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Hearing your name ripples
mountain ranges down my arms.

I can't help but grimace
in complete lack of surprise.

I no longer find my interest
in you to be amusing, and
I'm reminded once again
that every mistake has a shelf life.

I wonder when
I'll stop finding myself here.

Backed into a corner
by my own misguided taste.
May 2016 · 1.7k
Letting the water rush around my ankles,
I whisper your name to the seafoam.
I roll my tongue around each syllable,
as if enunciation alone could draw
fate lines between us.

The water recedes,
and takes with it my breath.
I see now that the ocean is what taught you
to leave me gasping for air.
Hello again friends, it seems my voice has found its way back to me. I wonder what I will learn from it this time around.

As always, I'm at a loss for a title.
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
Endless Free Fall
It is often in the most mundane moments that I am caught by sense of perspective altering awareness.  Awareness of the ache in my toes from straining to see through the window of what might one day be.  Awareness of the truly humbling way that life can take everything away, leave you sweating against the rock floor, only to show you the beauty in having enough strength to pull yourself back into the light. Awareness of the gratitude that pulses in my veins for the people I have landed amongst.  It is here, in these moments, with pressure reminiscent of hope, disbelief, and wary elation expanding against my rib cage, declarations of affection catching in my throat, that the floors drop.  Endless free fall is the only capacity within which I understand what it means to adore another.  With feet firmly on the ground, I'm guaranteed to lose my way.
Not sure if this is finished or not. Just something that happened tonight as I was writing.
Aug 2014 · 7.2k
To Walk As A Woman
Some things exist behind curtains of experience.  

Those whose tongues have
tasted the holy fire know the touch
of something divine.

Those who have laid eyes on
their sleeping bodies, and walked
away to places unknown, can grasp
the idea of an inbetween.

Those who have groped in the darkness
for something to believe in again, who
have longingly looked over the cliff edge,
know that true despair does exist.

As for me,

I know that true fear can
come in the form of footsteps
behind you on the empty street.

The person at the bar who insists on
hollow compliments and free drinks.

Friends who scoff at your anger for
men who yell out their passenger side
windows about the treasures beneath
your clothes.

True fear can come in the middle
of the afternoon, as you face
off against the four floor staircase
to your apartment, when your steps
are echoed by the man in 2b who has
a wife, son, and a taste for resistance.

Don't tell me I'm overreacting,
when the single most terrifying thing
I can do is walk alone under the street lamps.

Don't tell me I'm too uptight just
because I've learned that flattery
can come with a horrifying price tag.

Don't tell me I'm wrong just
because you don't understand.

Look me in the eye when you have
waited until a security guard can walk you
to your car.  When you have held your
breath in a shared elevator.  When you have
lowered your eyes to the men who yell
obscenities at you, because standing up
for yourself could prove deadly.  

Look me in the eye when you have held back
the curtain of experience, and walked in the shoes
of someone who lives every moment knowing
this could be the day someone decides to steal
from me what is only mine to give.

Then look me in the eye when you tell
someone of your wound, and they reprimand
you for daring to walk this world as a woman.
Not actually in love with this. But I've been putting off writing for far too long, and everyone always says that if you are in a rut, the best thing to do is write until you feel inspired again. So here we go.
May 2014 · 1.7k
-Title Undecided-
Don't tell me the pieces of us
fell from my careless hands.
As if I was the Medusa
who turned your veins bitter,
and your skin to stone.

Anxiously hunched shoulders
can only hold up a relationships for so long
before giving under the pressure
of resentful looks and strained silences.

It wasn't I that scattered
eggshells in our home,
ear posed for gentle cracking in the
unfaithful hours of the morning.

My hands spread wide still aren't
enough to cradle your expectations,
and here I am, struggling to hold on to the edge,
as the gap between reasonable and unattainable widens.

I won't be blamed for leaving.
Not when your eyes have held ghosts for far too long.
Any ideas for the title?
For as long as I can remember,
I've been practicing safety drills.
school, home, the work place, even planes.

Everyone wants to be prepared
for those so-called natural disasters.
It's stunning how they never think to
prepare you for heart break.
It's so much more common.

You are the earthquake that has me
braced for an aftershock. I am hiding
under doorways, diving for the protection
of restaurant tables. My survival kit
is fresh out of healing, and my wounds are
growing agitated. Why wasn't I prepared for this?

Algebra and Grammar won't help me
get out of bed tomorrow morning.
Testing door handles to see if they are hot
will only keep me away from flesh wounds.
Zoology taught my to dissect a frog,
but your vital organs are so much harder to locate.

Is there even a heart inside your chest?
Apr 2014 · 749
I've been so focused on trying to survive without you,
that I forgot the years I lived before I heard your name.

I tried for so long to make peace with who I thought you were,
that I didn't realize who you were actually becoming.

I've spent so many hours wondering why I wasn't enough,
that I failed to see how much I truly deserve.
I haven't written in ages, so here is a little piece I did today as a way of trying to ease myself back into the flow of creative writing. Enjoy.
Oct 2013 · 772
Tattooed Roads
Sometimes it feels as if I am tattooed
with all the roads I refused to walk.

Whether they made me who I am, or shed
me of who I'm not, it's rather hard to tell.

I suppose it's all the same,
since I kept on walking anyway.
I never have titles for anything. Sigh.
Sep 2013 · 764
Summer: A Warning
You can't fall in love during the summer. There are no shivering hands or burnt tongues or worn out coats. Sandy beaches are a poor substitute for autumn leaves, especially in the Midwest, and the heat will burn out new passion much too quickly. Love requires coughing on bonfire smoke and learning the difference between grey skies and rain.

You can't fall in love during the summer, but that's when I met you, and I think I'm starting to realize that not every rule is made to be broken, but every broken rule is made with consequences.

You can't fall in love during the summer, I know because we tried, and look where that choice has landed us.
Every minute without a word from you, was a reminder that you were thinking of someone else.

And every hour was another reason why I understood.

And every day caused another piece of me to go numb without your touch.

And every week reopened the wounds I had stitched up with your smiles.

And as the months have broken me down, I realize soon there will be nothing left to break.
I've been away for so long!!!
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Petals of Domestic Abuse
I plucked words from your mouth like petals from a flower and let them settle in between my bones. So that when you stumble home with fire in your fists, your once-soft " I love you"s would soothe my aching skeleton from the inside out. But petals often wither, and their silk touch turns to dust, and these days you don't say "I love you" to replace the ones I've lost.
This is more fragment/prose/quick writing than a poem...I may use this or parts of it in another piece later or expand it. I just wanted to get your thoughts!
Aug 2013 · 505
Does anyone have tips on collaborating with another writer on a piece?
I want to take 2am walks through towns so small,
that cops are sleeping instead of keeping watch,
and street lights glow only dimly because  no
respectable person would need their guidance at this hour.

I want to tell teachers that their textbooks make me tired,
challenge them to teach me every subject with the trunk of a stately oak tree.
One that has seen more than we could ever craft into notes or test questions,
and breathes out a life source healthier for us than the toxic tangents
lingering in this academic air space.

I want to take my romantic notions of life
and press them into the pages of a non-fiction book,
so that when you tell me I'm naive,
I can present you with the research
that keeps your cubicle heart pumping.

I want to cleanse your body of its lead paint logic,
and use my lips to tattoo all the natural beauty
you've missed behind classroom doors.

I want to show you the beauty of broken glass in small town alley ways.
Jul 2013 · 717
And I swear I will love you with the intensity that I love petals lined on window panes. You're presence fills the grassy expanses of wanderlust living in my tendons.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Your Eyes Are Stormy Now
These days, I'm afraid to look into your eyes

for fear that I may be consumed.

Though I suppose drowning in your irises

would be a lovely way to go.
Jul 2013 · 975
Untitled and Unfinished
I know a girl who tries to read people the way she reads books.
But people aren't two dimensional, and they can't be pressed into
page after page of dialogue and action. Black and white stand as a
testimony to truth, but reality comes in a variety of shades and
when her blood comes out red and sings a tune sweeter than any book
or bible written by man, she is left somewhere between fiction and non-fiction.
The badlands of indecision, where her beliefs search for a home built on rock
instead on the sand.
I actually sort of want to leave it like this, with the title as it's actual title. I don't's kind of weird and funky and I like it.
Jul 2013 · 1.9k
Exciting News!!
My creative writing teacher from last semester just emailed me.

I am the 2013 recipient of the James Haba Award for Excellence in Poetry.
And 6 of my poems are going to be published in the Mid Rivers Review!

I am so excited!! Thank you all so much for your support and your constructive criticism.
Jul 2013 · 15.2k
Unrequited Hippie Love
The bowl might as well have been packed
with my hypocampus, every lighter spark
brought only memories of you.

I blew smoke signals to the wind,
begging the universe to mend
our broken fate line.
I might add more to this someday, but for now it is simple and short.
Jun 2013 · 882
A Ray Of Awareness
The light fell through the window shades,
one sliver right between those amber eyes,
and it struck me how little I know of you.

How little I know of anyone.

Every day it feels like there is a new way to hide
from the world.  What are we all so scared of?
Intimate touches are minimized by the fear of
being left alone, and with no one taking leaps of faith
we've ended up with our feet weighted to the ground.
Cemented by our inability to push past indecision,
solidified by our lack of communication.

Your eyes may be bottomless, but that shouldn't
stop me from diving in. If I should drown in your
subconscious, I would revel in my lungs collapsing.
Once again, unable to think of a title. Sigh.
Mint green nails, trailing across your faded black tattoos.

The ability of bandanas to cover up out grown roots that I'm
too broke to touch up.

Long showers when no one is home to yell at me for wasting water.

The way your lips feel against mine, so safe and familiar,
and how your mouth tastes like a bad habit.

The white of battle scars against my summer tan.
Jun 2013 · 1.8k
Lipstick Skeletons
You came to me tonight with questions of loyalty
in your eyes, but all you found was my breathless
and naked body on the soft carpet of my bedroom.
My vanity mirror was cracked in all the places
you had called me beautiful, and you saw my lipstick
drawings of skeleton girls scattered across my bed.
Curse words clogged up your throat. Your teeth chattered
out a Morse Code version of " how could you?",
and when your hands stopped punching the walls,
all ****** and broken, you used them to crack open my rib cage.
Searching, I think, for some swallowed suicide note.

You knew the only thing I could stand to eat,
were the words I wish I'd never spoken.
If I could, I'd buy us enough acid to last everyday
for the rest of our natural born lives. Just hoping
that the trip would take us back to the night when
you painted rainbows on the insides of my eyelids.

If it was possible, I'd brand your fear of needles
onto the surface of all my organs.  So that I would
always remember the time you let me see the
scared sick little boy still hiding inside your skin.
So that maybe, he could hide inside my skin too.

If magic were real, I'd use a spell to make a
quilt with our story on it, the way it should have
ended. And every time I felt alone, every time
the panic threatened to close my throat, I would
pull the quilt over my head, and be able to live
in what could have been.

If I could,  I would crawl inside one of the
pink and yellow capsules the doctors gave you
and after you swallowed me down I would
climb up through your blood vessels to the brain.
Stopping only to see the heart I love so dearly.
I would build bridges over your broken synaptic cleft
and bribe your brain chemicals to walk the
straight and narrow. I'd tell them how their careless
vagrancy has left your eyes empty and your aura dark.
Not even edited yet, feel free to make suggestions!
Jun 2013 · 2.3k
Love Takes No Prisoners
Today you said you'd always love me.
And you didn't ask for my naked *******,
or my submissive body beneath silk sheets.
You didn't even ask for my loyalty.

It's hard to believe the tragedies that
we've brought to life before this moment.

I've always wanted a relationship to be dangerous.  
Call it my penchant for self-harm, or my need to feel victimized,
but I crave love a that could burn down towns, destroy lives.
Passion isn't safe, it takes causalities.

People spend so much time balancing,
looking at their feet and trying not to fall.
We are brought up to believe that pain
should be avoided at all costs,
but what if your happiness lies
just beyond the thorn bush?

I won't claim to be fearless.  
It seems that I am constantly caught
between apprehension and regret.
My indecision is a wall
that very few would dare to scale,
but your words are building me a harness.

The other side is surely filled with storms.
Treacherous animals that would seek to tear me limb from limb.
There may be *** holes and misleading signs,
long stretches of greedy quick sand.

But, then again,
no one remembers journeys
that were effortless.
Not really feeling the title. Suggestions? And as always I'd love your thoughts :)
It's like when you have the stomach flu,
and the first thing you toss up is your favorite,
homemade, blueberry muffins. How after that,
even though you've eaten them for 19 years,
just the thought of violet-speckled, baked goods
makes you want to hunch over the nearest toilet.

I don't remember when I stopped being able
to stomach irony.

All I know is I spend every morning gargling
minty antiseptics, trying to rid my mouth from
the aftertaste of dreams, but still its ghost lingers
in the back of my throat. I try to wash it down with the
taste of his ****, and the smell of his cologne. Thinking,
I guess, that one day I'll be able to love him like he deserves.

As opposed to wondering what happened between us.

Your catchphrase was," There's nothing to say."
It wasn't until now that I understood.  I wanted so
badly to find the right words. Wanted so bad to mend
what was  irreparably broken.  But you knew that every
time you opened your mouth, you were in danger
of coughing out your heart. Of spewing out a ******
mess of feelings that I didn't yet understand.

Now, as you come to me with olive branches, all I can
do is choke on my own aorta. So understand when I sound
like your broken record, that I'm just trying to hold it together.
I'd love to know what you think!
Especially about the last sentence of the last stanza.
Jun 2013 · 548
I can't seem to get out of this dry spell. What do you all do when you have writer's block??
May 2013 · 1.1k
Grasping At Air
I feel lost. The strings holding me here suddenly seem to have slipped through my fingers, and I am left looking up at the sky, a child who's lost their first balloon.

And like the balloon I am floating.
Waiting for my inevitable explosion into the atmosphere. Everything that ascends must return to the ground. If only my mood swings weren't subject to the laws of physics.
A lot of late nights recently.
May 2013 · 680
Thoughts On Destiny
Some days I feel as if I should try harder to impersonate rivers. Flow along my set path,
over the bumps and rocks and irritating tree roots, and let the current take me.

Other days I want to set my own path.
Be ignited by lightening in a forest and chew through anything barring my way.

It's hard to trust fate
when you are always told
to write your own story.
May 2013 · 1.1k
Summer Lightening
We live as summer lightening.

Heated, dangerous, and
undeniably mesmerizing.

My eyes are turned upward,
waiting for rain that may never come.

My lips remain parted,
breathing in your dry indifference.
I may write more on this, I don't know yet.

I hate the title. Anyone have something more creative?
May 2013 · 1.2k
A House Divided
I tell you that I just want
to be wanted.
Needed the way a lock
needs the safe feel of
it's key's cool skin,
the gentle memory of it's
perfect cuts and curves.
If only we could open up
our lovers the way
we open our front door.

Maybe it was how you wore pain.
The way your tears, lazy little rivers on
your perfect face, would wash down in
chaotic lines. Prisoners of emotion
trying desperately to escape being absorbed
back into the flesh prison of your skin.
Skin that used to soothe my fears as
my fingertips put on a ballet across its surface.
Smelling of cool autumn promises, blue sky "I love you"s,
and thoroughly damp memories. Slightly marred
with emotional pock marks and raised
scar tissue that mapped out your life
in a secret language known only to you and the blade.

I'm pretty sure
you'll forever feel like home to me.
As broken as that home may be.
May 2013 · 2.4k
I fell in love once.
I fell in love with a boy at a coffee shop
who always ordered vanilla chai.
I knew it was love because I could
never get up the courage to speak to him.

I fell in love with a bony fingered,
anorexic boy in my math class.
I think it was the way he did the problems in his head,
so he could use the paper for listing
everything he wanted to eat that day, but wouldn’t.

I fell in love with a girl who had dreadlocks
and burn marks on her neck.
I always fantasized about touching them,
asking if they still warmed up her skin.

I fell in love with the older man at the tutoring center.
I failed Spanish so that I could spend the next semester
eye ******* him from across the study table.
I've always had a thing for married men.

I fell in love with girl who pushed up her
*****, and pouted for football players.
It may have been unrequited,
but at least I didn’t catch anything.

I fell in love with the person
who left death threats in my locker.
I’d never known someone who felt
the same way about me as I did.
May 2013 · 1.4k
I've always dreamed
of standing atop tall buildings.
I guess the romance with height
stems from my small stature.
There is nothing more seductive
than peering over, toes on
the edge, and knowing the
one and only outcome of a

You can run the risk
of saying the wrong thing
to the right person, but
when leaping from a skyscraper,
one will always find
you fall.
What goes up,
must come down.
That's what Science tells us.

And though I've never felt
the need to understand things,
only people,
I find myself circling around the
concept of gravity,
and how well it plays with
eastern ideology, with death.

After the spirit ascends,
It must come, crashing, back down
to Earth.
Sparking against the surface
as a new soul, a new way of being.

I've always been told
to read between the lines,
and maybe I've been treating my textbook
like a work of fiction,
but what if gravity is just
a metaphor for obsessive affection,
and reincarnation it's very
toxic enabler?

What if we're just stuck
in limbo, until the Earth
learns how to let us go?
Apr 2013 · 722
More Than A Name
This morning I read your name for the very first time.
The sad thing is, any other day, I would have just seen a name.
But today I saw a cinderblock on the vital organs of those left in your wake.
Laying heavy in the mouths of those trying to remember the
importance of breathing, of moving on.

Today we are forced to remember that no one is ever just a name.
You were a heartbeat. A soul.
A vibration of the universe that felt anger and pain and love.

Someone should have told you that, the night you tried to find wings.
For the boy who took his life at LU. It is the world that has failed you, not you who has failed the world. Rest in peace.
Apr 2013 · 1.0k
Of course not, Mother.
They told me to write about the family dynamic,
and even though they were careful to say

"The" family dynamic,

I was quite sure they wanted to say

"My" family dynamic.

The way I'm quite sure that when my mother asks if I'm gay,
and if that is the reason I'm sporting a gay pride belly ring,
that she is actually saying,

"I swear to God if you're a **** that's the last straw."

Catholic upbringings seem to only account for politely covering up
hidden agendas, not actually purging them in place of acceptance.

My family dynamic is the blank stare I gave my mother that day.
It is the uncertainty I feel on a daily basis. A constant debate on
whether or not I should send her fragile ideals about me spinning
off their axis, admit to being bisexual. In my mind I always look
her in the eyes and say something along the lines of,

"Don't worry mother, I could never be gay. I enjoy a good hetero ******* too much."

In reality I smile and shake my head.  Leaving her to go on living in a world
where daughters don't have premarital ***, or lose babies, or try to **** themselves.
In a world where her good catholic daughter could never be gay.
Sort of different for me, what do you think?
Apr 2013 · 750
Alone - Hands Burning
There's people in this world that wrinkle your mind.
They talk, or smile, or watch the world with eyes
that clutch at the vague belief making up a soul,
and they redefine the way you blunder through life.

They stain your memory and when they leave,
as it seems precious things always do,
you're left all alone, hands burning,
with a feeling that time has indeed
slipped through your fingers.
Seriously, no clue what to title it.
Edit: Thanks for the suggestion!
Apr 2013 · 1.3k
Summer Mania
The summer air, I fear, brings a sort of mania.
Starting with the breath of mother nature's warm breeze
through my car window, and ending with my face pressed into the ground.
A sort of emotional and drug induced black out. In between is a madness.
Flowers bursting from their shy buds inside the bones of my arms.
Fireworks up the filaments and out the anthers.  
Sparking the tribal chants and patterns trying to live inside
my white blood cells. Forcing them to expand
and break, releasing a fever for sun and soil.
A sort of combustible stage production inside my veins.
Yes.  The summer air, I fear, brings an awful mania.
Apr 2013 · 1.2k
Standing On Sea Legs
When I close my eyes I can still feel the swaying.
Side to side, back and forth,
constantly tilting one way or the other.
My mind is still standing on sea legs.

It's funny how much faster we adapt on the outside.

When I first stepped on that boat,
I didn't know where my point B was exactly.
Only that my point A was a place I couldn't handle anymore.
So I took on the sun and salt.
Before long my skin was a cocoa bean.
My hair waved with the water.
My fingers and toes grew calloused but quick.
I'd traded in "street rat" for "sea urchin".

You could see for miles on that floating piece of heaven.

Something happened out there, though I'm not sure what.
I didn't get off at the first dock. Or the second, or the third.
I'd lost count after awhile. The sea was my home.
I could fill a night with talks of trade winds.
I thought I'd made a home out of misfits and maps.

My mind hasn't quite caught up yet.

It doesn't understand why I left.
One day we stopped, and I just started walking.
Sand, grass, and dirt replacing soft worn wood.
The forest draped down around me in an eerie green embrace.

I knew there was no turning back.

I still have skin like cocoa beans, though it very rarely burns.
My hair still waves like the beautiful pacific,
but it's become decorated with flowers and leaves.
My hands and feet remain calloused,
but now they are stained with berry juice, and tree sap.

Digging my toes into the earth, I wait for my mind to meet up with me.
I have a new writing buddy ^_^ his prompt led to this. Enjoy!
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
An Unusual Transcription
Your lips are a permanent marker.
Inscribing your love for me over every inch of my body.
They have written your name on my collar bones.
Covered my hands in your fantasies.
Left adjectives of affection on my stomach and thighs,
and turned my back into a portrait of your lungs.
Promising to spend every breath you have left with me.
You laid out our someday's, and sealed them with a kiss.
Not sure about the title. As always xP
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Midnight Heartbeat
At night I place my hand over my heart.
Feeling for the beat that means I'm still alive.
Still here. Still breathing. Still worth it.

I can remember the day you brought me flowers.
You showed up, shirt pressed, with that same sad smile.
I didn't want to tell you the truth.
That my lips had already known another man,
that my finger tips burned at the thought of his skin.
So instead I told you that I only saw you as a friend,
despite the weeks of rough *** and stolen time together.
After everything, how could I admit that you were so much more?
I'd already proven that you were clearly not enough.

Tonight I'll place my hand over my heart with tears in my eyes.
Praying that for once I'll be able to believe it's beat means I'm still alive.
Mar 2013 · 620
Seasonal Feelings.
Today I feel like winter.
Weighed down by layer after layer of powdery silence.
Beautiful in theory, but quickly grown tired of.
I love this, but I can't think of a title!
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Rain on re-kindled flames.
I remember the day I re-met you.
With friends I no longer talk to,
pink hair that had been a mistake,
and a reckless way of flirting.

I ended up on your lap that night.
Could you sense my surprise?

My hands can still feel the memories of you.
A slow smile, sad eyes, they play through my mind on loop.  
You always looked at me with such tenderness.
When did you become someone I can't recognize?

It must have happened somewhere in between the ***
and the drugs.  The kisses and the fake goodbyes.
Before you, I never knew I could be a monster.
Mar 2013 · 1.7k
When words fall flat.
Words can't make something out of nothing.
They can't bring you back or make me feel okay about losing you.
They just  struggle to fill the emptiness that's vibrating in
every part of my body, every part of my life, and they fail.
Leaving me exhausted and alone, planning a life you'll never get to see.

Words can't make you better. They can't dry your tears.
You can't clutch them in your hands and hold them
to your body with the warm reassurance
that comes from a baby's safety blanket.
If you could I would use them to stop
the rivers coming from my eyes.
Stop the slow drowning I feel in my lungs.
I would use them to plug up the hole in me
so large that at any moment I expect my insides
to come spilling out, navy blue and charcoal gray.
The colors of your absence staining the canvas inside my brain.

So now I abuse my body.
I punish myself for losing you, for killing you.
I can't explain the logic behind it.
The way you can't explain snow on Christmas
to someone who's never be able to see it.
I can't make you understand the feeling
I get from looking in the mirror and seeing bone.
But if I can't have you, I don't want me.
Cold and empty and broken, I'm useless.
If you had to wither, then I want to wither too.
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
My Life In A Week
I spend Mondays pulling pieces
of glass from the bottom of my feet.

Every shard reminding me of you.
Every line of blood bringing out your face.
And I smile with a bitterness,
as I throw the pieces away.

On Tuesdays I try to make
everything symbolic.  

I sit at my window in utter bareness,
and whisper to the cold panes that if everyone
stopped lying, we'd all be left naked.

Wednesdays are the days I drink
only water, and eat only celery.

Hoping to purge my body of poison.
Hoping to drop another pant size.
Wanting to get high off double zero skinny jeans.

Thursdays I always attempt to draw,
but never get past the art of words.

It's so much easier to stay in
my comfort zone.  Hang out with
punctuation, margins, and lines.

Fridays have a way of
being rather nostalgic.

It's never a happy trip down memory lane.
Too many wrong turns to be made.
Too many *** holes to get lost in.

Saturdays I binge on pizza,
realizing how much I love to eat.

The strangest feeling I'll ever know,
is that of feeling full.  I'm so used
to feeling completely hollow.

Sundays are horribly predictable,
that I can always count on.

To diffuse my energy I break wine bottles.
You'd never believe how it feels to walk
over something you've completely destroyed.
Late night writing, what're ya gonna do. Am I right?
Mar 2013 · 2.0k
Marley Rain *Exercise*
In Houston, Texas,
she was a volcanic eruption.
A sword ripping through
the societal norms.
She looked on the world
as her carnival, sometimes sticky
and smelly, but wonderful and bright.

Every morning Marley would
sit on her driveway.
Waiting for the mailman to
bring her the bills.
Every morning she'd smile at him.
Tell him stories about her
life as flea market shopper.
"There's a piece of gold
amidst all that trash."
Introduce him to her shelled spider.
"This is my pet crab Eddie.
We're best friends, he's a hermit too."

Her death came in an odd
Her simple absence on Wednesday
Marley Rain was an exceptional
The mailman said she made an exceptional
I starred this with exercise because I wrote it in my creative writing class, and because I think I'm going to take a few pieces from this and use for the basis of another poem. I'm only posting it for your amusement ^_^ it's rather odd. We had to incorporated all these crazy things that our classmates said, so that's why it's so random!
Mar 2013 · 908
A Cruel Joke
Life doesn't stop,
even if you don't know
how to keep going.

Everyday I still have to
wake up without you.
Thinking of adding to the last stanza " A cruel joke with no real punch line." But at the same time, I kind of like it just like this. My feelings tonight on the baby I lost September 9th, 2011.
Mar 2013 · 2.6k
Step One:
Step one:
Admit that you have a problem.

Hi, I'm so and so,
and I am anorexic.
Wait, am I supposed
to state one problem
or all of them?

Let me start over.

Hi, I'm so and so,
and I am anorexic.
I am a self harming,
drug abusing, attention
seeking, anorexic with
a penchant for seeking
out love in all the wrong places.
I'm an occasional smoker,
a complete *****,
and a highly trained klepto.

I'm also a procrastinator,
does that count?

I'm self-consumed, suicidal,
and sometimes I let water boil over on the stove without cleaning up the mess.
I blame things on other people as often as possible, and never tell the
cashier when they've given me too much change back.

I know that's not all,
but it's awfully hard to remember everything
that's wrong with me right now.

Oh yeah, I'm forgetful. And terrible under pressure.
And at public speaking. I lie...a lot, and actually,
I made some of these problems up.

So I came here to get help.
By the way, when exactly does that start?
Don't ask... No clue where this came from. Just, yeah.
I started with a boundary line.
I found all my edges and started building in.
Every piece felt different.
Another personality come to stay.
And yet they all fit so easily inside my frame,
as if I'd kept this space open for them all along.

So I drank them in.
I flooded myself with their
convexed and concaved sides.
I let them find their place,
no guidance along the way,
and waited to feel whole again.

Then I realized what it felt like
to be assembled by a faulty machine.
To have a piece of myself lost on some dusty floor,
waiting to be swept away.

How am I supposed feel whole,
when I was never that way to begin with?
Who do I blame for my missing pieces?
Mar 2013 · 964
Lost In Translation (Prose)
So much is lost in language, something I remember every time I fail to describe your eyes.  Maybe words are just the reality of life, truth without all the romanticism, but I can't help thinking that everything looks worse in black and white.  The newspaper tells me about the **** that happened down the street, but the printed words can't describe the woman's screams as she was pierced in a way that will forever leave a scar.  It doesn't give us the vindictive sense of power that the monster walked away with, still uncharged and roaming the streets.  Words can't breathe life onto paper, but that doesn't stop us from trying to make a body out of ink.  Something to hold close at night when sobs are held in and rib cages are sore.
Written, as always with prose it seems, in my creative writing class during an exercise. Enjoy!
Every night I try to press myself
into the pages of my favorite book,
and every night I realize that the spine
is too weak to hold onto all the extra vowels.

So instead,  
I tear out every single page.
I fold them into paper airplanes,
each with my lip stain on the wing,
and I scatter them in your yard.
I watch every one glide and soar
until it crashes, even after I've
woken the neighbors. Even after
your parents have called the police.
Even after you stand in front of me,
so close that all I can do is crush them
against your chest.
Mar 2013 · 806
Where I Stand
I stand here as a woman,
as a stubborn girl with pride.
I stand here as a college student,
one just trying to get by.
I stand here as a writer,
with no words to heal the pain.
I stand here as a mother
with two angels to my name.
I stand here as a testament,
to every failed suicide.
I stand here as a story,
where it goes I will decide.
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