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 Mar 2015 epictails
A Watoot
She turns off the lights,
lights a scented candle- lavender, her favorite.
She lays her tired body
and surrenders to the needs of her inner self.
She knows she's empowered.
She knows herself.
She knows what she wants.

Her petals wet with her desires.
She reaches inwards as deep as the night.

Her body quivers while she lets out soft moans
until she can take it no more; but she knows what she wants.
She never stopped reaching for the glory of self love.

Her moans grow louder.
Her state of mind in disarray.

An earthquake.
A huge internal earthquake.


Pulse.  Pulse.  Pul­se.

She knows what she wants.
She breathes in deep and smiles.
Another take on sensual.
 Mar 2015 epictails
A Watoot
She's beautiful
She's cunning
She's bubbly.
She's like a Victorian figurine in the glass shelf of menagerie.
She works her way up
by telling the right words
at the right time.
She's impossibly perfect in every way.
I see her.
I can see her.
I'm not envious.

Because I saw her lie and steal in the presence of her perfection.
This is for the person who I should always keep my eyes on.  
She has been lying and stealing since day one.
 Mar 2015 epictails
 Mar 2015 epictails
I hate being
And when I'm
I hate being
And when I'm
I hate being
I know the pain you feel is deep,
your want from life is simple peace.
And though I cannot guarantee,
please listen closely, as I speak.

Presently you stroll alone,
searching for a hand to hold.
You feel your sorrow in your bones,
in harshest sun, you still feel cold.

Pre - dawn, however, is darkest night
that must be followed by morning light.
I pray you won't give up the fight,
the universe will set things right.

I know at times, it seems unclear
that happiness is always near.
But wholly I believe my dear,
someday soon, you'll find some cheer.
I awake, the night is bright.
The air is cold and clear.
I am a stalker of the dark,
Looking for my next victim to bite.
 Mar 2015 epictails
A Watoot
 Mar 2015 epictails
A Watoot
His lips traces her every line
Their breaths are all they hear
She raises a glass of wine
He sees a glass so clear

Creased sheets of the mattress
in the hot summer of May
A moment of their unrest
As the sun sets by the bay

Their breaths grew quicker
As they reached the dawn of the night
Their muscles clenched tighter
A release of spring- without a fight
I wrote this in a boring afternoon class.  My first attempt in sensuality.
 Mar 2015 epictails
Witch's Brew
 Mar 2015 epictails
       o    (              (             (                  
O   )     (                      )        
            )                (      o
    (              (      (                       O  
   )     o              )   O       )        o
(    O              (     o      (         ) 
)    o                              )    (
**make me a cauldron of a witch's
brew•let it bubble and boil...;
simmer and stew• allow the con-
coction to churn•feed it with raw an-
guish and spiteful spurn•whisper my wi-
shes into shady ingredients•scatter them in
to render it potent•stir it wild...with an iron
ladle with a wooden haft•raucous incanta-
tions of a long forgotten craft• give
me a vial of the witch's brew•let it
**** me or grant me the gifts
promised in lieu•
 Mar 2015 epictails
Jeffrey Pua
 Mar 2015 epictails
Jeffrey Pua
Driftwood perplexing—
Your native tongue uncertain,
Still your spirit speaks.*

© 2015 J.S.P.
 Mar 2015 epictails
A Watoot
I love because I can.
You take
and take until
What's left of me is a shrunken heart;
But it will never
Ever stop beating.
Even if you make me feel like

I see your sacrifices.
Yes, I do.
But think of me, too.
I'm an emotional machine that keeps on swimming in an ocean of dense *******' fish.
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