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Mar 2016 · 1.8k
Devils On Both Shoulders
Liam Wales Mar 2016
A devil stands on my both my shoulders
They whisper, "just do it, no one cares anyway"
So I take this weapon of self destruction
And cut away to bleed out the guilt until I feel nothing at all...
Aug 2015 · 1.2k
Not As Planned
Liam Wales Aug 2015
Knots tie me up inside
Even the places I can't quite find

The drums pound throughout my temple
Maybe these are not the perfect examples

Hate poisons my innocent flesh
What is the feeling that this suggests?
It seems my writing skills aren't incredible
Nore are they desirable

I'm not going to make you wait
I'm just going to tell you straight

I'm angry!
This poem is trying to calm me down.  I think it shows through its nature of progression.  Enjoy!
Aug 2015 · 728
Liam Wales Aug 2015
An oyster survives in its tough shell

It knows nothing apart from its surrounding walls
What it does next will be a surprise to us all

It breaks out of it's shell
Without unleashing hell
It was scared of the outside
It was not born to be free

We can all be summed up as oysters until we break out

Do not be encapsulated
Break free
Aug 2015 · 12.6k
The Candle
Liam Wales Aug 2015
Nothing will come between us
A solid still flows through the gap
Our candle remains lit for eternity
Why would anyone try to blow out the candle?

It isn't an ordinary candle
This candle, anything it can handle
Gigantic cockroaches threaten its flame
How come this flame has not gone out?

Darkness surrounds the object
Nothing can stop it, not even the dust it collects
People puff with all their breath
Our flame will never go out
Jul 2015 · 353
Liam Wales Jul 2015
Without reason
We have lost our connection
It's you and me now
There was no suggestion

I thought there was more
Now they're just disfigured faces
They glare down on us
With an ugly look of disgrace

Now it's just you and me
Jul 2015 · 425
When You're Near
Liam Wales Jul 2015
Our hearts enslave us in painful desire
Our minds play our darkest thoughts
The brush on the canvas depict suffering and that I'm a liar
This painting displays all the battles I have fought

Droplets tear away at my face as I produce the tears
What is wrong with me?
This doesn't happen when you're near
Jul 2015 · 10.7k
Adolescent Slavery
Liam Wales Jul 2015
Don't push them
You're moulding them instead of letting them flow
You're stunning their movement, you're not letting them grow

I like being pushed
I am superior and better than my peers
They've taken over my body and they are the ones who steer

Is this wrong?
Is this right?
Is this my desired flight
The Devils are pitched on both shoulders
I can't take over until I've grown older
Jul 2015 · 1.0k
Without You
Liam Wales Jul 2015
Without you
I am nothing
Without you
What is my reason to live?
Without you
My ship shall sail
Without you
I will cross the path
Without you
I will turn to dust
Without you
It is still only you I lust

Love and lust is not enough
Even for my one true love
Jul 2015 · 389
Now You're Gone
Liam Wales Jul 2015
One more step
You're closer to the edge
Take a step back
I'm begging you
Get away from that ledge

I never thought this would happen to you
The one I was friends with and the one I knew
You were my brother
How could I let this happen?

Now you're gone...
Jul 2015 · 424
I Promise
Liam Wales Jul 2015
It feels like you'll be gone forever
My mind tells me you'll never return
The beating heart in my chest tells me never
You say there is a lesson I need to learn

I love you
You already knew
There's no one else I want to kiss
From the bottom of my heart I promise

Soon you will come back into my life
When you're with me I'll give you a kiss and a hug
All I can think of is you being my wife
You mean more to me than anything, more than anything could

I love you so much
I desire to feel your touch
There's no one else I want to kiss
From the bottom of my wary I promise
Liam Wales Jul 2015
As a child I would willingly write, generally short stories about a superhero version of myself.  However, I was inspired to make the wrong choices.  Demons provided knowledge to sway me away from my first passions.  Reading and writing.  After meditating in my own thoughts, I have realised that what people see isn't the real me.  Is inspiration a negative feeling preventing people from displaying their true colours?

Reading and writing had only just commenced its slow arrival into my life.  This is one of my first pieces for at least a decade in which a teacher hasn't been glancing over my shoulder.  Anyway, let's get to the point.

Younger people normally see reading and writing as: lame, boring and uninteresting.  Even I hated it in school at some point in my life.  **** you literacy teacher.  Anyway, as writing is seen as "uncool" by other children.  I gave it up. Instead of writing, I tried adjusting to the trend of football.  I bought many packs of football stickers that I could.  It was the craze.  But it wasn't me.

When I think about it, there is a fine line between inspiration and trying to fit in.  Without reading between the lines, I just wanted to be seen as "cool" by my classmates.  But, you can see it as inspiration.  I was inspired by my classmates, I wanted to be like them.  Our brains have a system which gives us a desire to be popular.  Or maybe it's just me.

Inspiration will have had a negative affect on you at some point.  A basic, problematic topic is smokers.  Whoever becomes addicted to the cancer stick will give similar reasons for starting.  "It helps me cope with stress", the classic acronym "YOLO" and finally, "everybody else is doing it."  Once again we are faced with the fine line.  

Throughout life, the human race has faced demons.  Famous artist Van Gogh faced an alcoholic demon throughout his career.  Smokers use the phrase, "everybody else is doing it."  At first glance, it may seem that they're doing it to fit in with popular groups.  Or do they think it looks "cool".  Have other people inspired them to do it?

The basic life process of growing up has allowed me to see that I have lost my routes.  That what my friends and family see me as is not the real me.  I have one thing to say to you to conclude.  Find yourself, lose yourself, remember yourself, be yourself.
Jul 2015 · 1.3k
Liam Wales Jul 2015
Waves of light avoid your talents
Your synapses fail to process a belief in what you are here for
Paralysed, blind, oblivious to your potential

I'm crying to you
Push yourself out of that chair
I'm crying to you
Open your eyes
I'm crying to you
Realise what you can be

— The End —