتيك، و لحيتك، و طرف أذنيك
لو أمكنني أن أودعك بكل ما شعرته لك و معك
لكانت نجوم درب التبانة صارعت لوجودنا، صارعت لبقائنا
و لكن بَيني و بينك حائط

Many days pass by where missing you beds in me
Where I scream in my silenced thoughts how much I love you, and I yell as hard as I can so you can hear me; so, do you hear me?
I did not get the chance to say goodbye, and so we stayed stuck in-between the scars of what shouldn't have been
And if I could touch you lips, your beard, the edge of your ears,
If I could say goodbye with all what I felt for you and with you
All the stars of the milky way would have fought for us to stay together
But between you and me, there's a wall.

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2017
و لم يبقى لنا سِوى حُبٍّ لاحقنا طويلاً
عندما كنتُ لا أزالُ سِوى شُعاعٍ و ارتطمتَ بي

And we have nothing left but a love that kept running after us
When I was still only a beam of light and you slammed into me

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2017
I take the decision to part from things that have never been a part of me

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2017
I wear my night gown and go to sleep.
You were already sleeping with the moonlight leaking in, shading your traits.
I kiss your forehead and tuck myself under the sheets.
The next morning I wake up and it wasn't you sleeping next to me.

- LynnAA
May 2017
Lynn Al-Abiad May 2017
I stop wearing all of the bracelets that remind me of you
I forget my favourite necklaces and I get accustomed to their absence
I wear a different perfume than the ones you loved
But sometimes I do still wear those bracelets that remind me of her
And I still go near his house whenever I get the chance to
Sometimes I even wear the scarf and the rings
And sometimes I still cry whenever I reach ecstacy
I sometimes still allow my mind to eat me up
Sometimes I let myself be extremely fragile to thoughts of you
And I remember almost everything
And I wear whatever brings me close to you
And I take off whatever I've set myself free from
But we are all susceptible to what was once a drug
We can all fall back into our past
And it's okay
Break down and cry
Yell out loud that you miss him
See his face when you touch yourself
Remember him till his face eats you up, alive
Do that
Do all of that
Then take a deep breath
And remember
At the end of the day, you only have yourself
Take care of your lovely self
Don't destroy yourself
Don't destroy your home

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad May 2017
And, sometimes, when I look back, I dont even remember how I got the courage to do it, yet I'm glad I've done it.
With all the pain I have inflicted upon myself at that precise moment, I'm glad I did it.
Because, today, I don't remember what the pain felt like, but I remember I heard my breath for the first time in a while.
I was alive.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad May 2017
خدني ع مقهى يونس

لين اا -
إدمان محتمل

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