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There is good rhythm in
Flawless, but broken words
Songs strung by birds in the rain
Spider silk trains of honeyed pain,
Love comes from delusions
Or straight from the soul
Ready to mend you or bend you
Or make you whole
 Aug 2015 elizabeth capital
I gave her three roses

Firstly, a true rose
Fresh with its thorns
But I don't want her to think
That like the rose, my love will die and shrink

So I gave her another rose
A plastic rose
One that won't die and is forever
She won't think of it as fake, that's what the first rose was for

My love has no equivalent price
So I gave her the third prize
I learned how to make an origami rose
And made it in front of her, to symbolize my love is full of effort

I gave her three roses
"I love you" was what it says
And she was a rose
Loving her was loving her beauty and the pain of hugging her thorns
A mask is something I often tried to wear,
never succeeding always ending up snared.
                   -Snared within my own insansity
I'm somewhat surprised I still grasp my humanity
it seems it's all I have left after all I've finally noticed
it doesn't even matter my ****** expression
it doesn't have to be a way to express my emotions.
If I remain neutral, who will really take that into consideration?
I'm afraid of failure
It grows as I do
It seems they all expect too much
And the hours are too few
If I didn't care so much
I'd save myself the pain
But then I'd see the disappointment
In their eyes, and on their face

I'm afraid of darkness
Not the moonlit kind
But the sort that rests inside your soul
And pours out from your eyes
Yes, I've been there before
When blood was an escape
When what you loved now hates you
And your smile is just a game

I'm afraid of losing
Their trust, his tender heart
If I broke them, I would break myself
Every shaking part
I'm volatile, don't touch me
I'll never let you leave
I'll hold on so tightly
Till I forget to breathe

I'm afraid of myself
The monsters in my head
They kick me when I'm on the ground
Leaving me for dead
Just when I scream, "enough, enough!
What you're saying is a lie!"
The monsters speak with the voices
Of the friends I've long stood by
So I look up, and see it's true
They point and laugh and scorn
And I ask myself, "when did the monsters
Take this human form?"
I got the courage of a thousand lions
An the heart of an Giant
With a plan to triumph
With a mind of a genius,magician,scientist an devise them
So my plan is not to fail but failing keeps me fighting
I keep trying with another plan just as violent
Remember violence is a force I'm using to inspire them
My force is courage an it's striking like lightning
I got a lot of devises
To take over the world before I die in it
So the devices inside my mind ticks are the highest tactics for me to persist
That's why I don't fail to plan an use my mind as a gift
There is an ocean in between us.
It churns in violent winds
and shimmers in shining sun.
The inky black depths of this ocean
seem to reach infinitely down;
I've yet to find the bottom.
An entire world lives in this ocean
and it is one that I'm not a part of.
A toe dipped into this water reveals
the true frigidness that lingers just under the surface.
The ever moving waves pull me in
just to push me away again.
I can hear the ocean through the
empty conch that was once full of life.
There is an ocean in between us
and we're still holding hands.
As I look upon thee
I see a lock without a key
Those misty eyes
A pain in disguise

Two marbled gems
Shine bright like diamonds
Those hazy eyes
An innocent lies

Your face is a mystery
Hiding all your misery
But that eyes so flawlessly
Compliment my anxiety

May I?

Look upon those Eyes?

I can barely see

Your staggering beauty

As it dances freely

With the flights of fancy

Under those dark, bloodshut eye

I can surely die...

For you Aazzy and your mysterious eyes :)
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