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I thought about every
little gesture, look, song,
secretly worded I love yous,
and maybes,
and should ofs
that we shared since we met.

And how your smile and your eyes
have both stopped time
to show me glimpses of the future. 
And just ecstatic happiness,  
and thank yous,  
and oh my gods,  
and how i've never felt more right.
And how last night was
perfect and respectful and beaming
with love that was so ******* mutual.  

I just replayed the moments
over a few hundred times.
This is  real.
This is happening.
Our playlist is
the best love songs
that helped voice words
we needed spoken.
 Apr 2017 Little Bear
Traci Sims
Oh, I love love love you
Tragick-ally, forever-ly, romanti-kally,
And I am...STUPID...with desire...
Whoever said that age would bring peace and wisdom
When I gaze into your blue eyes and know the truth of the matter?
Think less and feel more
Is what you said to me
And I wish I could do that
But I have some feelings
That just lie to me.
They make me believe crazy thoughts
Like when you say hi to me
It's like you mean to open the sky to me
Cuz you're not just another guy to me
You are so much more than just a high to me

So how can I pretend that
Every love song doesn't have a face now
And every poem about a you
Isn't suddenly You now

I'll have to think more
And feel less, so I won't stress
Every time you walk out the door
Or put my head on your chest
Or when you press your hand against mine
And our thumbs match.
No, I can't catch any more feelings
When I already feel like a starburst
And every piece of me is another universe
When I'm around you
I feel like the world is endless
And time is a concept
Like love isn't just an emotion
To interpret around you
But the only thing

See I can't feel more,
And I can't think less

I've already lost my mind around you.
This one is yours, Poodle.
Take my ashes to San Francisco
Follow the steps
And lay me to rest where
I always felt free and at peace

Step one: Irish coffee(s)
Step two: Irish coffee to go
Step three: take the walk and shed your demons
Step four: find my spot and sit
Step five: tune in, unwind, and listen for my reply

Let me go into the ocean
And I'll always be within reach
Stay by the sea and let the water  
Sing you my love songs
I'll be the fog on the horizon
And the brisk embrace
of the Pacific mist

And if you find yourself in need
I'll relinquish my spot
for those days you could use an ear
And feel comfort
Know that I'll hear you
And I'll reply
And if you weep
Let the raindrops that fall
And the howling of the wind
give notice
That I am weeping too

You may grow lonely
But you will never be alone
I'll be within waters reach
And in the city I will
Always be alive with you.

Take my ashes to San Francisco.
These little fingers
on his little hand
gripping mine
to say hello
Makes me realize
how love can
Create and grow

Helps me understand
what I need to know
That life is precious
And shouldn't be rushed
My own mortality as contrast
to his new life

I'm definitely not in any rush
When my cries for comfort
For food
For a warm hand
patting my ***
And cooing me to sleep
Are so similar to his.

I provide what I can
Because I understand
And I know what he needs.  

Two days of life
and a lifetime of lessons
I wish him better luck than me.
And will do what I must
So he can live a more robust
Life than me.
In hope we will watch you and your brother grow.
Show me
true beauty
how waves
break the shore
into individual grains
yet each contains
the whole
crystalline universe
reflecting light
renouncing midnight

Leave me not
upon the sand
barefoot and stripped
recounting sins
to the weary wind
return my heart
to loving grace
salt-scrubbed chambers
cleansed of hate
tenderly reborn

let love
rise from this
arid ground
clear water drawn
from a deeper well
with cupped hands
tend the seeds
so we may eat
of the bounty
that rightfully belongs

to no one
 Feb 2017 Little Bear
Lora Lee
dark storms rising
as electricity
crackles up my spine
in ascent of moonspell
as I trip through
            my own wires
                 my inner sense
                     of flesh
in waves of
magnetic fireworks
      and suddenly
I am spinning
     my fibers
all splayed out                
for you to see
a cartographer
of emotion
mapping your veins
               and arteries
and we hold citizenship
of a private inner land
a country              
    that we share
as we into light expand
my inner goddess in tune
with your
molecules and carbon
your cells rushing like
                a river
into my estuary
in landscapes of longing
blissfully unaware
but for our souls'
secret language of
pumping blood and fire
from here, it's uncharted
but for the rhythms
                   of desire

invisible to the naked eye,
we exquisitely penetrate
the surface
descend into the
depths of bones
the most primal core
where lava licks
push spirit's will
            straight up to the fore
and I am the spark in
your most opaque rage
to give it up
in dust and magic
as pulmonary exhale
flows the blood
and we dissipate , slowly
into uninhibited flood

Take me apart,
dark love
pulverize my limits
fly with me
to the opposite
of loneliness
"You've got that medicine I need/Give it to me slowly"
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